


Hisako Arato could only blink and stare blankly at what just happen. She and some other students from Totsuki a culinary school from Japan. Had come to the USA to show off the culinary skills of the school to the Empress of the United States. At least one version of Japan, which the school suddenly found itself in this strange new world. Where people and places suddenly appear now and then in this world. 


Many of the students suddenly found that because of how only in some places in the world have high end restaurants. That their high class foods are all but unknown, with only the rich and powerful being able to eat that kind of food. Many of the older students had left the school after the Dark Hand helped them all get use to the new world they found themselves in, before letting them fend for themselves. But there are now lots of restaurants that are now serving better food around Japan. While others works as cooks in government buildings, which is how they got to America. 


Soma Yukihira, Erina Nakiri, Alice Nakiri, who came to show their cooking skills. Along with Senzaemon Nakiri, Roland Chapelle and Jun Shiomi who came to look after the kids could only shake their heads at what happen. The Dark Hand had sent them here to be moles so that they could keep an eye on things that have been happening in the states. By trying to become cooks for the royal family or failing that becoming cooks around San Francisco. 


Hisako Arato had her name pick from a hat to be the first to go up against Kronk Pepikrankenitz the royal cook and owner of his own restaurant. They were out in a park with a stage had been set for the cook off. That was the plan at least as the soft-shelled turtle that Hisako had brought from Japan, had been taken from her by the children of the royal family. 


"This is Sam all over again," empress Barbie said looking over to her children who have gathered around the pot holding the turtle that was going to be served to her. Lincoln, Tom, Tara, Jade, and Vanellope seeing the turtle going to be beheaded had quickly rush onto the stage and took the pot holding the turtle from Hisako.


"Let me guess an animal that was going to be dinner but became a family pet thanks to your kids?" Senzaemon ask. 


"Sam the turkey," Barbie stated before looking at Hisako. "I really should had told you all about using live animals, especially ones that can easily be made into pets. Not to mention I do not enjoy watching someone slaughtering a live animal in front of me and serving it to me later. There's a time and place where that's acceptable, and this isn't one of them. As I'm not that hungry. Next cook." (1)


"Well this isn't going according to plan," Soma said to Erina.


"We're going to be in so much trouble if this ends in failure," Erina replied. 




Kingdom of Sundom -


In the northeastern mountains of the Sundom, a scouting team discovered some ruins of what looks like a compound of some kind. Aloy had been sent a message by her focus showing her the location by the same person who has been guiding her since she started her journey. After the ruins were discovered and that Eclipse soldiers along with corrupted machines are guarding it. A team of soldiers were sent to secure the site before Aloy, along with Diego and Lila were transported there.


Stepping off of the copter that took them to the ruins, Aloy look around. The soldiers that were sent ahead had already secured the area, with the bodies of the Eclipse soldiers having already been removed and the fallen machines being put into a pile. Another copter landed nearby letting off, Naruto, Lenny, Mila, and Cracker. 


"We have the area secured and have a pathway to the top of the building," the soldier in charge of the operation informed the group. 


"Can't we just fly up?" Lila ask looking up at the towering ruin. 


"We can but we might mess something. And besides we have eyebots to help us up," Naruto said.


"Also Lila you already a natural climber," Diego said. 


"Yeah but it doesn't mean I won't take the easier way up," Lila said. 


"Well lets get going," Aloy said walking into the ruins that use to be the HQ of Faro Automated Solutions. 


Once inside the group began climbing up, passing soldiers and agents who are collecting useful technology. They followed the pathway the soldiers had made for them. With Mr. Gutsy robots dropping rope ladders down upper levels and having cut their way into or unblock passageways. 


Along the way Aloy collected data points, which gave the group more information on what happen here and what this building was. The first was at the Reception desk.


'Welcome to Faro Automated Solutions, where all the problems of tomorrow are being solved... today! With over 25,000 human employees based in nations and corporate holdings across the globe, Faro leads the world in every sector of self-sustaining, fully-automated technology. From revolutionary consumer products close to home, like the Faro Focus, to the dynamic Chariot line of peacekeeping robots halting bloodshed in conflict zones across the globe, Faro remains committed to making the future smarter, brighter, safer... and always surprising. Faro Automated Solutions... for every problem of life, a smart solution.'


