
An overpowered vampire

A teenager reincarnated in Shadow hunters as a vampire

BloodyWings · Televisi
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18 Chs

Chapter 14

When Clary left with the shadow hunters I also went home, today was a day I wanted to try something. Alucard was a true vampire so he could get stronger the more he eats and Alucard became so strong by only eating humans, but in this world there also are demons and angels. Does that mean if I devour demon souls my soul would become stronger? Or would my bloodline change? So the last year I had my vampire catch as meany demons as they could. They told me they filled the whole basement area with demons, to test my theory I will devour all of them and see wether it will have an effect on me. Cain, Raphael and Marcel think it's a bad idea. But something inside me screams to me to do it, and today is the day I will do it.

<Sire, please rethink your decision.>

I looked at Raphael

<Raphael I appreciate your hard work and decision to me but this is something I will need to do in the future anyway, it's better for me to do it now than later. Now please open the door.>

He opens the door and I go in, the room would be dark for mundanes but we vampires have dark vision. Without even have to wait I saw a shapeshifter, they could change their appearance at will. I sped in front of it and devoured it. It's blood was like heroin, it was 100 time better than humans, but just as I drained it everything went blank.

<Hello nice to see you again.>

A voice happily spoke to me.

<Who are you?>

<I am the god who reincarnated you, I just wanted to inform you that I put Lucifer in your universe and I made him want to invade earth again. So 2 years later he will invade earth. Now it's your mission to defeat him.>

<What, but why? Did it you tell me you only wanted overpowered vampires in your universe?>

{This is really bad}

<Yea, that's why I did this. If my overpowered vampire can't even defeat a Lucifer at this level then it's better for me to delete this universe and start anew.>

<Can you at least tell me how I can defeat him, his weaknesses or something.>

<For you to be able to defeat him, you will need to devour the princes of eden first, the princes are his source of invincibility. And even if you kill the princes before he awakens he will still be extremely strong. So I will give you 2 things to make you strong enough to defeat him. The first is the sword Rebellion. it has the power to nullify magic and the more it is used to kill the stronger it becomes.

[The sword image]

The second thing I will give you is the ability to tap into your demon form. When you transform into your demon form you become 666 times stronger, but every minute you lose your rationality. Now you can only use it for 1 minute before you go berserk until everything in your path is destroyed. When you go berserk you will also attack loved ones so do be careful. When I "woke up" I saw all the demons dead and slowly becoming dust near me then I looked at the mirror to my right and saw my face. Pitch black eyes and black veins going around them. My vampire teeth became longer and stronger. My white hair turned blackish red, I simply looked demonic. I quickly transformed back to my normal state, next to me was Rebellion.

<This shit became more complicated.>