
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

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Evie Lake

Being the only child of an A-Lister was not all rainbows and sunshine, there was a bit of thunderstorm as well. Every good thing comes at a price and even though her father let her do as she pleased without pressure, the pressure she felt from everyone else was already enough weight.

Her mom had divorced her dad when she was still three years old, the reason unknown and that led her to grow up with a single parent. And life never gave a shit about your status before messing with you, it mattered not how rich a family was, growing in an incomplete home always had an effect on a child, sometimes mild and other times apparent.

It also didn't help that her dad was always under the spotlight, good or bad it brought too much attention to Evie, affecting her already messed up childhood to a certain extent.

Though she pretended to be alright most of the time, her dad still managed to pick up a few signs of abnormalities which led to a long chat between the two.

"You don't like being under the spotlight huh?" John asked his twelve-year-old daughter who was busy playing with her shoelaces.

Evie raised her head to meet her dad's stare before letting out an involuntary sigh. She did not like worrying her dad but since he brought up the topic himself she wasn't going to shy away from talking about it. "It's too bright for me"

John raised a brow. "Is that it?"

"Or what? It's not like I can ever outshine you so why bother?" Evie slumped on the chair wearing a sulking expression.

"Is that what you're worried about?" John chuckled. He could understand his daughter's line of thinking but still felt it was a bit childish.

"You know, most of my friends a school know absolutely nothing about me, except that I'm your daughter which is a piece of public knowledge. Heck, some of them don't even know my name and dare to call me John's kid. Like seriously?"

John could not hold himself back from laughing heartily at Evie's words. "Well, what do you think about moving to another dimension for a while?"

The question took Evie by surprise and she scanned her dad's face looking for a dent in his serious expression. "Doesn't look like you're joking... why?"

"Cause I love you too much to continue seeing you like this. Pick any dimension you want but I recommend the viewers dimension, they have everything you should want"

"Even a mom?"

Her dad silently stared at her until she decided to change the topic. "Are you gonna leave me on my own?"

"Hell, no, Jude and Madison will go with you" John replied immediately, he had never been away from his daughter for a long time before and in a different dimension there was absolutely no way he would let her be alone.

"What about you then?"

"I have many assistants no need to worry. Have you made your choice yet"

"Yes..." Evie nodded before she continued. "The writers dimension"

If John had water in his mouth he would have spat it out in disbelief. "Out of all dimensions, why would you pick the writers dimension?"

"Why, what's wrong with it?" Evie tilted her head in confusion.

"Are you for real, don't you know how boring that place is?"

"Say's who?" Evie asked with her hands folded.

"Says everyone, are you sure you want to go to the writers dimension?"

"Yes," Evie nodded again not planning on changing her mind.

"Why though?" John asked apprehensively.

"Because...I want to be a writer" Evie said in a barely audible voice. She was nervous about what her dad would think, just going to the writers dimension was completely different from being a writer.

Silence lingered for about five minutes before John finally sighed, he always felt that something like this would happen but not this soon at least. "Do you hate the entertainment circle that much?"

"I just hate the camera flashes" Evie replied with her eyes becoming wet. She knew the weight of her decision clearly and even if she wasn't necessarily breaking ties with her dad it meant their parts were going to be different.

Evie saw her dad stand up and held her breath. After walking closer he suddenly hugged her. "I'm sorry I couldn't satisfy you but I will always support you no matter what" he smiled before kissing her forehead.

Evie could no longer contain her tears and cried in her father's embrace.

John dropped Evie off at the writers dimension the next day with Jude and Madison two of his most capable personal assistants, he trusted them to take good care of Evie.

After a lengthy and emotional goodbye, they parted ways and the news about Evie's decision started to spread at a steady pace at least. For the time being other dimensions had no idea about it, just the writers dimension but it wouldn't be long until news broke out.

* * *

On Tuesday which was her first day of school she had Jude drop her off her early with high expectations for her new school but new arriving in a fancy car would build an impression she was trying very much to avoid, and the students even hesitated to strike a conversation with her.

With a dejected heart, she hurried off to her classroom which already had half of the students seated.

Sorry for the slow update, I have a personal issue going on but would try to resolve it as quickly as possible.

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