
Taking Charge

Hop Pop,Polly and Sprig were on the couch just minding there own business,there wasn't much to do until they were interrupted by a scream.

" Guys!Guys!Guys!Guys!Guys!Look! " Anne said showing them her phone.

" What are we looking at here? " Polly questions.

" Suspicion Island,it's like my favorite show.I've got the new season and didn't even know it!It must of auto downloaded before I got here, " Anne said as Y/n came out from the basement looking a mess." Eh,I've never watched it,hadn't had the time to, " Y/n spoke.

" Who's the Auto "" And how did you down-load him ? "Sprig and Polly both questioned.

" Just watch, " Anne says as she plays the show on her phone,Y/n having nothing better to do just sits with them and watches." Look!More Y/n and Annes! " Sprig shouts as Polly makes fun of the characters having noses.

" Suspicion Island,if you don't stay suspicious,you won't stay alive, " The narrator says.

" What is this demonic none sense, " Hop Pop questions as Sprig and Polly looked amazed.

" Hop Pop this show has beautiful people,doing dumb things,and stuff explodes!It's litterly perfect, " Anne states as Sprig and Polly instantly agree.

" It's cool,I'll give you that," Y/n says with a casual smile.

" Now hold on,instead of that garbage how about I treat you to some real entertainment, " Hop pop spoke as Sprig and Polly made a face.

" Oh no "They both said displeased.

" A scene from-The shallow pond, " Hop Pop announced as he began to read.

Everyone stared at him for a second before shouting that they wanted to watch suspicion island." Ok fine! " Hop Pop finally said crossing his arms as everyone cheered," but just one! " Hop Pop explained.

-Timeskip to Night-

Everyone's eyes were red from staring at the screen for do long,that were very much interested in the show.

" These pterodactyls are made clones from my brother! " One of the characters spoke as the group gasped,Hop pop rolled his eyes and grumbled as one of the characters was taken by a pterodactyl.

" Will these beautiful teens ever make it off this island,find out on- "

Anne had paused the show," and that's enough for tonight, " she concluded as Polly and Sprig protested.

" Oh thank god, " Y/n said as she rubbed her eyes.

" Trust me guys,you gotta pace yourself with this stuff, " Anne says as Hop Pop steps in.

" Alright you two grubs,off to bed, " Hop pop states as Sprig and Polly grumbling complaining.

" I'm leaving to replenish the moist in my eyes,see you in a bit, ya? " Y/n says leaving into the basement.

" So what do ya think Hop Pop?Better than that boring stuff you read to us right? " Anne questioned." Heh,that boring stuff is called literature,and maybe if you had an ounce of culture you wouldn't reject it in favor of your substandard,purial,garbage show! " Hop Pop said slamming his door.

" Sheesh,tell me how ya really feel, " Anne says leaving into the basement.

It was a new day and Anne had grabbed Popcorn as she sat on the couch and yelled," Come on guys!It's time to get suspicious! " Anne said pressing play on the show only for it to show she had little battery left.

" Wait...What! " Anne yelled.

Everyone came to see what the commotion was.

" What's wrong Anne"" What's all the ruckus? "" Why are you screamin'? "

The Plantars said as Y/n hit her head on the basement door before opening the latch and giving a questionable look.

" My battery is low,but it was fine last night when I turned it off....huh? " Anne says scrolling through the episodes to see them all played.

" Watched?Who watched all these episodes and used up all the- " The battery had went down a lot and was nearly dead as it gave warning beats before shutting off.

" No!No!No!No!No!No! " Anne yelled.

" It's gone," Anne spoke again.

" What's gone? " Sprig questioned.

" Everything! " Anne started to explain in panic as Y/n just watched.

" U-um,there there? " Sprig said trying his best to comfort Anne only for her to slap his hand away in rage.

" Was it you! " She accused angrily.

" What no!I didn't watched anything!It must have been Polly! " Sprig accused.

" What! "" Even heard her get up in the night very suspicious, " Sprig whispered to Anne.

" I needed to pee,plus you heard me which means you were awake too!You're the suspicious one! " Polly yelled as she and Sprig went face to face an the argument.

" Wait what about Y/n or Hop Pop," Polly said.

" Don't look at me,I was with Anne and fell asleep BEFORE her,you're all sus,like among us sus, " Y/n says casually.

" Me?In case your forgot I despise that garbage! " Hop Pop Explained.

" Exactly,maybe you ran down the phone so we'd have to listen to your boring play! " Polly accused.

" That's good."" That is preposterous!"

" If none of you are going to admit to it,the least you can do is help me fix my phone, " Anne states.

" Fair enough Anne,now how do we bring this thing back to life,magic?Life sacrifice?I know a guy in town-"

" what-"" We need power!Electricity!" Anne spoke.

" Wha?"

" Ya know,zap zap? " Anne tried to explain."Zap zap?Oh I think I know what you're talking about!Quickly!To my study! " Hop pop said as everyone followed him to to his study.

He sat down opening a book." I've heard talk about a creature called the zapapede,that lives deep in the misty peaks," Hop Pop says explaining the creature in detail.

" That sounds painful," Y/n commented.

" Sounds like it's worth a shot,so how far is this bug Hp? " Anne questioned.

" Don't call me Hp,it's half a days travel,but that should be no trouble for this gang, " Hop Pops said as Sprig slapped his hand away." Oh ya,will that's just what Chad said...right before he was stabbed in the back by a backstabber on Suspicion Island! " Sprig yelled as he continued to slap Hop Pop's hand away.

" Oh boy,I know where this is going," Y/n said with a unamused face.

" Watch where you're pointing that finger," Hop Pop said now slapping Sprig's hand away.

" I wouldn't stab Chad in the back,but one of you three would, " Polly stated.

" Keep me out of it, " Y/n said with venom lacing in her voice as the four soon started arguing amongst each other.

" Hey!Hey hey hey hey hey!You're all suspicious!Just look at you, " Anne spoke." Ugh!Let's go get her phone charged so I don't have to deal with this," Y/n said aggravated.