
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

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Amour Interdit (Forbidden Love)Chapter38

What was happening to him, she saw tears falling from his ears and she could say that he was in pain, how can she take the pain away from him, what was she supposed to do.

His face grew pale and paler and the next moment he started to cough blood.

"Demetrius..." Meli called in horror getting everyone's attention from the dance floor. Blood! She felt his stomach churn out of fear.

Melisa's hand went to his scalp, as she stairs down at him with tears in her eyes, Demetrius kept coughing blood, and that part was really freaking her out. Why the hell was he coughing blood? he has never seen someone coughing blood before.

Was he sick and he never told her, then he wasn't fair.

Everyone look at there direction and they couldn't see the person who called. They Squinted carefully and finally they saw two people down, one person lying down his head on her folded knees.

Everyone rushed there, The people who couldn't believe their eyes was the King and Helena. When the saw blood they instantly knew why he was coughing blood.

He was poisoned, Helena couldn't believe it, the day she wanted to be her favorite day, it was going to be her worst day because someone his brother was dying that day.

She squats down with tears in her eyes, why would they choose this particular day her wedding day, why? Alex put his arms around her as they watch the scene infront of them. They was nothing they could do.

The King just stood there frozen, He was going to loose someone special to him again, first his wife died and now he was watching his son slipping away.

But who would dared to do such a thing? on this occasion? poison him, the person who did this, he must give him, he was or she is a clever person.

"Demetrius wh...what is happening why are you coughing blood?" She stammered her eyes welling up and her voice breaking.

Just what was happening? Someone please tell her that this is just a dream like the one she had before and she will wake up soon and find him staring down at her.

As much as she wished it to be just a dream it wasn't, it was a reality that that she needs to face.

Suddenly Demetrius hands reach to her welling face and wiped the tears.

"Demetrius...."She called between her sobs and sniffing.

"D...do.. don't cry..I will be fine." He stated with tears in his eyes, he tried to sound positive but he knew this time there was no escaping this death, his enemies finally won, they have been trying to kill him since he was young and now they have managed to. They have won.

Soon he will go the other side he will not be able to see her beautiful face, he needed to stay awake for just a few more minutes, there was one thing he wanted to see before he goes to the other side, was her smile and then he would die happy.

"B...b...b..but ...what is happening? why are you coughing blood?" She asked tears still streaming down her face, she couldn't understand what was happening.

How was someone just able to cough blood out of the blue he was just fine a while ago, Was he going to die? the thought of him dying just terrifies her to the bones.

"Like I told you earlier, don't cry I will be fine,,how about you give me a smile." He stated wiping away her tears.

Meli in her situation tried to give a smile but she knew it, she couldn't give a better smile in that time. How can she smile when he was suffering like that.

She wipe away the tears in her eyes. And smiled at him.

"I am smiling now." She stated as she sniffs, in her eyes there was still tears.

"That's better always keep smile, you look good smiling." He stated looking at her.


"Yes." He knew that now he was going. He look around and saw his sister soaked on her own years.

"You too don't cry, you know you look ugly, when you cry." He told Helena as he held her hand. Even in that state he can make her smile

"I will not...He stated shaking her head and holding her tears but she knew she will not be able to hold them for long... brother you have to fight this, you need fight this." She told him with a firm voice, even though she knew she can't fight anymore she still to him.

"Yes." He told them he knew he will not be able to fight this, it already empowered him fully.

This was going to be so painful but seeing his two favorite people, it was less painful.

He looked at Helena's side and saw Alex, he seems like he was also crying.

"Are you also crying?" He asked him with a smile.

Alex quickly blinked away the tears, he was the one who was supposed to be strong for Helena and if he's was also crying how will they help one another?

"Brother you should listen to your sister and fight this." He told him with a firm voice.

"Yes." The two ladies said in unison.

Demetrius look around and saw his father who was also crying. Ivy was also soaked with her own tears, he couldn't see his brother and his step mother anywhere. Maybe they were celebrating, he thought that they gave up.

Again he stared at the beautiful souls around him. This was it this was his last day on this earth. Again he started coughing blood, looking at his wife who was looking at her shouting something he couldn't hear, maybe calling his name, before darkness took over him completely.

Meli tried to hold her tears but she couldn't when she saw him coughing more blood she shouted for someone to call a doctor.

