
Amethyst Desire

"I hate you," I mumbled. His face didn't turn to the other side nor did his amethyst eyes leave my brown ones even once. That slap was a very harsh one but this man didn't even flinch. "You love me," he said. "No, I don't," I scoffed. I tried to slap him again but this time he caught my wrist. "Yes, you do and I can prove it," he pulled me closer and leaned in. A very obvious smirk plastered on his perfectly sculpted face. *One peck...* *Two pecks...* I didn't even realize it and my eyes were closed; my lips were moving in sync with his. I couldn't resist him, hell I didn't even have a single thought of resisting him. Not only did he own my soul but my body too was at his mercy. His tongue brushed my lower lip now and then, his hands snaked around my waist keeping me secured as if I would run away if he let go- like he feared I would disappear. My fingers were tangled up in his long locks of hair. And just like that normal kiss turned into a hot make-out when I allowed his tongue to explore the insides of my mouth. ~ In the world they lived in, 3% of humankind were cursed with the rule of 'soulmate'. They were born with the initials of their soulmate's name on their left ankle. They were bound to spend the rest of their life with their soulmate, whether they got along or not. Whether they loved them or not. Some continued to look at this rule as a curse, while some embraced it and saw it as a blessing. Things got complicated when Dove Stanley, a genius lyricist found out that her soulmate; an infamous pop star named Vinter Harris is dating her arch-nemesis Nina Robbins. Dove who shared a dark past with Nina became adamant about breaking the soulmate bond with Vinter, as she wanted to have a future with Vinter's half-brother Twilight. Dove believed that mother nature made a mistake to give her a soulmate like Vinter, so she decided to go against mother nature. But there is always a price to pay in order to go against the natural law.

Thevriter · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

TWENTY: Belphegor

Dove's POV

I was waiting for Belphegor at a park. Yesterday I got a call from him saying he has something to talk about, it's been 3 days since my date with Twilight. Just like Leviathan, Belphegor is always late too.

After waiting a bit more I saw a figure wearing a dark hoodie with his head covered with the hood, and face covered with a mask and goggles showed up. I sighed knowing who it was.

"This is embarrassing," I mumbled rubbing my face as I saw the way Belphegor was walking and especially his appearance. It was past 6 in the evening and I don't have a clue why this man is wearing goggles and a mask.

The moment his eyes fell on me, he energetically waved at me. I know he's grinning; I can totally imagine it.

"Hey, Chaos!" He said loudly as he rushed towards me.

"What the actual hell are you wearing, Bel?!" I asked as I pulled his goggles and mask off his face. He dramatically gasped and covered his face.

"My eyes! They are burning!" He screamed dramatically, as we both got even more weird looks from the people.

"For goodness' sake! Bel! Stop acting like you are a vampire!" I scolded.

"But! Brightness hurts!" He whined. I smacked him on his head.

"When was the last time you stepped out of the mansion?" I asked. He thought for a minute and smiled.

"4 months ago," he chuckled. I smacked him again.

"Ow! Chaos!" He whined again.

"Stop whining like a baby," I said in a monotone. "... tell me what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Nothing! I was just bored and wanted to eat ice cream," he shrugged.

"Not everyone is dumb like Mammon, Bel. You think I'll fall for that?" I asked. "Tell me before I smack you again."

"Fine fine! I will tell you!" He said raising his hands.

"The contract which you and Lucifer talked about, there is a plan for that. Bethany will soon be helped to break out of prison. But while you will be discussing the information you want to get from her, 'the sins' will be present there, not all but most probably Asmodeus and Satan," Belphegor explained. "Your conversation will be confidential of course even though we won't know what you two talked about except for 'the sins' present there at the moment. You know how it is with Lucifer..."

He didn't talk ahead— like he was hesitating to speak. I chuckled knowingly. Of course, nothing is ever so simple with Lucifer.

"What's the catch, Bel?" I asked.

"There is another contract issued..." he said.

"What sort?" I asked.

"Assassination of Bethany," he replied. I sighed. I saw that coming. Rather Lucifer talked about it before too, so it was bound to happen.

"Well Bel I'm aware of that," I replied.

