
An Italian in my life

"After you I came to understand why storms and hurricanes are named after people" (Book translated from Portuguese to English. Over ten thousand readers on Brazilian wattpad before being deleted from the same platform). Cibele never imagined that her destiny would have great twists and revelations. Her dream had always been to become a stylist who would be graced and valued all over the world. But she did not expect that in the final stage, her plans would fall apart and be so disastrous for her resume. Leaving her studies about fashion, possibilities, and a passing world, or at least she thought so, Cybele flees to Greece, to the bosom of her hometown to reunite with her family. There was only one resentment in her heart, the fact that she knew Apollo would be there, thinking about a possible re-engagement, but she felt that her love for her childhood sweetheart had ceased, and the secret that she had with her was one more reason that was inside her, and in a few months it would soon be discovered, or maybe not, as fate is always unpredictable when it comes to the people in our lives. A possible passion, improbabilities, suspicion, lies, secrets, omissions, certainties, truths, and a mix of feelings will tell the so promiscuous story of Cybele.

Isadoraalvezzz · perkotaan
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43 Chs

Chapter Thirty

Cybele narrating:

4 months, 4 months passed and without talking, I decided that I will no longer cry because of Pietro's ice, I don't recognize this Cibele who cries because she is being ignored, I'm happy because my son is 6 months old and I'm focusing on it.

Apolo has been an amazing friend, and Alexia and Paolo are studying so hard for the entrance exams and he comes here to teach a class, and we always have good conversations, he is firm with Alice and I'm happy for him.

Paolo Iris and Stefan are a very cute couple, he's really liking my cousin, because he put up with Tereza asking uncomfortable questions and talking about marriage every time he comes here is not for everyone.

Athena is far away, I miss my sister, all the more so, whenever she comes, she stays little, I think we are in that phase that mom used to say when we were teenagers ''One day we will leave the nest, and we will form our own'' That's what I am thinking about moving and living alone, more at least time I know I need help.

Pietro only talks to me when necessary, and it always gets weird, I don't know what to do. I know I made a mistake and I don't know how he must be feeling, but it breaks my heart to see him walk away like this. I haven't seen him smile in a while.

I get up one morning, I have an order for a wedding dress, Isabeli childhood friend is getting married, it seems that everyone is starting a family.

I hate this Greek rush to get married, ''Í mikrós pantrépsou, í mikrós kaloyerépsou'' I think, how I hate this proverb, things are not what they used to be, Ai Cibele stops thinking nonsense and focuses on sewing.

(Translation: Í mikrós pantrépsou, í mikrós kaloyerépsou = Either marry early, or become a monk early (Very used saying in Greece)


I start sewing and spend the whole afternoon, so I feel like having a pie, the blackberry pie, or rather two apple pies too! I lick my lips, feel my stomach growl, walk downstairs and hear the door slam.

I go to the door, with my hands on my stomach, I open it and I see Apollo.

— Apollo! Hi, you came to classes right? I ask raising an eyebrow.

- Yes, why? He looks at me smiling, looks sad.

"Oh, didn't they warn you?" — I rest my hand on the door — They left saying they would take a day off today, their words.

He lets out a deep breath, "Well then, I guess I'll go home Belle. He scratched behind his ear and looked at me.

— Look actually, I'm going to bake a pie now, and I'm sure I'm going to need some help putting it in the oven, want to help me? – I ask smiling.

He raised his blond eyebrows, and said, "Of course! Have you ever seen me reject food? He laughs.

I give him space and he enters the house, I remember leaving the door open because Alexia forgot her keys, right, my grandmother ''Windhead'' I think.

I go to the kitchen and turn on the faucet washing my hands, Apollo sits at the table, I turn around facing him.

- What are you doing? I frown, and put my hands on my hips.

Apollo leans his arm on the back of the chair. "Waiting to put the pie on the fire!" He smirked, raising his eyebrow.

"Oh nothing like that. I shake my head smiling. — You're going to help me, you can wash your hands! I say with a wide smile.

I see him get up and I start to get the pans, I open the fridge humming an Elton John song.

- Don't sing that song, it's bad luck! He shrugs his shoulders and laughs, and scratches his beard.

I remember it was at the Elton John show that Apollo broke his nose, one of the most confusing nights of my life, I laugh when I remember.

—Oh, I forgot about your trauma! - I say turning around with a bag of blackberries, I put them in the blender that Apollo has already put on the table.

I ask what he has, he looks sad. Then he looks at me with sad eyes and says:

— Alice and I broke up, he shrugged — But what made me sad was seeing that she was very attached, and I wasn't! It shouldn't have gotten to that point, you know? I don't think I should have put her in that situation. He shakes his head with the flour in his hand.

— I'm sorry Apollo, but what situation? I ask curiously, before turning on the blender.

— We don't need to talk about this, besides, we have to focus on this here in — He takes the butter in front of him, and passes it on the mold — We don't have a good history in the kitchen! He laughs.

Wow, he was right, we were bad cooks, I think to myself, then I remember ''We weren't good cooks but great dancers'' Whenever we tried to cook something in the kitchen, Apollo would pull me to dance, while it was on the fire.

I look at him and I smile, he looks at me with the corners of his eyes narrowed, and his beard a little dirty with flour, but he has a smile and I turn on the blender, I close my eyes with the noise he made, I hate that noise.

So we managed to assemble the pie, I feel tired, lately I'm more than usual, my feet are starting to swell make me nervous, and anxious, so I want it ready.

"Well, I think we did a good job, sailor. I bring my hand to my forehead playing a joke.