Also a complaint to the reception desk. Showing what kind of company Faro Automated Solutions was. 


FROM: Jay Friedkin

  TO: Reception

  SUJECT: Re: Complaint


Hey Reception, if that is your real name. Wanna know who scheduled Indo-Malay right next to FreshGrounds? That would be me, Senior VP of Sales. Wanna know why? After that little hair-pulling incident, both sides increased their bids by 40%. 


I'll explain, because your receptionist-level brain probably requires it. Those two sides are FIGHTING. And what do we sell? That's right, COMBAT MACHINES. We WANT them to hate each other. So they will try to fight each other with... what? That's right again, COMBAT MACHINES. Which they will pay us a lot of money for. 


So I suggest you go back to serving coffee with a blank smile, and let me do my much-more-complicated job. 


Thx a bunch,

  Mr. Friedkin to you 


They also found a room showing the last line 3 types of robots that the company was selling. 


The Corruptor or ACA3 " Scarab" combines conventional and information warfare capabilities in one package. Designed for high-speed, all-terrain reconnaissance, it boasts the world's highest survivability rating of any scout-class autonomous agent. Maybe it's the Scarab's emergency biomass conversion systems that ensure it always makes it back to base, even if fuel lines have been interdicted. Or maybe it's the Scarab's ability to slave enemy robots to its own network. Now that's force multiplication. Add a prehensile manipulator arm that can handle a host of functions, from 360-degree less-lethal riot management to surgical repairs of allied Chariot line models, and you've got the workhorse of any cutting-edge peacekeeping fleet. 


The Deathbringer or FSP5 "Khopesh" provides a one-size-fits-all solution to main battle force capability. Metamaterial construction delivers unmatched recoil dampening, allowing you to field any weapon package that conforms to your budget needs and conflict-resolution profile. Patented biomass conversion systems allow extended emergency operations with minimal environmental impact. Multilinear target processing provides simultaneous real-time threat analysis and legal review for autonomous domestic operations - or control can be slaved to the swarm's neural network for weapons-free force application. Either way, when it's time to call out the big guns, it's time to call Khopesh. 


The Metal Devil or BOR7 "Horus": Imagine your complete engagement ecosystem comprehensively managed by a high-speed learning machine network. Whether your need is to replace battlefield losses or intensify force projection, the Horus's onboard manufacturing capabilities mean you'll never get stuck waiting for the next arms delivery. Simply redefine your force parameters and the Horus will  fabricate additional units to fill the ranks for an affordable per-unit licensing fee. Meanwhile, the biomatter conversion system of other Chariot line models allow them to keep the Horus fueled, repaired, and ready, extending its operational tolerances beyond any competing Titan-class platform. That's the Horus advantage. Always regulating, always ready. The future of automated warfare, made real today. 


They also found datapoints of who all have someone who seemed to be the owner of the company. 



FROM: Ted Faro

  TO: FAS All

  SUBJECT: R&D/Lab Retooling 


TED FARO: Now I know this must seem like a bizarre change in direction. I mean, we're Faro Automated Solutions, right? #1 robotics firm in the world. Why would we clear our production slate to fabricate human - operated  vehicles and weapons systems - the relics of the past? All I can say at  this juncture is... trust me. We will be exploiting a massive, uh...  growth opportunity by retooling and reallocating capacity according to my plan. So I will need revised projections of mass fabrication velocity across every pipeline within 36 hours... 



Another datapoint revealed that there was a programing error. 



CODE EXPERT: The protocols use poly-phasic entangled waveforms. Quantum encryption, Black Quartz stuff, way beyond military-grade. That's what you demanded, so that's what we delivered. 


TED FARO: You don't code something you can't crack. All we need is a back door. Upload the latest service pack update and the problem goes away. 


CODE EXPERT: You specifically forbade us from leaving anything resembling a back door in code. "Every protocol to Black Quartz standard." Your words. Look. If you need me to fudge some projections, it's nothing we haven't done before. 


TED FARO: I don't need fudged projections! I need a way to reassert control over the Hartz-Timor swarm! 


CODE EXPERT: I don't know what to tell you, Ted. You're asking the impossible... 



And what looks like a message to all the employees.