"It would be better if you don't let Micah know about all this," he said. I sighed, of course, I cannot tell her about it. After all, Bethany is her mother and I don't know how she'll react when she'll find out that her mother is going to get assassinated.

"I won't tell Micah about it," I said.

"But why do I feel like there is something more?" I asked. Belphegor stiffened. "It's about Lucifer, isn't it?"

"How did you..." he paused. "You are sharper than Leviathan, Chaos."

I gave him a proud smug look. He shook his head, but he seemed a bit disturbed.

"What is the issue, Bel?" I asked.

"It's just that I don't have a good feeling about Lucifer keeping you around. I feel like he has some ulterior motives," he said.

"Bel, we both know he can get no benefits from me. What sort of ulterior motives do you think he might have?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know about that yet. But Leviathan said not to get involved with Lucifer much," he said. "Please listen to Leviathan and keep your distance, baby. I swear it's too dangerous. Just because me, Leviathan and Mammon won't do anything to you, and probably even Asmodeus won't. But I cannot say the same about Satan and Beelzebub, especially Satan— he is Lucifer's closest comrade. One command from Lucifer and they will kill you with no remorse."

"I know, I understand your worry, Bel. Don't worry I don't just have myself to protect but I have someone else too," I said. Belphegor stared at me with a questioning look. I chuckled.

"I thought you were stalking me so you would know by now," I said.

"I am not stalking you, baby. I am just keeping a track of your whereabouts through the network of your mobile and keeping a check on your bank accounts," he explained. Well, so does that mean Lucifer has someone who is following me everywhere I go and the rest of 'the sins' are not aware of that? But why would Lucifer go up to that extent?

"Well I have a boyfriend now," I said.

"Finally! Finally, you are dating Vinter! I am so happy!" Belphegor jumped around. Who would believe me if I say this man is a criminal?

"I am not dating Vinter," I said.

"What? Then who?" He asked.

"Vinter's half-brother Twilight, I'm dating Twilight Harris," I replied.

"Twilight Harris, I know him of course," he said. Sure he does, after all, it would be Belphegor who would be collecting all the scattered information about Oliver Harris.

"Nice guy, Twilight is. Doesn't share a particularly good bond with his father, but loves his brother and mother a lot. Is a tattoo artist, not struggling but he isn't exactly famous. There is nothing exceptional about him, he's a decent-looking man. I mean he's quite handsome but not as much as Vinter. So what exactly is there that makes you so fond of him that you started dating him?" He asked. "I thought dating wasn't your thing and back at the juvenile center, you were also very happy about the fact that you have a soulmate. So what exactly changed?"

Belphegor has an exceptional memory; he never forgets something that he has once read. He's not only a tech genius but Belphegor is a walking encyclopedia. Lucifer has formed a great team with extraordinary people in it. Each sin has a specialty of their own.

"Twilight is one of those rare gems who never judged me for my past. He allowed me to explain what exactly happened back then," I said.

"Kind man he seems," Belphegor said.

"I almost thought you are with him to get back on Vinter," Belphegor joked.

"I was at first, I really wanted to get back on Vinter, but eventually I caught feelings for this innocent man," I sighed as I thought about how warm he felt. His gentle touches, his blushing face.


"I am not a simp," I glared at Belphegor.

"Simp. Simp. Simp!" He teased even more.

"I'm not-"

"Um... excuse me..." I paused when I heard a small voice from behind Belphegor. We both looked in the direction of the voice and saw a small girl shyly looking at Belphegor.

"Yes?" Belphegor asked.

"Are you... are you a vampire?" She asked. I snorted at her question as Belphegor chuckled.

"No, I'm not. But I look like one, don't I?" He asked as he gently pulled the little girl's cheeks. The girl grinned as a small blush spread across her cheeks.

"You look very good!" She said. She got a crush on Belphegor which made me laugh.

"Handsome man you should break up with this mean lady!" The kid said glaring at me. Almost forgot to mention, kids don't like me.

"First of all! This man is not my boyfriend, he's my best friend and second, I have a boyfriend who is way too hot!" I boasted. I wasn't lying, Twilight is the hottest man I know. I mean if anyone sees that body he has, and those tattoos just add to it. I fetched my mobile out and showed her one of the pictures of me and Twilight together which we clicked on our date.

