
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

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Chapter 90: Guardians Debut III

(Roman: POV)

Red Hulk.

Fucking Red Hulk.

One Hulk was more than enough and now we have an unhinged one to deal with.

Who unlike other Hulk-based characters actively emits gamma radiation.

Already I can see the red veil of energy surrounding Ross's body.

Which is only getting darker and heavier as the seconds pass.

So once again fuck.

When it rains in a Marvelverse it fucking pours.

But that's exactly why I have plans in place for when situations like this arise.

"Come in everyone, this is Sentinel. We have an Omega-level situation on our hands. I repeat, we have an Omega-level situation to deal with." I spoke. Touching my earpiece.

"But boss I thought you said Hulk calmed down and Blonsky was down for the count." Madrox spoke.

"That's true. But the threat isn't either of them. It's that fucker Ross. Somehow he replicated the experiment that turned Banner into the Hulk and used it on himself. Now he's some sort of Red Hulk. Who is currently glowing like a star in the night sky and only getting brighter." I quickly explained.

Everyone then sent silent at my words.

"Yeah, the situation has become that fucked." I said. "But this is precisely why we train so hard. So let's do what we formed the Guardians to do and take Red Hulk down." I said.

Everyone then voiced their agreement.

"Alright, that's what I wanted to hear. Now here's the plan. Blink, Nightcrawler, Spiderman, Multiple Man, and Domino, continue assisting with the evacuation. Everyone else I need you here with me and Hulk to deal with this Red Menace. Because something tells me the sooner we take him down the better."

"Right you are Sentinel." ADAM spoke. "Because based on the rate Red Hulks gamma levels are rising if he is not stopped soon he will go nuclear, and based on my projections if that occurs the entire eastern coast of the United States will become its own Chernobyl." He explained.

'Oh great. So no pressure then.' I sarcastically thought.

But like I said earlier, when it rains it fucking pours.

"Understood ADAM. Thank you for the update and keep me posted." I told him.

"Yes." He replied. He then signed off.

"Do you need us there Sentinel?" Sage asked.

Since she, Luke, and Jessica are currently back at the Command Center observing the situation.

I didn't want everyone to come along in case things went to shit.

Glad I made that choice.

"No, stay where you all are." I told them. "Continue monitoring the situation and inform us of any serious changes." I spoke.

"Right. Stay safe." Sage said.

"I will." I replied.

Right after I did so Clarice arrived, having brought everyone else along who was going to be part of the attack team along.

As she did I used her powers and opened up a portal under Blonsky to send him to a cell in the Command Center.

Since I wasn't leaving him alone, nor did I trust SHIELD with him.

Hydra with their own bastardized version of the Hulk.

No thank you.

As the others arrived I nodded at them. I then turned my attention to Hulk and Betty.

The latter in tears over what her father has become.

"Dad." Betty whispered. "What? What have you become?!" She shouted.

"What I needed to be in order to end threats like him." Ross growled. Pointing s finger at Hulk.

Who looks reddy to rip Ross apart.

"Now then Betty, come to me." Ross spoke.

"No." Betty replied. "Stay away from me! You've become more of a monster than Bruce ever was!" She shouted.

Hearing this Ross got a shocked expression on his face.

Ignoring this I moved to Betty and pulled her back.

This got her to turn and look at me.

"Ms. Ross you need to leave the area. With the level of gamma radiation your father is actively emitting if you continue to stay you're likely to die from exposure." I quickly explained. "So please go with my friend Blink." I said.

"Yes. Of course." Betty said.

She then walked over to Blink.

When she did Hulk looked in her direction.

As this happened I got between them and looked him dead in his eyes.

"Hulk. We your friends. We no hurt you or Betty. Only want to help. So, let's beat up the red man together." I spoke. Talking to Hulk like a child.

Since in a sense that's what he is.

Hulk stared at me for several seconds before nodding.

"Hulk trust you." He said.

"Thanks pal. You won't regret it. I promise." I told him.

Hulk smiled after I did.

Once that happened Bettty and Clarice left through her portal, which closed behind them.

When it did the rest of us focused our sole attention on Ross.

Who looked to be getting angrier by the second.

"You!" He shouted. Pointing one of his fingers at me.

"My name is Sentinel, not you. Remember it." I spoke.

"How dare you take my daughter away from me!" Ross shouted.

"Sorry to say pal but you lost her all on your own a long time ago." I explained.

"Quiet!" Ross shouted. Waves of red energy beginning to radiate off him quickly.

Not good.

"We hit hard and take him down fast." I began telling the others. "Also, absolutely no energy-based attacks can be used against Ross. We don't want to accidentally make him go nuclear." I said.

