
Amur:The Tyrant King of Destruction

Someone reincarnated in an AU of One piece with the body of Amur, The Tyrant King Of Destruction.

Uncreative66 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


Amur's Pov:

I was almost tempted to let the destructive energy I was feeling loose. But I held myself back since I didn't want to have to look for another cave to sleep in at night. I stood up and walked towards the second box. I unsheathed the sword on my back and cut the upper part of it.

The chest was opened a minute later and inside, a sheathed claymore laid,waiting for me to just claim it for myself. I picked it up and while leaving the one I found on the broken ship in the chest. I walked out the cave,this time with little to no disturbances as I had made sure to clean out all the bats and rats I had come across .

I was out and back into the cave 5 minutes later as I put the loot from the broken ship into the cave. I walked out the cave once more , this time looking for food and wood for tonight.

It took me twenty minutes to stumble across the first tree that had something edible and I was picking the trees out in no time. After I had gathered enough bananas,berries and coconuts, I walked to the smallest tree and cut some of its branches with my new red claymore.

I was back in the cave 10 minutes later. I set down the food and rounded up the wood into a small circle. I then grabbed some of the stones and started to grind them at fast speeds,hoping to create a spark. 

A minute later, I managed to produce a spark and a fire was started. As the fire stabilized, I felt something strange happen to me. I felt as if I had just gotten a new limb and needed to move it around to get adjusted to it. So I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the new energy I felt and I opened my eyes 2 seconds later ,only to be greeted with my hand on flames.

I almost instinctively panicked before I managed to restrain myself by taking a deep breath to calm myself. I then closed my eyes again, this time i thought about restraining the energy i had felt instead of letting it free.

I opened my eyes only to be met with the sight of my normal hand,with no burn marks oranthing to indicate it was on fire a second ago. I let the energy once more and my hand was on fire once more. I willed it to calm down and my hand wasn't engulfed in fire again. A small smile crept to my face.

I stood up , while putting my food into one of the wooden boxes as I walked out the cave and towards the waterfall with the intent to wash them with water that looked clean,surprisingly. But the moment I touched the water, I felt my hand tingling and I quickly pulled it out to look on in awe as some of the water gathered to form a small ball that quickly floated towards me,stopping before my face. 

I took a deep breath once more, before I put down the box with the food in it. I then mentally commanded the orb of water to float atop the box. It was above the water the next second, and i mentally thought about it popping into droplets. 

The water seemed to fold in on itself before,*Pop*, it popped like a balloon, dousing the box of fruits into water. I sighed in relief, before looking at the waterfall and putting my hand up in a grabbing motion. A water ball slowly formed and floated next to me as another one was forming. 

I kept this up for five minutes. In the end, I had to stop once I realized I could create a mini river with the amount of water orbs floating around me. I ended up washing the fruits before dispersing the rest of the orbs into the small stream connected to the waterfall and went back to the cave.

I walked in only to see that the fire had gone out. 'Luckily, I made sure to collect plenty of wood in case something like this happened'. I put the rest of the wood in the small circle and put my hand that was on fire in the middle of it. The fire was going in no time and I finally had the luxury to sit down. I used the other empty box that served as a seat for now as I got lost in thought.

'Now that i finally have some time to think, i need to properly plan out what i'm gonna do before and after i leave this island. Based on what that letter said, the year should be 1498. That means he should be searching for the last 2 poneglyphs which should be on Zou and Totto land.To my knowledge, nothing much happens besides roger reaching zou and reading the poneglyph on it. He then infiltrates Totto land and gets himself a copy of Linlin's poneglyph.At the end of the year, he manages to gather all four and Law is also born during that time.Now, what to do during this time ,besides train to the best of ability if i want to sail the grandline'. 

I leaned back on the wall of earth , taking some time to plan out what I was gonna do in this world.I knew i was definitely gonna be a pirate,after all, i didn't want run around the world on some whim of some celestial assholes who couldn't even muster a shred of sympathy to the common man.

And while some celestial dragons could be redeemed, 99.9% of them were definitely not deserving of any form of mercy or pity for that matter. Anyways, back to planning.

'The first thing I should focus on is training my abilities. I'm in an unknown territory and I'd rather not die to some animals when I'm just trying to find a way back to civilization.Plus if i train hard enough, i should eventually get enough control over water to either freeze it or control it to travel long distances.If that doesn't work, i could practice my fire abilities to a level i can propel myself over long distances for a long period of time.This means i need to work on my stamina and endurance, after all, almost every ability requires a certain level of stamina and endurance to use, especially over long periods of time, Now what exercises do i know that can help me build up stamina?'.