
An Archangel in the Multiverse

Hey guys! Samael here! I'm trying to write another novel cause I felt that my previous ones were pure shit but if you don't think so I'll think about continuing it. So here's the synopsis. I was the Archangel Michael until I was turned into a mortal being by my father. After dying from my human life, my father wants me back as his assistant. He then sent me on a vacation of sorts before going back to him after returning to my previous power level.

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5 Chs

Chapter 2

'What the hell is going on here!?'

I kept looking at Emma's body and mine and couldn't help but notice the fact that we were both in our younger bodies! No, I was in, what looks like, my previous body while Emma was in Emma fucking Watson's body!

I then laid Emma beside me and squatted down on the floor and started to think about what actually happened to us. Why the hell were we in a dark place with different bodies? I would have believed that this was the afterlife of the afterlife but the fact of us being in other bodies completely erased that possibility!

"Haaaaa, this is so confusing," I said as I laid down on the floor. Why did Lucifer suddenly attack me for no apparent reason? I know that I didn't do anything to my younger brother before I was punished so, why?

After a few minutes of pondering on what was going on, Emma finally started to stir and woke up with a startle after I shook her. She looked at me with those cute but confused eyes of her and asked, "What happened Christopher? Where are we? And why are you so-"

She stopped mid-sentence as she looked at her body in disbelief and asked me, "Why am I in my younger body? Wait, no, this isn't my younger body! Well, actually have quite the similarities so it kind of makes sense if you change my hair and nose a little. But, that doesn't answer my question!"

Emma then glared at me as she said those words. I sighed as I looked at her angry and confused face and raised my arms up in surrender and said, "I don't actually know what's happening, Honey."

Her glare then intensifies as she asked, "What were the Archangels doing with the Devil? Why did the Devil call you his brother? And why did he call you Michael?!"

I scratched the back of my head at her questions and replied, "Before I actually arrived in Heaven, my little brother Raphael actually awakened the memories deep inside my soul and explained to me that I was THE Archangel Michael before this life."

She looked quite shocked at that information and was very, very speechless. I just stayed silent and let her digest all of that information even if the amount was kind of little, the importance of it is kinda big.

I smiled a little as she scooched over to me and held my hands while saying, "Are you okay, Honey? Please don't tell me you've changed."

I laughed a bit at what she said and slung my arm around her body and held her closer to me. "I didn't change, dear, so don't worry too much. We just have to worry about the creep that is looking at us in the background while we're having such a sweet moment."

Emma looked quite startled at what I said and started to look around in vigilance. She then stopped when her line of sight finally fell on a 'frantic' looking Raphael. She looked at me nervously and whispered, "Isn't that the Archangel Raphael? Why is he so haggard looking?"

I chuckled at what she said and replied, "Well, he is so haggard looking right now because he was given one of my jobs by Yahweh. And please do remember that angels, especially Archangels, have quite the sharp hearing senses. That means that he can hear you very clearly."

She blushed a bit at my words and looked anywhere other than my amused little brother. I just looked at her in shock as Emma clearly couldn't blush! How is she blushing? Isn't blushing where you have a deep red colour appear on your cheeks in Anime?

Keyword: Anime….

So what the hell does that mean!? Is my wife an anime character now? Does that mean that the woman in my arms is not Emma?! What?!

I quickly distanced myself from her and said in a low voice, "Raphael, little brother, where is my wife?"

I noticed the confused look on Raphael's and "Emma's" face and quickly continued, "Where. Is. My. Wife!?"

Raphael dumbly pointed at the equally confused "Emma" and said, "She is right here, Elder Brother?"

I scowled at him and said, "Don't think you can fool me! I was kind of sceptical at the beginning when Emma suddenly changed into a different person but the one thing that solidified it was when a blush suddenly appeared on her cheeks! Only people in anime can blush that deep! And my Emma isn't that shy!"

Raphael sighed in disappointment and said, "Okay Remy, you can change back now."

