
An Adventure to Guoker Planet

Zhang Xiangqian, a farmer in Anhui Province, China, with a junior high school education. In 1985, he was taken to a highly developed and distant alien planet and lived for a month. He learned a lot about aliens there, including their lifestyle, culture, and advanced science and technology. This article is a "memoir" or "travel diary" of his adventure on the alien planet "Guoker".

ZhangXiangqian · Sci-fi
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26 Chs

Why Would Guoker People Abduct Earth Humans?

I decided to change the topic and asked Norton, "Have you seen the women of our planet? Do you find Earth women beautiful?"

Norton replied, "We have abducted Earthlings many times, and I myself have gone on numerous occasions. We are quite familiar with Earthlings. We often abduct people from Earth, and we frequently go to distant planets in the universe to abduct people, bringing them to our planet. In our eyes, based on our aesthetic standards, compared to women from other planets, Earth women are not considered beautiful."

"Why do you abduct Earthlings then?" I asked.

"It's not about beauty. When we abduct someone from another planet, it's not because they are attractive," Norton explained, "If we come to Earth to abduct an Earthling, our main goal is to obtain digital information about Earthling thought consciousness, memory, sensations, various movements, and physiological activities. With our technology, we can enable our people to have the same sensations and experiences as Earthlings, which is essentially like swapping our bodies with those of Earthlings to live for a while."

"Why would you want to swap your bodies with Earthlings and live as them for a while?" I asked. "Are Earthling bodies great?"

Norton answered, "Earthlings pursue material wealth and power, which we are not interested in. We seek the experience and sensations of beings. Living in an Earthling's body allows us to experience what it feels like to be an Earthling. We often abduct people from other planets so that we can frequently swap bodies and live, experiencing life for a while. In our view, Earthling bodies are quite poor and not special.

In the universe, the three essentials for life are material resources, energy, and information. Our technology is highly advanced; material resources and energy are of no concern to us, as they are freely available and of no interest.

We are only interested in information. Gathering information is our main activity. Through digital information, we acquire wealth, which we call the digital information economy, comprising about ninety-nine percent or even more of our economy. Material resources and energy on our planet are almost free in different sectors.

Abducting people from other planets, or abducting you Earthlings, and obtaining information from Earthlings, can bring us immense wealth. For example, if we captured a man from Earth and brought him to our planet, we might force him to engage in various sexual activities with females of different physical forms on our planet. We then record the detailed digital information of this Earth man's body, physiology, thought consciousness, sensations, memories, and other movements. These digital data can generate a lot of wealth for us.

After obtaining these digital data, we can widely promote and sell them on our GIW under the name 'Live and have sex with an Earth Man,' making them available to many users. For instance, one of our female users, after purchasing our data, can use our virtual technology to have a three-dimensional virtual image of an Earth man follow her like a shadow. This woman lives with a real Earth man, interacting and chatting with him, and can even engage in virtual sexual activities.

Besides this 3D virtual companion technology, we also have a popular 3D physical companion technology. For instance, once a female purchases our data, she can activate a gel-like substance. This substance, once activated by the digital information, quickly comes to life and instantly creates a person beside her who looks exactly like the Earth man in appearance, height, and weight, with no discernible difference in sight, touch, taste, and other senses.

Our female users can live with an Earth man as if he were real for a period of time.

Users can talk and interact with the person formed from the gel substance, even engage in sexual relations, feeling no different from reality. Of course, this person formed from the gel substance is not a simple robot. Their thoughts and actions are determined by the digital information the user purchases.

If Earthlings were to capture an alien man, at most he would have sex with a few Earth women a few times. It couldn't become as widely popular in society as quickly as with us. Through this technology, one Earth man could live and have sex with tens of thousands of women from our planet simultaneously.

We also have very bizarre customers who modify the simulated Earth man's body to be very small and live parasitically inside their own body, carrying it everywhere; or make the simulated Earth man's body very large and have their own body live parasitically inside it. Or even transform the simulated Earth man into a pet. The methods are diverse and strange, with various bizarre and extreme ways far beyond your imagination, which you might encounter in the future.

The benefit of the digital economy is that it's not just about satisfying one of our women but thousands of them. Thousands of our women can purchase data and live as if with a real Earth man for a while. This also depends on how popular our data would be.

Whenever we discover a new alien species and successfully abduct one, the sex data becomes popular in our society for a while. It's like the pop songs on your Earth, where the main factors are novelty and authenticity, not necessarily quality.

For instance, we could also fabricate an Earth man's data, but even if it offers a good user experience, it doesn't sell well in the market because users think these data are fake, just fabricated by us.

Now that we have actually abducted you from Earth, the digital content created, plus the fact that we will take you around, will generate a lot of interest among many users.

We also have men who purchase Earth men's body data, and after buying, they can store their body in a spacetime fridge and then apply for an artificially made body like that of Earth men, injecting it with the Earth men's body data. This allows them to live in an Earth man's body for a while, gaining the experience of living as an Earth man."

"Now you understand, abducting you is quite worthwhile," Suldair said with a somewhat eerie smile. "Unfortunately, Earthling body data are not popular on our planet and are considered quite trashy."

"Why do you still abduct us Earthlings, including me?" I complained.

"They say there's something special in your brain," Willie slowly said.

"Have all the abducted Earthlings been sent back?" I asked.

"Some were sent back, some were not sturdy enough and died on the spot during experiments, or couldn't withstand the sexual activities with our Guoker women and were tortured to death, and some eventually died of old age on our planet. You might ask why?" Suldair shook with laughter. "Because we're also quite lazy!"

Seeing my expression and mood were off, Willie comforted me, "Don't worry, Brother Qian, we'll definitely return you. Your mind is unique, not like anyone else's—it's valuable to us."

Later I learned if they abduct people from highly advanced planets, they will treat them with great caution. Maybe they're afraid of being retaliated. But they do anything they want to us Earth people because we can't do anything about it.