
Chapter 55: Layout

Penerjemah: 549690339

Mary had just left not long ago.

Nisen came back holding a document and said, "I've filtered them out, there are 181 suspect households!"

"181 households?"

David was somewhat surprised, as that was fewer than he had expected.

"Yes, and coincidentally, a few days ago a team conducted a detailed investigation of this residential area for a case, so we kind of picked up a bargain."

David nodded and, after a moment of thought, said, "In that case, go find the person in charge of this residential area and tell them to have these 181 households assemble in the square below at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning for a routine check!"

"Won't this... scare the snake by hitting the grass?"

In Nisen's mind, if the hacker was indeed hiding in the residential area, their actions would surely alert the guy.

If that happened, there was a good chance the guy might skip town overnight, which would become a bit troublesome.