
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · Komik
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Chapter 19: Birth of Abstergo Industries

[Six Months Later]

Sitting in my warehouse I had my hands behind my head and my feet up on the desk.

Since right now I am feeling extremely good.

Because just a few days ago I received a Ph.D from Columbia Univeristy in Biological Sciences.

Yep, you heard correctly.

I am now a certified doctor.

Sure it's only a scientific doctor, but I am one nonetheless.

Given my eidetic memory and own self-study getting through that Ph.D program at Columbia University was a breeze.

Which the faculty at the school didn't even bat an eye at me doing.

But I guess when you live in a world full of people like Tony Stark, Hank Pym, Reed Richards, etc a person like me is more normal to see.

Which I am grateful for.

Now then as to why I decided to get a Ph.D when I don't even need it, it's because I am starting my own company.

Specifically a biomedical and technology company.

Which will not only serve as a cover for the inventions and innovations my group creates but it will also be the perfect way to earn money legally.

Because I definitely do not want anyone looking into where all my money comes from.

Thus creating my own company is a solution to several problems at once.

Though when I making plans to make my company I realized no one would take me seriously unless I had a public and visible achievement associated with my name.

Which is whg I got my Ph.D in Biological Science from Columbia in the first place.

That is going to buy me at least a bit of credit in the world at large.

As for more, well my company will do that once we are fully up and running.

Which won't be for a while.

Since right now the only employees are me and Emma.

The founder and CEO. Emma obviously being the latter.

But all I need is a bit of time and in an instant that will change.

Then my company will be a household name across the entire world.

This I swear!

As I envisioned my companies future I was knocked out of my musings by the door to the warehouse opening.

Looking in its direction I saw Emma enter.

Closing the door she came over to me.

"So, is it done?" I asked.

"But of course." Emma replied.

Handing me some papers which states that the name and logo used by our company is now officially trademarked.

Meaning if anyone else even thinks about using our name and logo we can sue them for all their worth.

"Good work Emma, or should I call you CEO Frost now?"

"Emma will do just fine Roman." She replied. A smirk on her face as she did so.

"Is it here?" Sage spoke up.

Turning in her direction just as she reached me I nodded my head. "Yep. It's here." I said. "Our official papers. Meaning we are now a legally recognized company." I spoke.

Oh and if you're wondering about the company name here it is.

Abstergo Industries.

[Insert Abstergo Industries Logo Here]

Hearing my words Sage smiled.

A sight that has become common during the last couple of months in contrast to when Sage joined us six months ago.

Back then she rarely smiled and generally had a blank expression on her face.

But now she's opened up to us and this is the result.

On another note Sage has also started calling me big brother recently.

Which I am perfectly fine with. Especially since I had a younger sister in my previous life.

"So now that our company is official what is the next step big brother?" Sage asked me.

"Why recruitment of course." I replied.

It's time to bag some scientists and I have already selected our first candidate.

Maya Hansen.

Her Extremis serum can truly change the world.

It's wasted in the hands of someone like Aldrich Killian.

So I'll do the world a favor and remove it from his hands.

I'll also remove him from the world as well.

I am a humanitarian after all.

"ADAM, begin working to find me all the information you can on a Dr. Maya Hansen and one Aldrich Lillian." I spoke.

"It shall be done." He replied.

"I assume the good doctor is the person you are going to try and recruit/hire?" Emma asked.

"Yep." I replied. "And while I'm doing that I trust you will continue to look into those other things we talked about?"

"But of course." Emma replied.

"What about me?" Sage asked.

"Just keep doing what you are doing Sage." I told her.

Which is her training. That includes hand to hand combat, exploring her X-gene abilties, working on her personal education, etc.

"Oh but that's boring. I want to do what you and Emma do." Sage said.

"No Sage. We talked about this." I replied to her in a serious tone of voice. "You need more training."

Since there is no way I'm letting Sage participate in any of the seriously dangerous missions I have planned for the future until I am sure she's ready.

I also want her yo grow up a bit more.

Since I'm certain even Spider-Man (Peter Parker) was at least fifteen before he started fighting crime.

Speaking of Spider-Man I wonder which version lives in this world. Toby Maguire, Andrew Garfield, or Tom Holland.

I'll need to look into that.

Yet another thing added to my to-do list, but since I am loving what I do it's not that big a deal.

Seeing that I wasn't budging on my stance in regards to her and missions Sage backed down.

Pouting after she did so.

Obviously trying to make me feel guilty.

To bad for Sage I have built up an immunity to such tactics thanks to my little sister in my previous life using them against me.

So tough luck for her.

Seeing our antics Emma chuckled. "Wow, you to really are acting just like siblings." She mused.

Getting a melancholic look on her face as she did.

"Hey Emma, are you-"

*Beep! Beep! Beep!*

Hearing the proximity alarms begin to go off I focused all my attention on addressing the threat.

"ADAM. Status report." I said.

"Yes." He replied.

ADAM then put the feed of several security cameras I had installed outside on the computer monitors.

As Emma, Sage, and I looked at them we saw a group of people standing outside the warehouse.

Who to me were very familiar.


Multiple Man.


Then finally floating in the air was their leader.


Charles Xavier boyfriend.

No, sorry I mean husband.

No, sorry again I mean his friend turned archenemy.

Who also happens to be the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants.

A bunch of idiots who think terrorism will gain people with the X-gene equal rights.

Spoiler alert, it will not.

Yet no matter these guys never seem to get the message. They just keep doing the same thing over and over again.

Which is the very definition of insanity.

Just thinking about dealing with them is giving me a headache.

But since I know they won't leave until I do I'll just have to bare with it.

"Who are they?" Sage asked.

"A group known as the Brotherhood. Who like us possess the X-gene and think that terrorism is the way for our people to gain equal rights."

"Fools." Emma spoke.

"You took the words right out of my mouth Emma. Anyway please watch over Sage while I deal with them." I said.

"Of course." Emma replied.

"Roman be careful." Sage spoke.

"Thanks Sage. And I will." I replied.

Even though I have no fear whatsoever of Magneto and his merry little band.

No, it is they who should fear me.

And if they refuse to leave on their own, then I will show them exactly why they should.

Turning to the entrance of the warehouse I began walking towards it.

Preparing myself to meet the infamous Magneto face-to-face.

Let's hope he lives up to the hype.