Not to mention if this Red Hulks powers are the same as they were in the comics he can absorb energy.

The others nodded at my words. Even Hulk.

"Excellent. Now then. Guardians, go!" I shouted.

Using our battle cry.

I admit it's not as good as Avengers Assembles but beggars can't be choosers.

"Tri-manuever!" I shouted.

When I did James, Roberto, and Starfire each began flying through the air and flew towards Red Hulk from three different directions.

James from the front, Roberto on his left, and Starfire on his right.

Then before Ross knew what hit him, they hit him.

Each of them landed a direct punch, sending the bastard flaying back for several blocks until Ross hit the ground.

"Hulk, smash." I said.


Releasing his primal roar Hulk leapt through the air and landed where Ross was. Landing a punch into his face the moment he touched down.

The force of Hulk's blow driving Ross deeper into the ground.

Creating a small crater underneath the pair.

While also damaging nearby buildings, sidewalks, cars, etc.

But it's fine.

Since Abstergo Industries will definitely help rebuild Harlem after this battle is over.

Wait, now that I think about it perhaps I shld found Damage Control before the government and Tony do?

Filing that away in my mind for later I watched as Hulk pummeled Ross with punches.

Which stopped when Ross delivered an uppercut punch to Hulk's chin that sent him flying into the air.

But knowing that Hulk would be fine I charged forward myself and got in front of Ross.

Once I did I accessed Bobby's powers and began blasting the man with copious amounts of ice. While also absorbing the heat out of the air.

"Here's some nice cold air for you general. Since it seems you definitely need to cool off and chill out." I spoke.

As I did I noticed Piotr and Laura reached our position.

Once they did Piotr began hitting Ross like a boxer.

Since I taught him boxing.

Like the mad Russian from Rocky our metal comrade delivered body blow upon body blow to Ross.

Meanwhile Laura used her claws and talons to cut into his skin.

But even with all three of us pressuring him the man didn't go down.

I also noticed his wounds regenerating almost as fast as the others could make them.

'Damn, he's tough.' I thought.

But I expected nothing less from a Hulk

At least my ice blasts are keeping Ross from going nuclear for the moment.

"Damn you flies!" Ross suddenly shouted.

He then swung his arms to try and hit the three of us.

But we jumped back at the last second, avoiding any harm.

"Talon. Bullet special." I said.

I then stoped blasting Ross with ice and picked up Laura with my telekinesis. Before hurling her like a bullet directly at his face.

Her claws out in front of her Laura hit Ross and managed to stab him in his right eye.

"Fuck!!!" He shouted.

Managing to grab hold of her he tossed her toward a nearby building.

Where she crashed through the wall.

But I knew she was fine.

Same with Hulk who just landed.

Ross on the other hand. Not so much.

Using his right hand he covered his bleeding right eye.

While using his free one to glare at me.

If looks could kill I would be dead now.

Good thing in Ross' case that won't happen.

'Emma, any luck getting into Ross' mind?' I telepathically asked her.

For that's what she has been trying to do since the battle began.

She is also making sure no one shows up in the area.

Whether civilian or otherwise.

'No. I'm sorry Roman. No luck. The rage in that monsters mind is too much for me to cut threw.' She explained.

'Understood.' I replied.

Not surprised.

Ross is a Hulk after all.

I can also see he has a lot of rage. So a telepathic attack being successful was a long shot.

Still, had to try.

Oh well. That just means we settle this with fists.

Shifting into my organic diamond form I ran at Ross and jumped up.

Delivering a kick to his face that sent him slightly up into the air.

I also created a small gash under his chin.


While up in the air Ross tried to look down at me.

But before he got the chance James came down from the air and delivered a dual punch to his gut.

Sending Ross right back into the ground.

Where he started glowing once more.

But I couldn't allow that so I blasted him with ice once again.

While I did Hulk came crashng down at Ross from the air, his left elbow out in front of him.

When the big green guy landed I heard an audible pop reverberate through the air. Before another shockwave from the impact followed.

Again, glad Hulk is not my enemy and I'll never make him one.

Since I don't want to feel what Ross just felt.

"Aghhh!!!!" Ross cried.

Hulk grinning when he did.

I don't know if thats Hulk, Banner, or both of them.

Probably both.

As Hulk rose to his feet I saw Ross begin to change back to normal.

When he completely did I stopped blasting ice in his direction and then used Susan Storms powers to create a small forcefield in his brain.

Giving him a brain bleed that quickly ruptured.

As I felt Ross' mind fade entirely I knew that meant the former general was dead.

And so was Red Hulk.

Meaning us Guardians and Hulk had done it.

We just saved Harlem and the world for the first time ever.

Which feels totally amazing.

God, I love being a hero.