
An Afterlife’s Life

Pazu, an orphan from the year 2367 had died, and now is sent to the so-called afterlife.

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7 Chs

Holy Relic : Travel Guide

The travel guide had enlightened me. While sitting on a bench I found nearby I read the entire thing, though I was a bit disturbed by the few others beside me spanning from a shy pink-haired little lad to an old harassing hag.

Although besides that there weren't that many people considering how many are dying each passing minute, maybe some people spawn elsewhere? This world could very well be larger than I could even imagine.

The surroundings were calming though, an intricately designed fountain gushing out water continuously, the spring aroma caused by the greenery everywhere, medieval-like stone houses with the occasional wooden ones, the wheeled carts going in and out of the gates and the hovering two moons.

'Wait what?!'


In my lecture I had learned a few things, first of all, I'm still dead but in a soul form, it seems like my lifespan has been heavily extended from a decent seventy to eighty years to an enormous six-hundred to a thousand two-hundred years.

It seems that even that isn't the limit! I read that under certain conditions some may even live up to two thousand years! 

But for now, what I need desperately is some money, there's no way I'm racking up a debt in this life if that is even possible.

It also seems that the afterlife has a few clear differences with the material one. It seems that this one is far less technologically advanced possibly due to different timelines entering? Though that's a theory for another day.

It also seems like the days are much longer, being an entire sixty-four hours long for one full global rotation! 

In the guide I also took time to slightly memorize the map of the Irma district, where I currently am in.

Besides that, to travel to other cities I need a graduation degree approved by the local academy, It seems that this new life is still just as pesky.

From my memories, school was a wild location filled to the brim with countless bullies of varying ages. For such a place, a destination of being successful seemed bleak in all cases.

But considering that this place has souls of many age, it should be more refined right? Well hopefully so, as honestly I do not want to experience a 'Hell' like that again.

Suddenly, a wild fellow soul had appeared!

A dark-toned male with pronounced cheekbones with wavy hair that covers his eyes, his height was slightly above my own.

"Uh, hello? Who are you?" I said in a questioning tone since they didn't exactly seem talkative.

Using my initial reaction as a basis they then unleash their extensive vocabulary on me.


Crisp, is how I thought of the scenery, dry and deep is how I thought of his voice. It sounds like he forgot to hydrate himself for an entire decade! His deepness made it even worse, his voice literally reverberated on our surroundings!

To not allow this horrible speaker to rot my eardrums I stood up violently.

Shaking my head, I decided to say with a polite bow "I'm Pazu" before abruptly leaving in exploration of this city.

Looking back it seems they simply wanted my seat. Though he had seemed a bit gloomy, not that I can tell with his huge bangs covering everything under the skies of heaven.


End of Chapter

(Author) i feel like this one is a bit short might extend in the near-future