TED FARO: ...that began when they engaged in unauthorized offensive operations against robots and human personnel of the Hartz-Timor Energy Combine. Now I wish that I could relate that the crisis has been... exaggerated. But... it's not. The peacekeepers have not responded to stand-down codes, and... by all signs they appear to be replicating at a... precipitous rate. Now what I can promise you, can absolutely assure you, is that I am already devoting every possible resource towards reaching... a speedy conclusion to this issue. So when you hear the bad talk about us, against this company, in the days, maybe weeks to come... just bear in mind that we will get past this... that a day's coming when none of this will matter -



Then they found datapoints revealing what was happening with their last robot line that had the programing error. 



FROM: Stacy Anders

  TO: Robert Rescher

  SUBJECT: Dolphin Vid 




Another problem to add to our big steaming pile. Apparently, a fisherman in the Banda Sea captured video of a Hartz-Timor Horus unit refueling via biomatter conversion along the shoreline of Pulau Wetar. On a pod of endangered dolphins, no less, quite possibly the last of their kind. Not to get graphic, but it looks like what happens inside a blender, as if the robot was whipping up a big pink swirling milkshake of dolphin chum. Our suppression team has scrubbed it from 43 networks, but it's still propagating, so it's only a matter of time before it goes viral. A prepared statement feels grossly insufficient. Any suggestions? This one's a real stinker. 


Stacy Anders



FROM: Gordon Nakata

  TO: Gina Ziermann

  SUBJECT: All Hands on Deck 




Ever hear of the Melville Island Fruit Association? Neither had I, until they filed suit against us this morning. Apparently, there's a little island paradise off the coast of Australia, population 2700, all of whom hate us, now that a stray Hartz-Timor unit is chowing down on their largest mango orchard. That brings the official count of Hartz-Timor related lawsuits to 127, most of them from private companies, but also a bunch from individuals, nation states, and NGOs. And that's not even counting the mother of all liability claims from Hartz itself. Call every external firm we've ever used, then called their competitors. We're going to need every corporate defense lawyer we can find who's still half-sober and on the bar. 


Gordon Nakata

  Associate General Counsel, FAS



Then they found two messages sent to all employees. 



FROM: Ted Faro

  TO: Paula Vassara

  SUBJECT: Spiritual Summit 




Recent events have sharpened my perspective, and I think that I, and FAS in general, have been neglecting the spiritual side of things. Not under any specific religious framework, of course, but in a more general sense, as in not giving enough thought to our shared values, hopes, and aspirations for the afterlife. I'd like you to reach out to religious leaders of every stripe with the intention of scheduling a conference soon. Very soon. I'll have more thoughts about the agenda later, but for now, let's put out some feelers and see if we can lock something in. Make it a big tent - no kooks, but anyone with a credible audience. Let's go deluxe - make it clear we'll spare no expense. 






The last showed something bad happen that put all the employees in danger. 



FAS Campus Security Log 



  Automated log note: All non-essential systems have entered hibernation. 



  Automated log note: Full lockdown has been initiated. 



  Due to the increasing frequency of violent protests targeting the campus, the security of FAS employees can no longer be guaranteed. Therefore, we have taken the difficult decision to shutter this facility indefinitely. Staff will be debrief on a block-by-block basis regarding proper procedure for archiving and/or disposal of project-related data and materials. Hi-Sec and a crisis team will then conduct exit review before ALL areas are locked down. 



Priority messaging to all staff in E and F blocks: treat the current lockdown situation as an exercise but DO NOT attempt to release the hatches or otherwise exit the buildings. 



A reminder that while Hi-Sec personnel remain committed to employee safety during the current unfortunate events, personal firearms MUST be relinquished when presenting for Identiscan. 



Additional public access roads en route to the campus have now been closed to relieve waiting time at the outer security cordons. Hi-Sec reminds all staff that the campus remains off-limits to the public. 



Following recent campus security issues, all staff are reminded that presenting for Identiscan and displaying your security badge prominently at all times for image analytics are both MANDATORY. 



In light of recent acts of terrorism directed at the rapid transit system, Hi-Sec now offers a 'big brother' initiative to accompany staff traveling from off-site. Signup is required and strongly encouraged. 






Finally, they made their way to the top of the building. Being helped by hitching a ride from eyebots or them or a Mr. Gutsy dropping a rope ladder for them to climb up. Till they finally made their way all the way up to the top which while having lost the roof, the computers still worked. 