He approaches me with his hands behind his back. — You know Belle, you look beautiful today! But do you know how it would be even more? He raises his blond eyebrows and before I can speak, he takes his hands off his back and smears me with flour.

I gape and smile, "Oh so it's like this!" I look at him with a defiant look, and smile, smearing butter on his face.

But he dodges it and lands on his shirt, he chuckles, and wipes it with his thumb.

— Now-ra He says slowly syllable by syllable, — It's war! "He spreads some of the blackberry filling.

I dodge and pat my hair a little, I laugh and take a look at the table which is all smeared with flour, and I take a handful in my hand.

He looks at me smiling, rocking back and forth, hiding his hands behind his back, I run exhaling a little breath to the corner of the kitchen.

He approaches and passes my forehead so I play my ''surprise element'', I throw the flour in his blond hair, he shakes his head closing his eyes. And my brown eyes meet his blue ones.

Whenever I looked into Apollo's eyes, I feel like I'm looking at the ocean, an ocean of good things.

- White flag! he begs, smiling and raising his hands in the air, and moving closer to me.

I sigh, and scratch my forehead, nodding in agreement. Then the pie is ready, I ask Apollo to take it and break it!

And your taste is wonderful! I eat three pieces and feel full.

— This is delicious! Let's dance to celebrate! He raises his eyebrows and I frown, reaching for my hands.

I take his hands and he spins me around, I feel sick and I stop in front of him, my eyes are on his, and my hands on his shoulders, when I feel his hands on my waist, I shudder, I feel strange.

I feel like I'm blushing, as we dance and laugh, it was just like old times.

Then he speaks with our faces close: — You know, Cybele, you and I dancing in the kitchen without music every morning. This will be a memory I will carry with me for a lifetime.

My jaw drops, and I feel my heart soften, I think "Oh my God what's happening to me?" He spins me around quickly and pulls me back.

Apollo looks at me and I melt, I had never felt that again. Not for him, I take a deep breath and watch him approach, and I feel flour in my eyes as he tilts his head I blink quickly.

He laughs and our lips meet, I feel his hot breath and his heart is racing as fast as his hand. His tongue explores every corner of his mouth, I turn my face still in the kiss and I feel my blood boil, he breaks the kiss and I distribute kisses on my face. And he kissed me again.

I miss you, I glue our bodies more, and I feel so good. All these months that have passed have only made me closer and closer to him.

We are so delivered that kiss. That I don't even want to think.

I shiver when I feel his hands on the back of my neck and hair, it was as if something was awakened in me, awake again...

— Cybele! A familiar voice spoke firmly.

Dwarf! I open my eyes, it was Pietro's voice, when I open my eyes I see him in front of me and I feel embarrassed. I saw Pietro shooting me with a look, he turns and walks out the door.

- Pietro wait! I, I was taken by surprise, I didn't know you were coming! I say putting your hands together.

— And worse, I was determined to talk to you! — He puts his hands covering his face — And I'll see you with him, he pointed forward, I'm left here.

— No, Pietro, we were just making pies, then it happened but...

He responds by shouting: — Pies? That's the way you make pie with your ''Friends'', He looks at me and tilted his head forward, made a stop sign with his hands — You want to know Cybele eat all the pies you can, if you stuff yourself!

He looks at me with a wry smile, and it makes me angry.

Everyone who passes looks at us arguing, I feel my blood boiling when I see him screaming like that, and I get stressed, I don't owe him explanations!

- Wants to know! I'm really going! I've been waiting months for an answer from you, and you don't have the right to talk to me like that, listen, I was wrong! And I already ask for forgiveness, but that doesn't give you the right to come here is…" I scratch my forehead, trying to clean myself.

He shakes his head and puts his lips together — You're absolutely right! I'm leaving." He clasped his hands together, and turned around.

I feel like crying and my hands shake, I turn and see Apollo walking out the door.

"I think I'm leaving now. He crossed his arms tightly in front of me.

- Why did it? I knit my brows together and I frown, confused.

"Belle doesn't do that. — He walks up to me and stares at me — Don't say you didn't feel anything! Because you know that would be lying.

He took my left hand and intertwined our fingers. I don't know what to say, I cringe in front of you...

"I just can't hide it! No, I don't know how to be your friend, and I think if you really want to go back to him, we have to end up here. - He walks away.

My heart breaks. I don't know what I want, I'm undecided.

"Just tell me, is there a chance for us? He pressed his lips together. "I need to know…. Because if there isn't, I have to stop feeding it, stop seeing you, and talk and get out of your life, why is that"—He threw his hands in the air—"I don't know how many times. I'll have to try to move on.

- Apollo, I'm confused, I'm having another man's child and that's not fair to you. I look him in the eyes and I put my hands on his chest.

He puts both hands on my face, "Cybele I want you! The whole package, because I love you, and I will know how to love you too! His eyes feel like tears. - Think about it!

He kisses me on the forehead, and walks away, my lips tremble and I'm invaded by sadness, then a pain a sharp ache in my back, and liquid falls on my legs.

— Apollo! —I say with a lot of pain, moaning in pain I lean over, I can't feel my leg.

It's not possible, it wasn't time, I think, he comes running to me and I lean on him.

"To the hospital, let's go to the hospital!" — I ask, closing my eyes in pain — No, I have nothing ready! Oh my bag…" I squint in pain, and speak with difficulty.

Luckily I see Alexia and Paolo arrive, I explain to Alexia what I need and she runs into the house, so Apollo takes me in his arms and walks with me to the hospital that is nearby.