
An Unfathomably, Inexplicable Feeling

"You comfort my soul, I absolutely need you in your entirety."

junior_tempest · Realistis
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5 Chs

No control, understanding the soul

How, how can one affect another to such an extent, in such a profound way simply by existing in their natural form.

The boy had passions, many and felt strongly with them, yet, having lost touch of himself since way back despite having these passions never felt as if he was able to express them. Suppressing them and neglecting them without ever expressing them. Nothing could possibly move him to move himself for himself until now.

To understand oneself, to feel oneself and express oneself had eternally been impossible for the boy or so he had falsely accepted. The one the boy had fatefully encounterd upon had forced him to understand and accept himself in his entirety, to never be unconditionally accepted, more so than by his friends and family, until he had met the other.

The expression and understanding of himself the boy is currently doing by channeling emotions to a page, surely would be impossible if not for the other, at this point in time he feels no control of himself and continues to pour the feelings out in their entirety. To have an utter lack of control of himself, his thoughts, dreams, rest, actions, and expression is simply the way he is as of now. To unwilling feel these emotions to this extent and express them, through his own previously abandoned passion is all he feels he can do as of now.

He feels himself now more than ever simply because the other exists. To be oneself despite oneself ironically being oneself without willingly doing so simply because another exists should be something impossible as far as the boy is concerned. Yet is forced to accept his gruesomely gorgeous reality, to accept himself because the other had done so first, so to follow suit the boy does so.

The boy has no control over his actions so is rambling on and on, expressing himself, how he is due to the other and forced to understand himself more so than ever before. The boy is in greater touch with his very being, soul, and understands himself so profoundly at this moment. The boy has a new found passion in old passions, not particularly of his own will yet through another and ironically his own will indirectly.

I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. Iove myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you.

I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. Iove myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you.

I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. Iove myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you. I love myself, through you.

You who may not love me in the way I do you, holds some form for me. So, so I will continue to grow to love myself more and more from this moment foward. Working on myself, the self working towards you.

I love you.