Aloy's focus got the computer to play some recordings with two people a man and a woman appearing as holograms. The woman looked like Aloy, just older and shorter hair. The same woman that she's been searching for, Elisabet Sobeck who she thinks is her mother.



Record: 31 Oct 2064


TED FARO: Elisabet! Good to... it's been years. 


ELISABET SOBECK: Where's your legal team, Ted? 


TED FARO: No need! I dropped all eighteen lawsuits the moment you landed! I assume your data confirms this? 


ELISABET SOBECK:All right. This promises to be interesting. 


TED FARO: Perhaps we could have lunch brought in, get reacquainted...? 


ELISABET SOBECK: I know you, Ted. You've screwed something  up - something big or you wouldn't have eaten the crow necessary to get  me here. So spit it out! 


TED FARO: There's a glitch in the Chariot line. 


ELISABET SOBECK: Your killer robots? 


Record: 1 Nov 2064


ELISABET SOBECK: This isn't a glitch, it's a catastrophe. 


TED FARO: I'm fully aware. It's bad. 




TED FARO: Jesus, Lis... 


ELISABET SOBECK: It's not "bad," Ted. It's apocalyptic. You built a line of killer robots - 


TED FARO: Peacekeepers! 


ELISABET SOBECK: - that consume biomass as fuel - 


TED FARO: In emergencies! 


ELISABET SOBECK: - and you made them capable of self-replication. 


TED FARO: Limited self-manufacture. Controlled. 


ELISABET SOBECK: Not anymore. The glitch severed chain-of-command. The only nation this swarm answers to now is itself. 


TED FARO: You think - ?! 


ELISABET SOBECK: Everything else is just food. And at the rate it's replicating, Ted, it will strip the Earth bare in fifteen months! We're not talking fall of civilization, we're talking extinction! 


TED FARO: I get it, Lis! So how do I stop it while it's contained? 


ELISABET SOBECK: It's not contained! It can't be! 


TED FARO: You know what I mean! 


ELISABET SOBECK: Right. Before the truth gets out, you mean. 


TED FARO: Lis, I will do anything you say! Keep working it, and whatever you recommend, I'll do! 


ELISABET SOBECK: I'm going to hold you to that, Ted. 


Record: 3 Nov 2064


TED FARO: "Project Zero Dawn?" Jesus, Lis! There has to be another way! 


ELISABET SOBECK: If there were a nicer way to fix your mess, I would have proposed it. 


TED FARO: But this? This?! When I asked you to find a cure, I didn't expect it to be worse than the disease! 


ELISABET SOBECK: It's not, Ted. It may be grim, but it's our only chance. Now sign the proposal. 


TED FARO: Sign it? I can't sign that! 


ELISABET SOBECK: Yes, you can. 


TED FARO: That? Lis, I cannot in good conscience sign that! 


ELISABET SOBECK: You've got a choice, Ted - 


TED FARO: I know! 


ELISABET SOBECK: I am speaking to you from a VTOL en route to U.S. Robot Command! In fifteen minutes, I meet with General Herres and the rest of the Joint Chiefs! 


TED FARO: ...What? Are you crazy?! 


ELISABET SOBECK: Now your choice is what I tell them. Sign, and I'll tell them the wealthiest corporation on Earth has guaranteed the funds necessary to build Zero Dawn, exactly as I've designed it. Or don't sign - and I will make sure they and everyone else on this planet knows the real cause of the glitch. 


TED FARO: Jesus, Lis! You don't have to threaten me. 


TED FARO: I'll sign. 


ELISABET SOBECK: Look on the bright side, Ted. From here on out, you get to do what you've always been good at. Footing the bill  while others get their hands dirty. 


TED FARO: God forgive me. 



"The metal devils or Horus are giant robot factories that feeds on anything organic to make more of itself. And they went out of control with no way to ever turn them off," Diego said.


"But somehow she managed to do it," Aloy said looking at the frozen image of Sobeck.


"This is going to be a big story once I'm able to get it out," Lenny said.


"After we take care of things first so there won't be a mass panic," Lila said as she taps her comlink to Intelligent Barbie. "Mom you got all of that?"




Intelligent HQ -


"I got all that," Intelligent Barbie said to her daughter. She then turns to all the people in the room and Roosevelt on the screen. "Your orders?"


