
An Archangel in the Multiverse

Hey guys! Samael here! I'm trying to write another novel cause I felt that my previous ones were pure shit but if you don't think so I'll think about continuing it. So here's the synopsis. I was the Archangel Michael until I was turned into a mortal being by my father. After dying from my human life, my father wants me back as his assistant. He then sent me on a vacation of sorts before going back to him after returning to my previous power level.

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5 Chs

Chapter 1


"What do you mean 'No'!?!"

"No means to express the negative of an alternative choice or possibility. In this case, I am saying no to your offer. So get your pale-y ass face away from me so I can go to Heaven already."

I gave the man who was in front of me a glare and proceeded to walk past him. After a few steps were taken, the man wearing a black tuxedo with a fedora grabbed me by the arm and knelt on the ground. I looked at his pitiful pale face and deadpanned.

"Why do you not want to reincarnate!? This is what you Otakus were always wishing for!" The man wearing the fedora asked me hysterically.

I don't know if this man is the Devil or not but I wouldn't take a shady offer from a man wearing a fedora that had creepy-ass vibes around him!

"I don't know, 'cause you're a very shady person wearing a fedora and I don't a single thing about you? You didn't even introduce yourself! You just went and said, 'Hey, do you want to reincarnate or go to Heaven?'!!" I shouted at the man.

The man wearing the fedora then soon stood up as he let go of my left arm and cleared his throat. "Ehem, I apologize for that shameful sight Christopher but I had a rough day today and you were the last one to either go on and reincarnate to another world or go to Heaven. Most of the people who went to me were total idiots and very annoying."

I rolled my eyes at him and said, "Well? What the hell is happening to me then?"

The man wearing the fedora gave me an 'apologetic' smile and said, "You are in my workspace. And the reason that you are here was due to the fact that God has felt pity for you and decided that your two lifetimes punishment will be cut down to one. Now that your punishment is done, God has decided to let you wander around the Multiverse for 1 Billion years before going back to him."

I gave the man a sceptical look and wanted to say something before my mind was bombarded with a crap ton of memories. I soon squatted on the floor as I assimilated all the new or 'old' memories in my mind and what I saw shocked me.

What the fuck!? I was God's Secretary!?!

The last memory that I got was seeing God and Satan playing poker.

Poker I tell you!

And he even had the audacity to 'accidentally' take away all my powers from me and put me on time out! That fucking old fart didn't even listen to what I was going to say before putting me in my punishment!

Odin must be so mad at being forgotten. I wonder what happened to the treaty that was going to happen if God was going to be the one doing the negotiating. I looked at the man in front of me and looked closer and saw that it was Raphael!

I gave him a smirk and said, "So, do you know who I am?"

Raphael sighed in relief at my words and begged, "Please Brother, come back already! I can't take it anymore! Gabby is going to crazy, Uriel is on the brink of falling, and Father is doing whatever he wants as we managed the world on our own! I can't take it anymore!"

I smiled at him and said, "Brother, I am not an Archangel anymore, Father doesn't have any authority over me now, and the best thing that's ever going to happen to me is that I am free of responsibilities if I am going to Heaven! So, I am never going to take that Reincarnation Route when I know that I am going back to my job after 1 Billion Years when I can't just relax in Heaven forever while I look at you guys work your asses off."

I then proceeded to walk towards the door that was behind him and glanced at the statue like a form of Raphael in amusement. Before I could step through the door, Raphael quickly dashes towards me and grabbed me by the knees and started begging.

"Brother Michael! You can clearly see what is happening to us while you are gone in just a short amount of time! Please!! Take the Reincarnation Route! We can never do this forever! We need you!" Raphael said as he cried in desperation.

I just shook my head in amusement at his words and said, "Brother, my name is not Michael anymore. It is Christopher Williams and I am never going to change it again. So please let me be and let go of my knees."

"Brother! We'll grant you 3 boons! No, 5! Just please come back!" Raphael shouted as he hugged my knees closer to him.

I chuckled at his words and said, "Raphael, you know that we Angels can't force or even tempt mortals. We can't even harm them once they are in Heaven. Except if they ever do something in Heaven."

Raphael gave me a heartbroken look as he let go of my legs and knelt on the ground. I quietly left Raphael's own private pocket dimension and thought, 'Wow, I think that lifetime of being a human changed me. I would have never done that to any of my siblings before experiencing being a human.'

