
With the one you have never met

I know you're not okay these days.The days and the nights have been little longer after the day you fell in love with that person which was one-sided . You have started thinking a lot about the things that you can't change.Somehow you have forgotten to taste to favourite food,somehow you have started forgetting things to do in the right time. No it's not your fault. It's like you just fell in love at the wrong time. .

I know how it's feels to love someone unconditionally even when the other person is not in love. Everyone says one sided love never hurts. But it does. It didn't happen all of sudden. You felt love inside your heart and you confessed it to the person and there is nothing wrong to share your feelings. .

I know it's breaking you a little more than yesterday when they started giving priority to everyone except you. You're feeling abandoned. You're feeling low. Sometimes the tears are trying to come out from the eyes but you're holding it back because you don't want to let anyone to know how it feels to broken in one-sided love. No one can feel the pain except you because your love was pure and magical. Magical because still it can make you smile when you think about the person. .

And it's okay, it's okay to be broken sometimes. You will be alright. The tears will stop.You will be alright. You will miss that person everyday but remember if your love is pure they will understand how intensely you had fallen for them. May be even it's okay if they will never feel the things. Because there was no condition in your love. It was all yours and it will be all yours. May be, they'll lose true love, not you. .

I can't come to you and hug you to say "everything will be alright" still I'm sending you tight virtual hugs. I'm here to listen to your pain everytime,waiting for the day you all will heal and come up with a smile .Stay strong. More power to you.