"Tattoos are scary! You are much much good looking!" The girl whined giving Belphegor puppy eyes. Belphegor chuckled as he patted her head.

"Of course I'm," he said smugly.

"Freya! Come on we are going home!" Someone said. The little girl looked at the woman who called her.

"Okay, mommy!" She said as she looked at Belphegor again.

"I hope we can meet again, handsome man!" Freya said. Belphegor nodded with a smile.

"I hope so too!" He said as he gave her a high five and the girl ran to her mother later.

"What on earth was that?!" I asked laughing.

"That small kid fell for my charm," Belphegor stated proudly.

"More like she was hoping to have a vampire romance story. Kids these days," I said chuckling.

"Hey Chaos, can I ask you something?" Belphegor asked.

"Yeah what?"

"I want to meet Vinter," he said.


"What? Why?"

"What do you mean by why? First of all, I am not exactly on talking terms with Vinter and second what am I going to tell him? Hey Vinter! This is Belphegor my best friend from 'the sins'!" I said.

"But I am like his biggest fan! Please, baby! Can't you do this much for someone who raised you!" Belphegor gave me his puppy eyes.

"Leviathan raised me, you just created trouble for me and there are other ways too to meet Vinter," I said.

"Yeah, but I want to meet through you."


"So I can fix things between you two," he said.

"No need. Last time you tried to fix things between me and Mammon, you ruined it even more," I said.

"Yeah, that was cause you and Mammon are too much alike."

"Well so are me and Vinter. So don't bother Bel and just let it be," I said.

"But! I ship you with Vinter!" He whined more.

"You ship me with Mammon, you ship me with Vinter! How many people do you ship me with?" I asked.

"Mammon was nothing! I was just joking!" He excused.

"When we were in the juvenile center you locked me up in a room with Mammon for a night. You were hoping we would do 'things' if we were alone," I pointed out.

"At that time I genuinely thought he was your soulmate!" He said. I sighed. This man is unbelievable.

"Bel! I'm leaving!" I said.

"Okay fine! I won't ask you to help me meet Vinter. But can I at least meet Twilight?" He asked.

I thought for a minute and I sighed.

"Why are you so adamant about meeting the Harris brothers?" I asked. I know he's not asking just for fun; he has something in mind.

"I have to make sure a few things, I'll tell you about it after I meet him. Please, will you take me to meet Twilight?" He asked.

"Okay, if we are lucky, he would still be at his tattoo studio. Let's go meet him, but Bel are you okay with it? I mean at that studio his other two best friends might also be there. You will be seen by a lot of people," I said.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. Everything is just going as I planned it," he said. Did he plan it? What did he plan? Belphegor isn't exactly a master planner or anything but he's fairly good at it. This has to be something related to Oliver Harris. What if Lucifer is planning to do something to Twilight and Vinter?

Belphegor got up from his seat but I pulled him back down. I coldly glared at him.

"Is Lucifer planning to hurt Twilight or Vinter?" I asked. "If he is, I promise he won't like the consequences."

"Dove that's not..."

"If anything happens to either of them, I promise to take Lucifer down and you know I can do that, don't you Belphegor?" I said. He sighed as he placed his hands on my shoulder.

"Lucifer does not play dirty, Dove. You know this better than anyone. I promise you nothing will happen to your lover or soulmate," Belphegor said calming me down a bit.

"Okay I trust you," I said. "I am sorry Bel. I wasn't doubting you, it's just I don't trust Lucifer no matter how hard I try I cannot trust someone that I cannot figure out. I know he's a man of his word and won't do anything wrong. But now that when I finally have a weakness, not just one but two I often get paranoid."

"You know Dove, Leviathan and I love you the most, we will not let anything happen to people you love. I promise," he said. I nodded with a smile as I placed my head on his shoulder.

"And about your father. What are you planning to do about it?" He asked.

"I have a few things in mind, but I will tell you later about it," I said as I raised my head from his shoulder.

"Let's go meet my boyfriend," I said as I pulled him up.

"People get man-handled, I'm getting woman-handled," Belphegor commented as I dragged him with me towards the direction of Twilight's studio.

I wish even Leviathan would be able to meet Twilight one day. It would give me the feeling of my boyfriend finally meeting my father. I will make it happen some or the other way.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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