"I want everyone not doing something important to be sent to all the states that have been effected by the event and find all of the metal devils. Then I want them to destroy them, rip their engines or whatever that makes them work out. I want all the heroes to be sent out and help, get the giant robots and what else we got to destroy all of the metal devils. And then we can scrap them," Roosevelt said. 


"Scrap them? How many are there?" Hawk ask. 


"Currently there are 15 known metal devils scattered around the states that the event took place. Of course there might be some buried underneath the ground or maybe some are underwater. So we're going to have to search wide and far. Even if there is even one of them left, would spell trouble. On the plus side seeing how they're all powered down, it's a simple matter of dismantling them. Not to mention the amount of metal those mountain size robots are made out of will give the country all the raw materials it needs for years to come," Intelligent Barbie said. "Also all the gold, silver, copper, and platinum that be there to collect."


"Gold, silver, copper and platinum?" Hunter ask. 


"There are plenty of my sisters who use to break open old computers and things with chips in them to collect the gold, silver, platinum and copper used to make them. The circuit boards, and wires all use precious metals to make them. And yes there isn't enough to make even a ring. But seeing how these are giant robots which also makes robots, there would be tons of precious metals to make even one of them," Intelligent Barbie said. 


"That's good and all, but you all need to make calls and get all the metal devils dismantle and search for any that were miss. As for me, I have calls to make. Got to make sure that people like Mr. House will always leave a backdoor in their robots or a way to just shut them down so something like what happen in the world where Aloy comes from won't happen here," Roosevelt said shutting off the screen. 




The Shield -


Standing on a hill Empress Barbie stared at the crash spaceship. A reminder of the universe she came from and bringing up all the painful memories of that time. She had her hands full in handling the survivors of the Imperial. There was much work to get all of them use to a new way of life and culture. A tent city has been setup with some simple buildings being built around the crash ship. Not wanting the refugees from the kind of universe she came from just running around, they're going to have to be educated in how things works around here. 


"Nice to see you come," Empress Barbie said to the person behind her. 


"You always seem to know when I'm around," the person behind her said.


"I'm a mother, I had to deal with children sneaking around, more times than I can remember at this point," Empress Barbie said. 


"You're so unlike father," the person said. 


"I'm more like him in so many ways. It's the reason why I have given up on being the empress. My own father would had been so much better than me or my brother. It's the reason why I'm making sure the children have a better life as I had help you in having a better life then my brother had given you, Vulkan," Empress Barbie said turning to look at the giant of a man. 


"It wasn't a bad life. But I do enjoy this new life," Vulkan said. After being helped to get use to how things work in this world. Vulkan is now the head of the Salamanders Metalworks that his aunt had help him setup. Which makes parts for machines like brackets or shafts, to things like bolts and nuts. They also make better and new metal alloys, thanks to Vulkan's knowledge of metal working. 


"Only because of the kind of universe we use to live in," Empress Barbie said with deep regret in her voice. She turns her glaze back to the camp. "Never had a group that big before."


"Besides the ship's crew, those sister's of battle will be hard to handle," Vulkan said. 


"I have already showed them that I'm not their emperor. I just hope they can handle the culture shock," Empress Barbie said. 


"Some of those like me have gotten use to things," Vulkan said. 


"You really should drop by and see the family more often. There are 3 new kids," Empress Barbie said.


"I heard and I will visit but first, I'll help you aunt," Vulkan said. 


"Thank you," Empress Barbie said. 


"What is the plan for them?" Vulkan ask.


"For the young ones to deprogram them to be able to live in this world. As for the older ones, I can only hope to break their mindset. But seeing how they all been train to be soldiers to give their lives and think of nothing in killing anyone who doesn't follow their mindset. I hope I won't have to kill too many," Empress Barbie said. 


"Well they all saw the end of the Imperial and they know that they're not in their universe anymore," Vulkan said.


"Yes but denial is powerful for those who don't want to deal with reality," Empress Barbie said having dealt with so many from universes like hers. And having to put them down as they couldn't handle the culture shock.



Author's Notes -

1 - In a cooking contest with people from different cultures judging. Slaughtering a live animal in front of them while acceptable in one culture, doesn't mean it will cause some of the judges to not want to eat anymore.