As I entered the door to Heaven, I would never expect the look on Raphael's face as I entered the door.

As soon as Christopher or now known as Michael left the pocket dimension, Raphael gave out a peal of crazed laughter and said, "I can't take this anymore! I need to find a way for Brother Michael to take that Reincarnation Route! I can't keep doing his job! I need Sister Gabriel's and Brother Uriel's help in this! I have to find them!"

Raphael quickly spread his wings out and proceeded to fly out of there.

When I stepped out of the door, I finally noticed the familiar place of the ever-growing kingdom of Father. I gave a warm and kind smile to every angel that flew or walked passed me and walked towards the building where the human souls were kept whilst leaving a bunch of confused angels on why I smiled at them as I knew them.

After I finally arrived there, I noticed my little sister Gabriel talking to a frantic Raphael and silently veered away from them I'll talk to little Gabby later when Raphael's not there. I continued to walk towards where the newly received souls in Heaven were placed and gave an amused gaze at the confused looks on the other angel's faces on why a human soul was strolling around the Human Soul Shelter like he knew the place, and he looks like he was going to the newly acquired souls were!

I couldn't help but wonder if my parents, wife, friends were going to be in there. Ahhhhh, I can't help but reminisce on the past as I got closer to the Newly Acquired Human Soul Shelter was. All modern souls were placed in the same dimension so that the previous era or century souls won't get confused about the cultural and technological clashing they will have. They did this after mixing the Mesopotamian human souls with the Prehistoric human souls.

I couldn't help but be excited about seeing my parents, grandma, and wife in the Modern dimension. My parents died when I was actually 10 years old and I had to be live with my grandma who was still alive at that time. She actually died when I was around 24 and was already married to my wife for about 1 year then. I don't mention any children due to the fact that my wife couldn't bear any.

She had a problem with Ovulating and that caused her to not get pregnant. My heart ached at remembering the memory of my wife's heartbroken face at that time. I couldn't help but chuckle at my actions at that time. Even when I was already working as a novelist at that time, I quickly went back to school and studied being a doctor. I was 22 at that time okay!? Now I'm "97" I knew what I did was quite stupid.

When I finally became a doctor at the 'ripe' age of 34. Yeah, 34. I had to go back to college while my wife was working. I know, it was stupid but I just couldn't help but try in finding a 'cure' for my wife, right? You couldn't blame a love-struck young man to do whatever he could for his wife for them to have children, right? Right?!

I stopped my monologue as soon as I noticed the figures of my grandma, mother, father, and the love of my life. The youthful figure of my mother and father left me laughing as I looked at them interacting with the age form of Grandma Josephine and my wife Emma Smith or now known as Emma Williams.

I walked over to them whilst crying and hugged my mother Ava and my father John. Both of them looked at me in surprise and gave me a confused look. My mother confusedly said, "Excuse me sir, but who are you?"

My father looked at grandma Josephine and Emma with an uncomfortable look and mouthed, 'Help us! WE. DON'T. KNOW. THIS. OLD. GUY!'

But mother, father, and grandma looked confused the moment Emma covered her mouth whilst crying. Grandma quickly walked (limped) over to her and asked her what was wrong. Emma ignored her question and uttered a single word, "Chris?"

Mother, father, and grandma looked at her incredulously and simultaneously shouted, "WHAT!?"

Mother and father quickly turned towards me as Mother asked, "Christopher? Are you really our son, Christopher?"

I smiled at her and said, ���Hi Ma, it's been a while."

As soon as I said that, mother quickly gave me a crushing hug as she pushed my father away from us and started crying. I squeezed her back while looking at the incredulous look on father's face and chuckled. I then reached out for him with my right arm and gestured him to join too. Father quickly joined the hug and was 'quickly' followed by my wife and grandma.

I looked at my family and said, "I'm back. I'm finally with you guys. I hope I didn't keep you guys waiting," with tears dripping from my eyes.

Emma stayed in my arms as she muffled out a, "No, it's okay. We weren't waiting for too long."

I looked at Emma in surprise as I knew that that was a lie and she knew it too. She died at the 'early' age of 67 due to a heart attack. I never knew that her family had a history with heart attacks! She really kept it from me. It was a stupid decision on her part as I knew that I would have taken extra measure on keeping her safe.

