
An Uchiha's Beginning after the end

"At first, I was a leader, then I became the ghost of the Uchiha... at my height I was the god of shinobi, but, Madara Uchiha has long since died. However, if you were to address me from now on, then my name is...Wykes. Lucas Wykes, that is my namesake in this new world. So let's dance! To our heart's content! ...Because you only have this one chance." {} {} {} {} {} {} I don’t own The beginning after the end or Naruto.

DaoistxI4qXX · Komik
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3 Chs



The land was desolate, the ground having been trampled on by that which is known as war.

9 unique beasts surrounded a summoning circle of sorts. Around the circle, spirits, great leaders of the past stood as their spiritual bodies began to fade.

Near the center laid a black-haired individual, he was topless, the only clothing he had were the black pants and combat sandals that he had on prior to this moment. He looked out of life, with his eyes closed and his breath haggard. His long black hair was messy, reaching his waist.

Kneeling next to him was a man who looked like a corpse, his beige eyes surrounded by black looked on at his friend. His long black hair was tied into a ponytail from the nape downwards. He wore traditional armor from the old Edo-Japan era.

In the center of the summoning stood the man who started the age of shinobi, The Sage of Six Paths. Near him stood the protagonist of the battle that had just taken place... But, this is not their story.



"That you... Hashiramara?" A raspy voice from the black-eyed Uchiha called out to his old friend.

"It is." The first Hokage said simply



They looked at each other in silence, not sure what to say. After all, a war was fought and blood was spilled on both sides. It will never be easy to just talk.

"I guess... Neither you... Nor I... Could achieve what we wanted." The ghost of Uchiha mocked on in humor.

"It's never that easy!" Hashirama scolded his friend even though he is on his dying breath, "Our job is to do all that we can do while we're alive. And then bequeath the rest... For future generations to accomplish." The Senju spoke with a sense of certainty.

"So simplistic... As usual..." Madara scoffed at his friend's words.

"Heh heh... You... Were always optimistic..." He laughed to himself as he looked up, into the

smoky sky.

"But... Perhaps that... Is the correct way..." His once onyx black eyes turned dull.

"My dream... Was squashed." Hashirama opted for silence as he listened to his friend's words.

"We were both too hasty... We didn't need to fulfill our dreams ourselves." He comforted the Uchiha as he spoke, "It was more important to cultivate those who would come after us." Helooked at Madara as he said this.

"... Which means I would've failed... Anyway." Despite the morbid tone in which he spoke, a small face was on his face.

"Since I always... Hated... Having someone stand behind me..." The Uchiha felt lighter as he spoke.

Being able to talk like this was a nice feeling.

Hashirama sported a childish grin on his face, "When we were kids... You said "We're shinobi, we never know when we might die"... That for neither side to die, we would both have to reveal our intentions..." Hashirama paused as he recited the words of a child with hope.

"... And pour each other drinks to drink like brothers," His words were hopeful, "But we're both about to die. Right now... We can drink as war buddies" his voice was joyous as he declared hisnthoughts.

"..." Madara's has started to close, his time truly coming.

"War buddies... Huh? Well... I... Guess that's... Okay," the Uchiha's voice was but a whisper, "...Bye..." His eyes closed permanently, his heart-stopping it's rhythmic beat.

Hashirama's eyes held sadness, as he said goodbye to his friend for a second and final time.

'Strange... Was death always this... Soothing? My head... Feels so clear... For the first... Time... In ages...' That was Madara Uchiha's last thought on this plane.



A concept that is so abstract yet so very tangible. Something that is intertwined with everything and everyone connected with it.

This abstract figment that gives birth to our lives and puts us down a path we must take... giving every life meaning, no matter how insignificant.

What if I told you that fate governs our lives because we govern our fate? Our fate has beenndecided when we are born not because it was preordained but because we ourselves govern our actions.

Fate can only act upon us because we as humans actively push, creating the path that we choose tonwalk down. Therefore making us walk down a predetermined road.

A paradox birthed through humanity as a whole constantly being stubborn. If there is peace wenthirst for chaos and in chaos, we strive for peace. We fight on, rebel because that is what we were.

Now at this moment, that paradox, that edict known as fate has been activated, a process that could only happen because of the nature of the person it is being used upon...

A reincarnation is taking place, if this were an alternate reality, then this would have been thenreincarnation of the dead king... But fate is a fickle thing... So now, the ghost of the Uchiha will be given a second chance.

Let's see what happens when a false god descends, shall we?


In a royal house in one of the spare rooms, a miracle known as life was taking place. The women of elven descent pushed on as she gave birth to the child of a human royal.

"Congratulations, it's a boy." The nurse who operated the birth announced with a smile on her face.

The elven woman, too tired to say anything just smiled as she looked on at her son. Her gradient amber eyes looked on in glee at the half-elf baby.

"While his family name shall be Wykes, I'll allow you to decide his name." A nobleman that could only be described as handsome, with his green, jewel-like eyes.

The elven woman looked thankful as she looked at her child, "His name will be... Lucas, Lucas Wykes." The aforementioned child had gradient green eyes a silvery wheat hair, his features were incredibly cute to any who looked on.

No longer is he Madara Uchiha, now, in this new world... He is Lucas Wykes

The ghost of the Uchiha has died and someone new has descended into this world.

Let's see what happens when a man jaded by war gets a second chance.

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