
An Expensive Revenge

WARNING This novel contains 18+ and evolving. Readers please do take care. The works definitely will contain disturbing elements which might include gory, crazy ideology(maybe) or anything. Challengers are welcome. Read fully knowing that. Story Sypnosis: I am Daken. No. I was Daken, a soldier on his prime, but was framed for unknown reason. Was it my love for the kingdom's princess, Shiva Eternia Ethervalen? A soldier with the power rivaling a general tossed away just like that. Fortunately, a voice warned me the attempts of ambushes and an assassination. The voice told me to go into the Accursed forest, Gal A forest.The most dangerous place of all dangerous places ever known. Even getting close 50 meters from the forest was said to bring bad luck. Rumors said that will invite catastrophe. Some said it will erase the closest villages. Some, until the sightseer die. Some, the whole kingdom. Many rumors flying around, shrouding the forest with more mystery and fear. BUT. There is one fact, well known to everyone who knew about this infamous forest. The fact is not about it is or was cursed or anything. The fact is no trespasser ever come back as survivor. All dead, seen or not seen. That fact made it, a treasure forest. Like insects allured by sweet smell, humans allured by the resources and mysteries accumulated by the forest. From unranked directly to A after many adventurers below S rank failed to return. Then directly to SS rank until an S ranker's magic placate which indicating his life became ashes without warning. Greed fired up which then went to play the pride of the strong resulting in the hurt pride felt wrath toward the forest. It was said 7 vice guild masters along with the army of a kingdom tried to explore the forest all vanished just like that after all, except a messenger team consisting 5 S rankers adventurers, entered the forest. From 5 seemed to be wasteful messengers, only 1 survived. A sole survivor who wasn't the strongest of the 5 nor was the weakest. It was said he was the only to focus on escaping with not even the slightest care of the tragedy happening behind him. He was determined to return home to do his last job as a mere messenger to report the tragedy. It was said that kingdom was the strongest of in the history as well as the richest. That had been the story shared from generation to generation, not clear wether it was a legend, a myth or a fairytale. But, one thing for sure. That forest is the place i lost something important as a man.

BoredDao · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Chapter 10.1 : Turmoil

[Why are you hiding behind Absolum's body, Lime?

Mommy is asking you. How and when you know about papa?] (Gaea)

Nooooo! Come back, Absolum!!!!!

[Lime...] (Gaea)

Those eyes are the eyes which are screaming "I don't care anymore."!

[Don't come here me. I don't have a power abuse daddy or mommy!]

Bull's eye! He stopped from the shock from having his intention exposed and stated.

Papa shouldn't have given him the authority as the administrator of this trial! He has the full authority when he is not around!

Now, I am in danger!

[Mommy only asking why does mommy's sweet little Lime know about her papa, that's all.] (Gaea)

Your movements, eyes, everything is not even convincing a single bit!

Maybe I pushed too far.



[But, mommy, why are coming closer and closer?]

[Because mommy wants to hear Lime's explanation clearer.]

Don't grin!

and you can listen me just fine from there!

[Why are your eyes getting bigger and bigger, mommy?]

[Ah... This is because mommy wants to see Lime's expression clearer without any obstruction.

But, Lime, you shouldn't point that part next time you see it.] (Gaea)

<(AN : imagine japanese's "ara ara" for that ah) >


He licked his lips!


[Y y ye ye yes ma'am!]

I stuttered! I can also feel the edge of my eyes getting heavy and watery.

[Hm... Why are you crying, Lime?] (Gaea)


I can't take it anymore!

Please, Absolum, come back quickly. I will do anything!

Please, Absolummmmmm.....!

He steps forward!


Hiiiiii.... another step!

Papa Absolute, uncle P.A. , I, Lime, swear I will help Absolum with all my might in this realm. Please let him come back now!

No! He is now in front of me!

Uncle P.A. please! I will do anything you ask!

He is raising his hand! This is the end!

. . .


. . . . .

He stopped?

. . .

He stopped because only because I closed my eyes?

. . .

That can't be, right?



Uncle P.A. answered my prayer?

[Indeed I did, my little niece.] (Uncle P.A)

! ! !

That is! Uncle P.A's voice!

Opening my eyes I can see a small black mist in front of me.

Known by the others as the God of Chaos or any other bad related thing. But for me, he is the reliable uncle of mine, papa's younger twin.

[Lime greets uncle P.A.

Thank you for saving me, uncle.]

! ! ! ! !

Mommy still in front of me!


[I froze the space and only let your head able to move to converse with me.] (Uncle P.A.)

[* Relief sigh * Thank you very much, uncle. You are a livesaver.

So I.. ]

My face feels hot! I must be blushing!

[No need to blush, my niece. I listened to your prayer. Your papa did as well but he stopped as he thought his action would be too much.] (Uncle P.A)

So embarrassing! Having it pointed for you is even more embarrassing!

[I. . . We will take your promises. Do your best!

I will hasten the time on his side so you wont get bored.

This first task will be completing your first promise by helping him completing this realm on his own.

My request will only start after you all return to the world. Your task would be, assault him in his male form and don't spit out anything he will push into your mouth.

Don't worry, my niece. You are free after you gave birth.

Good luck!

We congratulate you in advance first for your soon to be born son.] (Uncle P.A.)

. . .


? ? ? ? !

Give birth? Soon to be born son?

Isn't he a genderless?

I have not even yet to transcend myself.

Absolum will impregnate me?

I will bear his son in the short time?

Am I already pregnant with his child?

I.. I... I... Bright!

Absolum just shines! He is thawing the frozen space!