Grandma Josephine looked at me with the ever-present caring look in her eyes. She chuckled and said, "Anong nangyari? Bakit ang tagal mo apo?" (What happened? What took you so long grandchild/Christopher?)

I smiled at her and said, "Ha? Gusto mo ba na mamatay ako ng maaga Lola? At namatay ako sa tulog ko." (Ha? Would you have liked for me to die early grandma? And I died in my sleep.)

Father gave us an exasperated look and said, "Guys! Please can you stop speaking in Tagalog? You know that I can't understand you guys!"

I looked at my father's build and noticed that it grew in muscle. Huh, I never knew that a soul's form can change. And why does he look like a swimmer now? Does the Modern Era Human Soul Shelter have a swimming pool or something? I was never actually here when the Modern Era Human Soul Shelter was built so I never knew the details.

I looked at mother's brown hair, brown eyes, and short height and couldn't help but think, 'The stereotypes actually apply to my mom hahahaha.' She was wearing a white shirt, white pants, and dove slippers. Huh? Did they give you your own preference of clothing here too?

Father's blonde hair, amber-coloured eyes and 6'4 height made me think that the Old Fart actually made my father, John's, form in my image. You know, the typical image of Archangel Michael? Yeah, that image. Father was wearing the same thing as a mother but he was actually wearing white rubber shoes and Nike socks.

Grandma's looks were that of an average old woman. Grey hair, short stature, wrinkly skin, but she had deep brown eyes that made you think that they were mud. She was wearing a white dress and dove slippers. She even had a stick! Where did she get that!? And couldn't you have gone with the cane grandma?

I just shook my head in amusement at my grandma's preference of a stick over a cane a looked at what Emma was wearing. I raised an eyebrow at her preference in clothing as she was wearing a white sundress and dove slippers. I know that you liked sundresses in your youth Em but you're kinda old now.

I continued to hug her and looked at my family and said, "So, you guys wanna catch up?"

The three of them smiled at me in response and proceeded to lead me to a comfy looking house. I looked at it in surprise as he didn't expect for there to be a house in the shelter. But what can you expect? This was Heaven and where would have they slept if they still operated the same as humans.

I silently dragged the still crying form of Emma with us and was surprised that she fell asleep midway to the house. I then turned towards my father for help and said, "Dad, please help."

As soon as I said those words, I felt a gaze upon me after I said the word 'dad'. I smirked a little when I realized the gaze could have been God. Ha! I never knew the old fart could be petty on such a small thing.

When my father didn't move fast enough, ma quickly slapped him on the head and promptly gave him a scolding. Grandma quickly shook her head in disappointment at him and said, "What do you expect John? Little Chris over here has a body of a healthy 97-year-old man. You can't expect a 97-year-old man to carry a 67-year-old woman do you?"

My father, the ever idiot that he is, chuckled in embarrassment and quietly walked over towards Emma and me.

I couldn't help but wonder how the hell his IQ dropped even lower than it was. I just shook my head in exasperation and followed mother and grandma who were already walking towards the house.

When we finally arrived at the house, my father gently laid Emma on the leathered couch and joined us in the dining table where we were at. I couldn't help but chuckle at the glaring face of my mother who was directing it at my pitiful looking father.

Grandma ignored the two of them and quickly prepared us food and started to rummage around looking for anything for us to eat.

And why do they need to eat? Did the constitution of the souls change during my punishment? I'm sure that the previous era did not need food for sustenance.

After I questioned grandma about this, she told me that the food wasn't for sustenance but just for their enjoyment. She told me that one of the older souls requested different types of food to be given to them as they weren't accustomed to not eating.

I chuckled at the silly reason that the soul gave the angels. If the angels weren't that naïve then they wouldn't have believed the soul as humans can clearly adapt to what they are given. Didn't they realize that the human souls could just habituate their 'not eating' condition?

After eating the rice and the dishes that were given to me by my grandma, I was then lead by my mother to one of the spare bedrooms they have in the house. I smiled at her and started to converse with her on how they were doing and am pretty surprised how happy they were here.

A few minutes after our conversation, mother finally left when she couldn't take the silence between us as I was looking out the window as I gazed upon the many souls that were walking about.

