

Amelia Beaufort just turned 24 years old and just finished her university education. Ready to start her work experience life until the night of her graduation. Her family called her back to their main house to have a celebratory dinner for finishing University. Or at least that was what Amelia believed. Amelia arrived at her family home and greeted her parents and sisters. It was like any other dinner they had multiple times before, that is, until midway through dinner, her father told her that she would marry Ethan Carnell the following weekend. Amelia felt in total shock; she had not been expecting this outcome. Of all people, Ethan is the playboy of the century. "Why?" was the only word that came out of her mouth. "You are the only one available your older sister is already married, and your younger sister is too young for marriage. You will have to do." Her father told her. "you will be saving the family. We need this merger with the Carnell corporation, or our small fortune will become nothing." Her mother said. Both of her sisters just looked at her with pity in their eyes. Amelia didn't need sympathy; she needed to escape them and figure out her next move. Amelia is getting married, and she has to decide if she will make it work with her soon-to-be husband or if she will plan her great escape.

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Amelia couldn't believe that the hard work that she had done in the past four years was finally paying off. It was graduation, and the future looked pretty bright.

"Amelia, are you still going to meet us at the club?" Ethel, Amelia's friend and roommate, asked from her bed.

Amelia turned away from the mirror, where she was checking that her wardrobe was good. "I was planning to, but I must see how my family dinner goes."

"Make an effort. It will be our last get-together for a while," Ethel said as she got up from bed. She came over from the bed and stood behind Amelia. "The club we are going to is new and has many A-listers going, so we might see some famous people."

"I will try," Amelia said, getting her purse and heading to the door. I will text you after we finish dinner and let you know."

"Okay, the door opens at eight, and the party doesn't start until 9 or 10, so you should have plenty of time," Ethel said as she returned to bed.

"See you," Amelia said as she went out the door.

* * * * *

Amelia got home after a thirty-minute drive. "Mom, Dad, I am home," Amelia called out as she entered her childhood home and placed her keys on the side counter in the entryway.

"We are in the living room," Cassandra called to her daughter as she got up from her seat on the couch.

"You took your sweet time getting here; we have been waiting for you for thirty minutes," David said, disgruntled.

Amelia looked at her watch. "Mom told me that dinner was at six o'clock, and as you can see, I am five minutes early," She said as she went over to hug and kiss her mother.

"Don't listen to your father, Lia. You know how he gets when he is getting hungry." Cassandra said, taking her seat back on the couch.

"Oh, my, look who we have here, the house princess," Amelia said as she neared her sister and took her niece into her arms. "Hi, Clara and Stephan. How have you two been? Has the little princess given you guys any trouble."

Clara got up, Stephen following behind her, "It's good to see you. An Ana is a good little girl."

"Since everyone is here, let's sit down and eat," David said as he got up.

"I will tell Gloria to serve the food," Casandra said as she went from the living room to the kitchen.

"Come on, let's go to the table," David motioned everyone out of the living room toward the dining room.

Amelia took her regular sit next to her mother, who sat to the left of her father. Clara and Stephan sat beside David's right, and Bree sat beside Amelia. "So, Bree, how is school going?" Amelia asked as she took her napkin and placed it on her lap.

"I thought it would be different from high school, but as my second year ended, I discovered everything was pretty much the same. The only difference is that there are more people," Bree said as she finished placing the napkin on her lap.

"I know what you mean, but your 21st birthday is coming up. Do you have any place for it?" Amelia asked.

"Not really; Brice and Alexandra were talking about going out and inviting some of our friends we haven't seen in a while, but I don't know," Bree said.

Gloria entered the dining room with two people following her. They held trays filled with food and placed the plates in front of each person sitting at the table. "Enjoy," Gloria said. The two maids and Gloria returned to the kitchen, leaving the family alone to enjoy their meal.

"Let's eat, everyone. Amelia, I asked Gloria to make your favorite meal. Enjoy it," Cassandra said as she began to eat.

The table was quiet for a minute while everyone started to eat. "Dad, how is work going? I know I haven't been home in a minute, but now I am done with school, I can join the company and start working for you," Amelia said.

The table became even quieter. Clara and Stephan looked at each other and then at David. Cassandra cleared her throat. "Let's not talk about work right now."

"No, we have prolonged this as much as possible. It's time that she knew," David said, looking from Cassandra to Amelia. "Amelia, you will not work with me at the company."

"What, why not? Our deal was that I would finish school and then come and work for the company." Amelia said, putting her fork down.

"You will not be working for the company because, in two weeks, you will be getting married," David said, looking at Amelia.

Amelia looked at her father, "What do you mean I will be getting married in two weeks?"

"As you heard, you are getting married to Ethan Carnell," David said.

"To the playboy, Dad, why would I be getting married to him? I don't even know him," Amelia said. She was confused and starting to get angry.

"The company is in a bit of trouble, and Grandpa Carnell called me two days ago and proposed a deal to help the company," David said, "he wants to get his oldest grandchild married and settled before he passes."

"Okay, that's good, but why must it be me?" Amelia asked. "You do have another daughter who could get married."

"Bree is too young. She is just turning 21," David said, "Grandpa Carnell asked for you especially."

"And you just agreed to this?" Amelia questioned.

"We didn't have a choice, Amelia. The company is in real trouble, and if we don't get the money to support us through the next couple of months while the new product is hitting the market, we will lose everything," David said.

"Your dad is right, Lia. We reviewed the numbers yesterday, and the product will not be turning a profit until two months after its release. We have enough money to get us by in those two months, but we will need some capital until we see some real profit," Stephan said, looking at Amelia.

"So, all of you know about this," Amelia stated. "Clara, you knew about this and didn't say anything to me; I thought we didn't keep secrets between us."

"I'm sorry, Lia. Dad wanted to tell you himself," Clara said as she looked at Amelia.

Amelia got up from her seat, "Where are you going? Sit back down. Our conversation is not over, Amelia!" David said.

"No, Dad, we are done talking. I have to go." Amelia said as she moved away from the table.

"If you don't do this, Lia, the family will go bankrupt, and we will be out on the street. Do you want that for your family? Do you want that for little Ana?" David said.

Amelia stopped at the doorway, took a deep breath, and turned back to her dad. "I got it, Dad. I will be the sacrifice so that this family can keep living as we are accustomed to. But tonight, I will be carefree since I will be someone else's prisoner in two days."

"Lia!" Cassandra exclaimed.

"It's the truth, Mom. There is no reason to hide it," Amelia said, "I will see you guys later. I am late to meet my friends." Amelia walked out of the house and got in her car.

"That went better than I thought it would," Bree said.

"Bree, please be quiet. Your sister wouldn't be in this situation now if it were not for the company. She is the only reason you will be able to keep going to school," Cassandra said as she represented her for her words.

"One thing I wonder is how Grandpa Carnell knows Amelia?" Clara asked.

"I am not sure. Carnell didn't clarify how he knew her," David said. But knowing your sister, she probably helped him without even knowing it."

"That is true. One thing about Amelia is that she will help anyone who needs it," Clara said as she took Stephan's hand.

"Cassandra, please ensure everything is taken care of for the wedding. Grandpa Carnell said their family would take care of the preparations, but I want my daughter to walk down the aisle with the most beautiful dress and look like the princess she is." David said before getting up and heading toward the dining room entryway.

"I will take care of everything first thing tomorrow morning," Cassandra said before David left the dining room.