The Emma in front of me gave a sheepish grin before changing into what looks like my little sister Remiel. Okay, what the heck!? I was being all lovey-dovey with one of my little sister's!? Uhhhh, I feel like I'm going to puke!

The person in front of me completely changed from Emma Watson to a woman that looks like she was out of a Doujinshi! Damn it, Remy! Why in the world did you change your figure into that!? You look very much like the girl from the h*ntai "Puberty Study Session". The latest version.

"'Sigh', Remy, what in the world are you doing in that form?" I asked her in a very tired voice.

"Because the girl from the manga looked very pretty! I wanted my form to be in her image! But they were doing something really, really weird in it though. They were really focusing on their groin part and they kept illustrating how good it felt!" came her very enthusiastic reply while sticking her tongue at me while scratching the back of her head.

I turned to Raphael and glared at him, "How did she get a Doujinshi?"

Raphael paled a little at my words and said, "Lucifer kind of brought Asmodeus here while you were gone while he was reading the Doujinshi right at that moment. Unfortunately, Remy was with us. And she felt very, very curious about what he was reading and read it too. But the good thing was, Remy, didn't get corrupted by him."

I sighed a little at their carelessness and just sat on the floor and patiently waited for his explanation. Seeing my look, Raphael turned towards Remiel who equally had the same amount of confusion on her face.

How in the world did Heaven operate itself without me!? Arghhhh, this is so frustrating! It's like taking care of a bunch of kindergarten students! Wait, wasn't I the same as them before I was stripped off my powers? How did I do it? Meh, don't wanna think about it.

I deadpanned at the look the two were giving me and said, "What am I doing here? Wasn't I supposed to be dead?"

Raphael shook his head and said, "No brother. Gabriel got both of you in time and teleported you here. This is a spare pocket dimension that Heaven has."

"We don't have any spare pocket dimensions Raphy. And please don't lie to me next time. You're very bad at this. I can see the sweat dripping down your face and that means you're nervous. And you're only nervous towards me if you did something wrong," I said as I look at the nervous look Raphael had on his face and the sweat dripping on the side of his head.

Raphael sigh in exasperation and said, "We really can't hide something from you, huh brother Michael?"

Before I could even reply, Remy suddenly shouted, "Yeah! We definitely can't hide something from brother Michael! He always knew something was up if we did something wrong!" while giving us a jolly smile.

I turned towards Raphael and gave him a questioning look. 'What the hell happened to Remy!? Why is she even more childish!?!'

Raphael facepalmed at my thought as Remiel quickly shouted, "Brother Michael! I am not childish! How could you be so mean!?"

I looked surprised at her and said, "Wait, I know that you can't read my thoughts, so how did you do just now?"

Raphael facepalmed again and said, "Brother Michael, have you forgotten that you're a human soul right now? Not your Archangel self?"

I widened my eyes at that and said, "Oh. Being around you guys while not having my angel physiology is not something that you'll get used to in an instant you know?" while scratching the back of my head in embarrassment.

I then changed my expression and turned serious and said to both of them, "Don't think that I noticed how both of you just changed the topic. Don't forget that it was me who taught you that."

Remy and Raphy's expression then turned sheepish and Raphy then replied, "Well, Lucifer kind of heard of your condition to go back into your position if you had your vacation from Satan who heard it from our Father."

My expression then darkened out what I heard. That stupid and rebellious brother of mine did all that just so that I would go back being Yahweh's secretary?! Ahhhh, dang it Lucifer!

I then widened my eyes as I just remembered something important. "What happened to Emma!? Where is she?! And did you guys do something to my parents and grandma!?"

Remy's facial turned into a caring one from the childish one she showed earlier and said, "Everything's good big brother. Your wife is just with big sister Gabriel while your human family is okay. They are just shocked that you 'died' for real this time."

I glared at them and said, "Well then, take me back! I'm not supposed to be tampered with, remember?"