I smiled as my father entered my room and gently placed Emma on the bed and silently left us to ourselves. I couldn't help but sigh at my tiredness as I suddenly felt my stamina drain from what I did this day.

I thought that souls have unlimited stamina as they don't have bodies for stamina to drain from?

Well, I was never really a soul before this day so I would never really know if that was the truth. You really learn something new, huh.

Ahhh I should just stop my monologue already.

I shook my head in amusement and turned towards the bed and slowly walked towards it. I then laid down beside Emma and relaxed my aching spiritual body. 'You old fart! How dare you limit the soul's spiritual body to that of their previous body!?'

I soon closed my eyes as my drowsiness enveloped my entire body. Feeling a little funny, my eyes shot open as I looked around me and noticed that I was surrounded by darkness.

I sighed and thought, 'What now? And is this my mind? How can I sigh in my mind? And why the hell is it so dark? Wasn't I an Archangel? Isn't this supposed to be all light and no darkness?'

I shook my head off of those thoughts and started to walk around. After a couple of minutes of walking around, I finally noticed that I wasn't getting exhausted or anything.

I soon looked at my body and the youthful feeling quickly caught my attention. 'What the heck!? Why was my body in its peak condition!?'

I squinted my eyes a little at a glowing ball of light in the distance and trekked towards it. What the heck is with this environment?! Why is the air getting heavy? Why is the gravity increasing?! Is there even a gravitational pull here?

'Ahhhh damn this!' I quickly ignored all those variables and moved forward. As I was getting closer to the ball of light, the light surrounding it was getting dimmer and dimmer until it was finally gone and all that was left was an old-looking man.

I stopped in front of the old man and gave him a deadpan, "Really? Really, old man? You just suddenly take me away from my family after all these years? After I was finally contented with what I have? Where's the 'Do not tamper with the souls of a human being'?"

The old man or God gave me a wry smile and said, "Who do you think enforced those laws? I can easily take those stupid rules away and nothing can stop me?"

"Where is your dignity, old man? I thought that you were the righteous and all that is good?" I asked the annoying God in front of me.

"Ha! Righteous and all that is good? Who do you think did the great flood? All the plagues?" God gave me condensing smile as he said those words.

I swear that my face looked like Saitama's 'Ok' face when I replied, "I did."

God's face turned neutral as he heard what I said and said, "Oh."

I glared at him and said, "Please send me back to my family. I am no longer an Archangel as you stripped all of my powers and the spark of divinity in me. You, yourself, said that you cannot grant a human soul a sudden power-up from mortal to a near-divine being such as my previous self."

God returned my glare and said, "That is why I am giving you the chance to travel the Multiverse for you to return to your previous level."

I scowled at him and replied, "I am already contented staying in Heaven with my family, old man. I already told you this. And I don't want to be your secretary again so please put me back in the shelter."

God sighed at me and said, "Fine, but know this; Lucifer has known of your return and he wants vengeance."

After saying those words, the world around me turns completely white and I woke up with a startle. I looked at Emma who was beside and saw her surprised look. I gave her a warm smile and said, "Hey there honey. It's been a while."

Emma quickly hugged my old man form and started crying again. "I waited for you, Honey. I waited for 30 years. And we're finally going to be together again."

I chuckled a little and said, "Yeah, now there's no 'Till death do us part' for us."

Emma giggled a little and said, "You're right Honey, nothing's going to separate us now."

I felt weirded out by Emma's old lady form giggling but ignored it. I felt quite suffocated a little and said, "Honey, please loosen on the grip on me. I have a wrinklier old form than you."

Emma laughed at that and quickly let go of me as she moved beside me. I couldn't help but look at her figure in amazement as even though she was already 67 years old in her form, she still looks as youthful as ever. The only thing that differs her figure from a 40-year-old woman was the white hair and wrinkles.

I completely in place as God's words suddenly sink into my mind. Lucifer wanted vengeance? What does that mean!? I started panicking at what was going to happen and got out of bed to walk towards God's Palace.

That old man needs to give me some answers! I knew that Emma was looking at my retreating form due to the fact that I saw her confused look before getting up.

Before I could even walk out the door, Emma was already beside me and was grasping my hand. "Christopher, where are you going? What happened exactly?"

I smile at her a little to calm her down a little but I know that my smile didn't work as she grew even more worried. "Em, you don't have to worry. I'm going to take care of it. I just suddenly received important information and I want to do something about it."

