

Rachel lost all the colors of her life even before turning 20. She never thought she could fall in love again. On that day, she lost her hopes and the desire to live. The only thing that kept her alive was her memories with him. It was the day when Aaron first saw her. He had never believed in love at first sight. He saw her crying miserably. He stood there the whole day watching her. Later he learned, that it was the day when she lost the love of her life, her husband. He couldn't believe himself that he actually fell in love with a girl at the funeral - her husband's funeral. "Don't leave." Aaron had run behind her, getting drenched in the rain. He was scared, scared that she would leave him. She pushed him hard and shouted, "I don't like you!" Aaron stood there, rooted to the ground. Staring with a blank expression he asked, "Why?" She tightened her lips, scared of showing her weaker side. He continued, "Because of your husband's death?" Rachel felt her world collapsing. She hadn't expected him to know about Eric's death. Seeing her expression he continued, "Rach, you can't live with memories forever. You have to move forward with someone. But I want that someone to be me." Rachel took a deep breath. "I'm not going to get married again." Seeing her being adamant, he said, "Yes, someday, you will." "No, I won't." He asked, "What if you change your mind in the future?" "That will never happen. If that day comes, then I will come to you." Rachel just wanted to get over with this as soon as possible. She didn't think much about her words as that day would never be going to come. Arron narrowed his eyes and asked, "Promise?" She nodded. With an evil grin, he went near her. Holding her face, "Let's seal this promise." Saying this, he kissed her hard. His first love. Can he bring back the happiness that she couldn't even find in her dreams? Him and her? Is it possible? Is it an inevitable fate? Note : Criteria to read this novel - "PATIENCE" Why? because ~My first novel :) Comments, votes, and reviews are appreciated. You can share your thoughts, curiosity, questions with me through the mail. It's a way for me to learn about my readers' minds. ID: joyousbird04@gmail.com Thank you :)

Joyousbird · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
96 Chs

Chapter 39 : There's no future for us. (2)

The hall was decorated with white lilies everywhere. Many tables were arranged with white cloth laid on them. Red ribbons were tied to the back of the chairs. The flower vases were placed at the center of the table.

People were dressed in their most exquisite dresses and had created a sophisticated atmosphere. Children's laughter and the elder's talk brought more liveliness to the occasion.

In the middle of the stage, a man in a white suit stood tall and elegant. He had his hands at the back as he waited for his bride.

A loud cheer erupted across the hall which made the man turn his head in that direction.

A fragile and petite girl came into view wearing a white bout-neck gown which ended just above the tip of her shimmering silver pumps. A white veil was put on her head which trailed all the way down.

She had her hand-hooked to her an elderly person who treated her like a precious gem. She slowly marched towards her man, with nervousness.

She had waited for this day from the time she had seen him. Finally, the day had come where they would belong to each other. She couldn't have asked for more.

When she reached the end of the aisle, the man took her hand in his and made her stand opposite him.

"Do you take Ms.Rachel Smith as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

There was a long pause which made Rachel lift her head with confusion. Even after staring for a while, she couldn't read his eyes. It was empty.

Just as everyone thought something was wrong, he spoke.

"I do."

Colin breathed a sigh of relief hearing his son's words. Gabriel was on the verge crying due to happiness.

"Do you take Mr. Eric Stein as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do."

Rachel said with determination. There was no hesitation in her voice.

"Now, I pronounce you both, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest declared and motioned Eric to continue.

As soon as the words left Priest's mouth, the determination and boldness abandoned Rachel at that second itself. Her face heated up and shyness crowded her. Geez!

Eric finally, made a move by removing the veil from her head. He was met with eyes filled with nothing but purity and anticipation. Her innocent eyes showed her sincerity, love for him. Her baby face made her look even younger than her age.

Seeing a naive eighteen-year-old girl standing in front of him, full of anticipation, he was helpless.

After considering it for a long time, he held her delicate face in his palms. He bent his head and inched near her face.

Rachel's face couldn't have gone bright red anymore. She closed her eyes with shyness.

But even after waiting for ages, the kiss didn't happen. She peeked with her one eye only to see Eric with closed eyes.

They were millimeter distance away from there lips to touch. But, why wasn't he kissing?

Eric finally opened his eyes and turned her face a little and gave a peck on her right cheek.

That's it?

Rachel pouted unknowingly. The disappointment was written all over her face. This wasn't what she had expected!

"Aye, come on, how could you kiss her cheek! Look, even your bride is disappointed with your way of kissing."

"I know, right? Come on, don't be shy, kiss her!"

"Kiss her!"

"Kiss her!"

Everyone in the hall started to cheer for them in a union. Eric was put in a difficult position. He stood there awkwardly.

Seeing him not making a move even after pushing him on the edge, Rachel mustered her courage.

She stood on her tip-toes to reach his lips. But... she barely reached his chin. With a plop, she landed back on her heels.

How embarrassing!

From the start till the end, the first time, she saw Eric's smile. She could have missed it if not for her keen observation.

"Don't laugh."

With one hand on his shoulder, she pulled him close to her with the other hand by tugging his bow-tie.

And just like that, her warm lips met his cold ones.

A new chapter!

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