Raphael shook his head in 'pity' and said, "We can't do that brother. Lucifer destroyed your bond to Heaven and received you in Hell and then cut you off from Hell and now here we are."

That tiny bit of information left me speechless. What!? That stupid little brother of mine did all that just to spite me!? What in the world was going on in his mind while he was doing that!??!

It seems that Raphael wasn't finished as he continued, "Your only options right now is Purgatory or Reincarnation with your wife as she seems to be in the same situation as you but without the Purgatory part."

I gave him the fiercest glare I could give and saw him and Remy flinch in fright, "I only have one condition before I agree with this Reincarnation and Boons."

Raphael gained a little courage from my words and said, "What is it, brother Michael?"

I continued to glare at him and said, "I get to travel the Multiverses with my wife."

Raphael quickly nodded his head at what I said and immediately replied, "Yes! Remy will tell that to the others!"

Remy looked at him in shock and confusion and said, "Ehh? Me?? Why do I have to do it?"

Raphael looked at Remy expressionlessly and said, "The others will give you ice cream if you do say that."

Remy looked at Raphael with sparkles in her eyes and quickly said, "Eh!? Really?!?"

Seeing Raphael nod, Remy quickly spread her white wings flew out of here.

I looked at Raphael in shock and said, "D-did you just trick her?"

Raphael shook his head and replied in a serious manner, "No, we have come prepared for this. We carry a bucket of her favourite ice cream everywhere so that when one of us says that to her, we come prepared. You should have seen her face when Uriel said that Gabriel had strawberry flavoured with her. When Gabriel finally told Remy that she didn't have any, your heart would have ached if you saw how heartbroken she was at that time. Gabriel really gave Uriel a beating that day that all the angels pitied him."

Wow, that was a really embarrassing story for Uriel. But still, I wasn't here for that. I looked at him seriously and said, "Remy already heard that you agreed to my conditions so I'll give you the boons that I want."

Raphael turned a little pale at that and said, "Wait, wait! You're not going really over-prepared on this one, right?"

I gave him a confused look and said, "Over prepared? I don't over-prepare? Where did you get such an idea?"

Raphael frowned at my words and said, "Haven't gone over-prepared? Haven't gone over prepared!? The anime "Over Cautious Hero" was based on you! And you were even the one to write it too!! Haven't gone over-prepared."

I soon had flashbacks appear inside my head about all the things that I've done in my previous life that made me rethink my words. Huh, did I really give Gabriel a full battle-ready armour when she went down to Earth to deliver her message? And what the heck me! Why'd you have to go to Asgard like you're battle-ready?! And what's with all the enchanted items!?

I sighed at the embarrassing memories that were popping out and said to Raphy, "I'll admit, I was a little over-prepared last time."

Raphy widened his eyes at that and shouted, "A little!?"

I scratched the back of my head and said, "Well, maybe not a little."

Raphy just sighed at my words and said, "Let's just get this over with elder brother."

I nodded seriously at that and said, "Yes, let's."

Raphy then motioned for me to go and said, "Well? What are you waiting for? The start of the apocalypse?"

I looked at Raphy in confusion and said, "What? No! It isn't 2020 yet, it?"

Raphy shook his head and replied, "No, they still have 8 more years."

I wisely nodded my head at that and said, "Good."

I then started to think about all the boons that I wanted in my journey and smiled a little at what I thought of.

I smirked at him and said, "The first boon that I want is The Legendary Saiyan bloodline on my body."

Raphy's eyes widened a little at that and said, "You do know that is a little unstable?"

I smiled at him and said, "Well, yes. But I have other things to negate that."

Raphael sighed at my words and said, "This would be another OP ability, isn't it?"

I covered my mouth and eye smiled at him and said, "Yes, yes it is my dear brother."

He sighed at my words and said, "Then please say it already so we can get this over with."

I smiled at his expense and said, "The second boon that I want is the Sunshine Grace that lets me fuse all those excess energies into my Ki."