Emma grew even more worried at that and wanted to say something but was interrupted by a loud boom a few distances away from the house.

I looked at the direction in apprehension and could only say one thing, "SHIT!"

I quickly 'dashed' towards the front of the house where my mother, father, and grandma were already waiting at. I looked at where they were gazing at and saw my siblings; Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel fighting off a certain devil that I know.

Lucifer quickly noticed my presence and stopped fighting with the other three and looked at them with disbelief in his eyes. "That's him? Our ever-reliable brother Michael? That old man? That weak and fragile-looking old man is our older brother Michael?!"

My little sibling's looked anywhere other than Lucifer's eyes as I knew that they didn't want to admit anything. As soon as they turned away from him, Lucifer quickly flashed in front of me and my family and looked down at me.

I knew that he was enjoying this as I was the taller one between us when I was still Michael so I know that he was savouring this moment. I could hear his irritating maniacal laugh as he said, "What happened to you brother? And who's that behind you? Is that your itsy witsy little family? Ha! The proud Archangel Michael turned to this!"

I gave Lucifer a tired smile and said, "What do you want Samael?" I turned towards my other siblings and saw that they were just watching a few feet away from us. What the heck guys!? Why are you doing anything?!

After I uttered the word 'Samael', my brother Lucifer quickly grabbed me by the collar and lifted my little old man form to his face. "What did you call me, brother?" Yes, that word 'brother' was completely laced with venom.

As soon as Lucifer lifted me off the ground, my other three siblings quickly arrived to help me and started pointing their weapons towards Lucifer's heart, neck, and groin. Wow, I didn't know that Gabriel had that in her! Who knew that she would go for the groin? Well, she IS a woman.

Lucifer quickly released me from his grip as my family behind me trembled in fear. I knew what they were feeling, they couldn't exactly expect the Devil to arrive at their doorstep, could they?

Lucifer looked at the weapons our siblings were pointing at him and said, "Could you get that away from me? You do know that the only being that could have rivalled me in power was Michael right? And look at him now, a shrivelled old man with no power backing him up."

Gabriel narrowed her eyes in anger and pressed her spear towards Lucifer's groin a little too close for his liking.

Lucifer quickly raised his hands in 'surrender' and said, "Alright, alright, I won't touch the old man. So could please leave my dick to itself?"

Gabriel glowered at him but still did what he said and removed her spear. Seeing her actions, my other brothers followed suit and distanced their weapons from my irritating younger brother.

When the weapons were finally out of his way, Lucifer turned towards me and said, "Do you know why I'm here for, 'brother'?"

I sighed a little and said, "No, no I don't Lucifer. So please, enlighten me."

He leaned towards my ear and said, "For vengeance," and jumped a few meters from us and started to float a few feet off the ground. He then summoned a black ball of pure energy on his right hand and flung it towards me.

Or so I thought…

That damned bastard was pointing it at Emma! Damn it Lucifer!

I quickly forced my body to run towards the frozen in shock Emma and cover her body with mine. Unfortunately for him, the ball of energy enveloped the both of us.

As I close my eyes off the impending doom, the only thing that I can think of at that moment was, 'Damn, this is really the end huh? And I had to drag Emma into my mess too. Dang it Lu-'

After the ball of energy disappeared, traces of Michael/Christopher and Emma being there was gone and the only thing that was left was a crater.

Ava, John, and Josephine knelt on their knees as they cried in despair. Why, why couldn't they spend more time with their son/grandson? Why did it have to happen to him just as he arrived?

Lucifer ignored the crying souls and turned towards his other siblings and said, "Is that enough? I send the both of them to my private pocket dimension so you could meet the both of them there."

Raphael smiled brightly at his words and said, "Yes, it is enough Lucifer. Thank you for your help."

Lucifer rolled his eyes and waved his hands in a dismissing manner at them, "Yeah, yeah, I know you're grateful but you three still owe me a favour so I'm going to cache that in when I need it."

Ava heard their conversation and quickly said, "What!? What do you mean by that!?"

Turning towards her, the three Archangels and one Devil quickly teleported out of there when they saw them.

As I opened my eyes, I noticed that I was in the middle of a pitch-black room with Emma in my arms. I looked at her closer and noticed that she was a little bit younger now. Why does she look like she's in her mid-20s?