"Demetrius,,, She called trying to hold on to her tears,,,, Demetrius,,,,she called again but he didn't move,,,My love,,,This time she called crying,,,wake up,,she stated crying tears rolling down her face,,,,wake up."

Why did this felt like deja Vu, then she remembered, it also happened with Lukas. With Lukas but Lukas survived was he also suppose to survive.

She called but there was no reply, he shock him but he couldn't move, was there love also going to end in a tragedy.

But this wasn't fair, she didn't even express her love yet, When Helena saw that he wasn't moving, she knew he was already gone, his brother was gone, he is dead, she turned and cried in his husband's chest.

Why did he have to die today off all days, on her wedding day, She cried. Alex didn't even know what to think.

Who would poison him, who hated him this much? To poison him, no matter how had he tried to think he couldn't come up with anyone who would want to harm him.

The King sent Eugene to go and call a doctor, even though they knew it was late they still went to call a doctor.

Ivy wasn't able to believe what she was seeing, when she came to the wedding she tried to stay as far as possible, she didn't want trouble.

Even though she was still hurting that she couldn't be with the man she love, she decided to let him go. She didn't want to come to the wedding but she couldn't miss it since it his brother's.

When she was talking to one of the male guest she heard someone calling Demetrius's name, she couldn't help but wonder why? so she excused herself and went to the place where there was a crowd of people.

When she arrived and saw the blood in Demetrius mouth, right that instance she knew that she was not going to survive.

Why was God punishing her like this first she couldn't be with the man she loves and he was taking him away too. it wasn't good.

Watching him in agony like that made her eyes well up. When she didn't move at all she run from the crowd and went to the bathroom.

And lean on the door as she slides down, she hugged her knees as she cry her heart out, why was this happening to him and not anyone else.

She stood up and went back to the hall, Everybody was gone, it was only the members of the family. It seemed like were all told to go back.

Melisa was on the same spot holding her dear husband, tears still streaming down her face.

Her brother was holding his dear wife as she continue to sob in his embrace. Then she spotted The Queen and Prince Charles crying, if someone didn't know them well, they would think that their cry was genuine. But she has always known that the two never liked Demetrius.

she knew very well that Demetrius was poisoned and only them were the people capable of doing that, she walked to them and looked at them.

"It was you guys?" She asked them looking at them intently.

"What are you talking about?" The Queen asked pretending she didn't know what she was asking.

"You killed Demetrius." She pointed.

"You know your not suppose to accuse anyone without evidence." The queen said not looking at her.

"Besides why do you seem so hurt, when you couldn't even have him?" Prince Charles.

Was he admitting indirectly?

"Yes I couldn't have him I already accepted that, I didn't want him to die." She stated her voice almost raising up.

Sure she couldn't have him but that didn't mean that he wanted him to die, Demetrius was her first love, but it was a forbidden love, amour Interdit. Maybe if Melissa never showed up may she could have been married to him.

His death was really hurting her in the way she has never expected.

"I thought you will be happy that neither of you will have him, but guess I thought wrong." Prince Charles stated as if admitting their crime.

"So your are admitting that you guys did it,,,she stated breaking, the tears she has been trying to hold since she started talking to them pouring endlessly,,, You disgusted people Charles how could plan to kill your own brother and you how...how could you kill you own step son without even batting an eyelid." She stated crying endlessly.

Queen looked at her, how could she talk to her like that, didn't she know that she was in her territory.

"Young girl I would suggest that you watch you tone with me....She stated without any atom of remorse about what she did she has been trying to do this since long and finally she succeeded she needed to celebrate not argue with silly ladies crying over their lover.....in fact leave us alone can't you see that we are mourning my son's death..." She added.

"Mourning...Ivy scoffed looking at both of them disgustedly....You said that I can't accuse you without evidence???she asked....I will look for evidence and once I found it I will see what the society will think about the Queen they have and also the kind of prince they have."

She stated then left but before taking five steps she came back.

"Apparently an apple doesn't fall far away from it's tree." She stated looking at Charles.

"Listen you have no right to talked to me like that." Charles stated holding her by her neck with gritted teeth throwing daggers at her, he was fuming with anger that he felt like slapping her across the face and made her swallow the word she just spouted.

"Son let her go." Stated pulling him away from her, he didn't want him creating a scandal between this midst.

"Yeah listen to you dear mother." She stated then left glaring at the two of them

If Charles was feeling victorious earlier now he was feeling really awful, after everything that Ivy said.