
An Adventure to Guoker Planet

Zhang Xiangqian, a farmer in Anhui Province, China, with a junior high school education. In 1985, he was taken to a highly developed and distant alien planet and lived for a month. He learned a lot about aliens there, including their lifestyle, culture, and advanced science and technology. This article is a "memoir" or "travel diary" of his adventure on the alien planet "Guoker".

ZhangXiangqian · Sci-fi
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26 Chs

Terrestrial and Aquatic Species in the Universe

Norton explained to me the reasons behind some of the Guoker people's strangest sexual behaviors.

"On Earth, sex serves dual purposes: reproduction and familial bonds, or simply for pleasure between partners. To sustain a family and raise children, material wealth is essential. Thus, earthly relationships aren't merely sexual; they involve a partnership in managing resources. Offering wealth can enhance comfort and sustain relationships. Moreover, Earthly sexual activities are governed by a plethora of constraints including morality, law, culture, and traditional practices. For Earthlings, relationships encompass more than just sex; they include love, kinship, care, and business partnerships.

"For us Guokers, the meaning of sex is purely for pleasure, experience, and sensation. Our relationships are devoid of love, focusing solely on the physical aspect.

"Material resources are inconsequential to us. We don't procreate, we don't die, and our health is guaranteed, eliminating the need for familial or economic partnerships. We don't concern ourselves with the health of others.

"Our lack of moral and legal restrictions often makes our sexual activities prone to violence. This prevalence of violence is why virtual sex is popular among us; it allows for an escape from potential harm at any moment.

"While Earthlings value wealth and power, we Guokers cherish sensations and experiences, with sexual pleasure being the most sought-after. This intense focus on sexual experiences is why we are so devoted to it.

"In a way, the act of an Earthling engaging in sex with a Guoker might seem no different from interspecies relations, because for Guokers, there is only sexual desire without love or emotional connection."

"In our planet, sexual behavior between humans and animals, also known as interspecies sexual behavior, is quite common. This might seem like a terrible thing to you."

Norton's final words made me recall Suldair's remarks about Earth men engaging in sexual acts with sows and cows, stirring an unsettling feeling within me.

Norton continued on parasite sex: "On our planet Guoker, parasitic relationships, particularly the sexual interactions between parasites and their hosts, are extremely cruel. On Earth, parasites feed on their hosts' bodies for sustenance. However, on Guoker, material resources and food are trivial for all species due to our highly advanced technology, which makes acquiring these resources far easier than on Earth, where people still compete over material goods, food, and energy—conflicts that can lead to fatal outcomes.

Despite our advancements, we Guokers still possess the primal genes of billions of years of animalistic conflict, but now, instead of competing for material wealth, the struggle has shifted to a parasitic battle for control over the bodies of the opposite sex. In other words, it has shifted to a war between men and women.

For parasitic beings, this struggle is equally ruthless, focused on dominating and controlling another's body to turn them into sexual slaves, rather than destroying them.

Our technology has empowered parasites with bizarre and powerful capabilities, making them more perverse. Unlike Earthlings, who value love, Guokers have devolved in this respect. Our approach to sex has become aggressive, invasive, and characterized by violence, cruelty, and strangeness that would certainly be deemed psychopathic by Earth standards."