Raphael's eyes started to twitch at that and his smile started to look like it was forced. "What else?"

I laughed a little and continued, "Well, my third boon will be The Library of the Heaven's Path. With all of the techniques of the Multiverse that were going in."

Raphael started to sweat at that and said, "Brother, isn't that a bit too overpowered?"

I thought about it for a little and said, "Hmmm, Nah. I don't think it is. And isn't the energy that you're going to use from our father?"

Raphael sighed at what I said and replied, "That's beside the point brother. If you're going through that path, then you'll be back to your old power in only a couple thousand years!"

I ignored what he said and continued, "The fourth boon that I want is all the cooking knowledge in the Multiverse. With all kinds of meat, vegetable, and seasonings in my personal pocket dimension."

Raphael looked quite shocked at my words and said, "Brother, not even father has that kind of knowledge. The knowledge of cooking is ever-growing and will ultimately change every single year."

I smiled at him a little and said, "Don't worry about that little brother, our father will just have to constantly give me the knowledge of it so that would boon or wish would still happen."

Raphael sighed at my words and soon remembered something, "You can still access your pocket dimension!?"

I let out a chuckle at that and said, "Well yes. I started accessing it around the time you awakened my precious memories."

Raphael felt frustrated at my answer and wanted to shout, 'That should be your fifth boon then!' but didn't as he knew that wouldn't make sense. And I knew that because t was written all over his face.

I smiled at him and continued, "And for my fifth boon, I would like a System created by yours truly."

Raphael looked like he was close to blowing up at that moment, "That's against the rules brother!"

I just continued to smile and replied, "I just want a System that has Status Function, Shop Function, Quest Function, Instant Dungeon Function, with no penalties from the quest function."

Raphael looked at my smiling face and said, "Brother, you're asking too much from us."

I smiled at his words and said, "And you schemed against me just so that I will get my job back. You know that I didn't want to do anything for 'our father' anymore but you still went against my wishes and colluded with Lucifer. Isn't this a bit too much, Ra-pha-el?"

Raphael paled at my words and started stammering. I just sighed at my foolish little brother and said, "Just open the portal for my first world, Raphy. And make sure that Emma appears beside me too. I don't want me and her to be apart for too long."

He just swallowed a mouthful of saliva and waved his hand as a portal appeared beside us. I silently walked towards it and heard Raphael say, "This is bad, this is really bad. I didn't expect him to notice." I chuckled a little and stepped through the portal.

Once I stepped out, I felt a noticeable change in my body and saw a tail swishing behind me. I then started feeling a little funny. But a good funny. Ahhhh, I don't know how to explain this without sounding like an addict!

Before I could even look around, a pale blue window suddenly appeared in front of me.

[Welcome, Archangel Michael.]

[Due to the Grace; Sunshine, Archangel Michael's angelic physiology has started to reappear.]

[The gamer known as 'Archangel' now has a pair of angelic wings due to the angelic physiology.]

Huh, how convenient. That's pretty amazing.

I then closed my eyes and started to imagine a library. Looking at the library, I couldn't help but grin 'mad scientist style' as I looked at the library full of books. Ahhhh, this is so satisfying to look at!

I then imagined myself being awake and soon found myself in front of a 'forest'. Feeling a presence behind me, I quickly whirled around and started to look around for the being that was creeping on me.

Not seeing anyone, I could only look at the clearing in confusion as I clearly felt a presence appear behind me. As I was looking around, I suddenly felt an insect bite me around the waist. I slowly looked at what kind of insect would bite me and saw a small woman.

I then looked at the 'little kid' and said, "What are you doing around here little lady? Where are your parents? Are they not with you?"

As soon as I said those words, the little kid suddenly started kicking my leg and pinch my sides. What in the world is wrong with this kid?

I then squatted on the floor and looked at her closely and noticed that she looked like a miniature Emma Watson. But this little lady had brown hair, a different type of nose and a smaller height. But the more the I looked at her the paler my complexion became.

