
An Ocean of Irises ( mafia story )

Iris made one fatal mistake of sending nudes to her ex Samson, in desperation, she turned to the mafia prince Lacus for help, in return she have to give her virginity to him. after the night she thought she and that dangerous boy will go their seperate way. but fate, or rather Lacus have different plans. Iris Sinclair is a naive half chinese girl, a nerdy grade twevle student in Ontario who loves gardening. will she ever heals from the Samson's betrayal and love again? Lacus Arsenault on the otherhand is ruthless and cold, not to mention being the heir of the biggest mafia family in north america. will he be able to resist Iris's cerulean eyes and her innocence? what kind of flowers will bloom between them? trigger warning: sexual content, swearing, sexual assualts ( not romantized ), violence, dark theme, mention of drug, mention of suicide, stalking, physical abuse ( not romantized ) Disclaimer: I don't know who the girl in the picture is, is just a random picture I found online, i do not own the photo. This is a stand alone mafia romance story, I know webnovel seemed to be full of this kind of stuff recently but I promise you this is unlike other mafia romance book. my very first original books! ( I wrote many fanfiction before but never original ) If you like it please vote, comment. I really need some encouragement to keep going update at least once a week

writer_cerasus · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Trying To Get A Job

Iris Sinclair's pov

I woke up to the sound of glass shattering and my eyes snapped open like a startled deer.

My first reaction is that Lacus has broken into my room.

But instead of Lacus's tall figure is my sister standing in my room, clutching a cracked perfume bottle with pink liquid dripping. I gasped when I realised it was the gift David had given me.

"What the hell are you doing?"

She ignored me and kept smashing the delicate bottle till there's nothing but shards and a pool of liquid on the ground.

"That's mine!"

"No it is not." Her voice is dripping venom as she spits out her word. "You stole it from my room, there's no way you could have ever own a perfume so expensive you thief!"

"Yes it is! It was a birthday present from David!"

She didn't bother listening to my explanation and stroded off in her mini skirt.


I tried looking for a job, I really tried. But no place would accept me, not even McDonald's with their stinky work environment.

'I'm sorry sweetheart but we already had enough people.' All of them would say. Though I know that's not the reason why they refused me, the real reason is the intimate pictures. The whole town had seen it and assumed that I'm a slut. No one wants a slut as their cashier or waitress, my face will taint the company name.

'That's alright, have a nice day.' I would say back, while trying to hide the disappointment in my voice.

Waves of repulsion rips through me and the familiar sour taste rises to my throat. I sat on the sidewalk bench and took a few deep breaths.

I vomited twice today, I'm not planning to add a third to the list. is probably the expired milk I drank last night that caused me to feel so nauseous.

My eyes watered, maybe from the frustrating situation or the disgusting feeling in my stomach. It could even be the southern wind that grazes past my face like a dagger.

A single tear slid down my red cheeks and froze on the concrete ground in a few minutes.

Is mid November though it already feels like December, Canada is like this. The snowflakes billow in the wind and fall to the ground so softly, like angel's tears, I thought.

I blinked away my own tears, there's no time to cry. I have to find a job soon or else I won't have money to go to university now that I lost my scholarship to David Singh.

My resentment for him receded a little when I discovered he needed a scholarship to go to medical school, to chase after his dream, just like how I chased after mine. My resentment is completely gone when he prepared me the birthday gift and made half of the cafeteria sings for me. No one has ever done this much for me.

Maybe no one except Lacus. Well he doesn't count, he's a bastard, he's ruthless and I hate him. But why was my heart filled with warmth when I saw his surprise?

My thoughts snapped away from the two boys. Get a hold of yourself Iris Sinclair, boys are the least of your problem right now.

I pulled out my phone and went to google and typed 'jobs in toronto, scarborough.' my fingertip quivered from the cold as I scrolled down. pizza hut waitress, no. Walmart cashier, no. babysitter, no. Superstore baking assistance, no. Starbucks barista, no. The letters on these websites are purple instead of blue. These are the ones that I've already tried and got rejected.

I scrolled down and I saw a blue one, one that I haven't opened yet. 'Waitress at paradise den.' the title said and I clicked in.

Paradise den is the biggest strip club in Toronto, scarborough. Is not just a stripe club though, there's also a casino and a bar in there. Perfect place for gambling, looking for a quick hookup, get drunk or just to hangout. More like a den for criminals.

I have never been to a strip club, but even a kid knows the stuff that happened there is quite unholy if not illegal.

I probably shouldn't go, there's probably weirdos there, but 25 per hour along with tip is just too alluring.


So that's how I ended up at the gate of paradise den in my thick coat and winter boots. I take a deep breath before stepping into the building. When I entered, the smell of alcohol hit me. The unpleasant smells filled my nostril and I felt bile rising to my throat again.

It's been two days since I've drinked the expired milk yet I'm still feeling very nauseous.

"What's your name?" The girl at the reception desk asked. She dressed in a yellow hoodie and baggy jeans. She doesn't look like she belongs here.

"Iris Sinclair." My voice is raspy from my stomach acid.

"Oh you are the girl who applied to be a stripper here."

"Oh no, not a stripper, a waitress." I corrected her.

"I see." Something flickered in her eyes and that's when I knew she assumed I'm a stripper because she had seen my intimate pictures. She opened her mouth as if she's gonna make a comment about that but thought better of it. "This way."

I followed the direction she pointed and found myself in a change room. In the change room a few ladies stood tall in high heels and lingerie, and a man dressed in a suit was with them.

"Well hello, you are Iris right? The girl who applied to be a waitress here?" He said smiling, but it didn't reach his icy cold grey eyes. His eyes remind me of Lacus and his men.

I nodded, trying not to speak too much because it would hurt my acid bruised throat.

He inspects every inch of my body with his scrutinising eyes and I tried not to shiver in discomfort. Recognition sparks when his glares cross my face. Please don't reject me like the others, I prayed.

"Hmm your body is quite boring, there's nothing to see. But you have a very angelic face, not to mention your beautiful eyes…" He commented and the ladies in high heels sneered when he said that. "Not bad, not bad at all."

"So am I accepted?" I said tentatively.

"Yes my dear. Please come into my office, we will discuss your schedule."

Of course he wouldn't reject me, strip club is the queen of unholy, what would a girl's name add to the already dirtied reputation.


"You are home late." My father howled. I tried my best not to roll my eyes. I know he doesn't give a damn about my safety and wellbeing, he's just mad that I wasn't here to cook dinner for the family.

"Sorry dad." I say, "I'll go cook right now."

"No need." He scoffed. "Your mom already cooked, go sit."

I glanced at the dinner table. There's nothing but a few empty plates and a cold bowl of rice.

I stuffed some rice into my mouth, fighting the urge to puke but I ended up vomiting for the fourth time.

"Ewww." My sister cried out when she saw the liquid mixed with half disgusted food. "Iris, you are so disgusting!"

Instead of asking me if I'm alright my father said coldly. "Be sure to clean that up."

Horror sinks into me as I scrubbed the floor with a paper towel on my knees. I haven't got my period this month.

Calm down Iris, I say to myself. It's normal for a period to be irregular for the first year or two, is not like it never happened before.

But my instinct told me it is not an irregular period.