What the heck!? Isn't this my wife?! Why is so smaller now?

Before I could even say anything, she started going off, "Who is the little lady!?! Who is with her parents!? Are you an idiot!? I would have cracked your skull if it wasn't so thick!"

I scratched the back of my head at her words and gave her a sheepish grin. But damn it was it the wrong thing to do. She suddenly leapt towards me and started biting and clawing me the moment I grinned at her.

Seeing that she was being unreasonable right now, I just laid there on the grass and went inside my library. I started to look around for things that could help me tame this abundant amount of energy inside my body.

I could feel that I have two different types of energy inside me. Magic and Ki. How in the world am I going to convert magic to Ki!?

I just sighed in exasperation and towards the Fist Arts section were and picked a random book. I then looked at the book and noticed that the title was "Martial King's Fist Arts" but deadpanned when I saw how many Flaws it had.

Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me right now? How in the world did the writer have the courage to write this down while his book having 58 Flaws? See how the first letter of the word flaw was capitalized? Because one of the Flaws was this!

[Flaw 31: The user can no longer use their left hand after 10 years of using the technique.]

Do you know how troublesome that could be to people!? Please damn that person to Hell, Luci. I then continued to rummage around my library and stopped when I finally assimilated all the cultivation techniques that can help me refine and manipulate my energies easily.

The name of the book is "Immortal Cultivator's Divine Arts". The name was kind of suspicious and how the book only had one flaw. And the flaw couldn't even be called a flaw! The flaw was;

[Flaw 1: Only the Immortal Cultivator 'Michael' can use the book.]

Do you know how much of a cheat that is?! To not let anybody other than yourself use this? And the technique even made me use other energies! Ha! I can use this technique in any part of the Multiverse.

I tried assimilating all the other Arts to make a book similar to "Immortal Cultivator's Divine Arts" but it never had the same outcome. All the other books had around 10 or more Flaws and thankfully those were just minor ones. Like the "Immortal Cultivator's Movement Arts", it had a flaw of;

[Flaw 3: Cannot use this technique without the 'Immortal Cultivator's Body Arts'.]

I then sighed at the failure of getting the perfect cultivating techniques and just decided to leave. I then imagined myself being in front of Emma and suddenly saw Emma cuddling with my body. I smiled warmly at the cute look Emma had on her face and decided to myself that I would protect her no matter what was going to happen to me.

I silently and carefully placed Emma beside me and started using my newest cultivation technique. After a couple of minutes cultivating the abundant energy of the Grace 'Sunshine, I suddenly felt like my height shrunk.

I shrugged my shoulders at that because I know that both the abilities that I received from Raphael made my height totally bizarre. I would be around 7'1 or be around 10'3 in a blink of an eye. I really hate this side effect!

I then ignored my sudden height shrinking and thought, 'Status.'

[ Name: Michael Williams

Combat Prowess: Peak Golden Core

Cultivation Realm: Qi Condensation| Divine Sea| Intermediate]

That was very little information. Why do I even need the Status Function if that was the only thing that is shown? Wait…. I don't actually know the power rankings of this world, do I? Haaaa, I can't believe that I turned stupid just after 97 years!

I looked at Emma beside me and placed her on my lap and noticed that I was probably around 6'9 now. With how closer Emma's head to my chest now then I am more inclined to believe my hypothesis.

I then turned to a plain-looking young man looking at me with shocked eyes with his jaw hanging open. This young man clearly looks very familiar to me. Ahhh, I can't seem to remember his face!

Before I could even say anything to him, he suddenly said, "Senior, how did you suddenly jump from the Foundation Establishment to the Divine Sea Stage with this low amount of Qi on the Earth? And how is your Foundation so strong after you jumped 2 Stages in the Qi Condensation Realm?!"

Damn it, how unfortunate could I be to be annoyed by an almost 600-year-old individual. Most mortals in this age would know the Dao of Pestering with their chattering. Little brother Raphael! Why would you leave me to such an individual!?