
Amber's Hidden Darkness

Amber is a young girl that has lived 2 lives. The first one is tragic and haunts her in her second life that she wants to live to the fullest yet the darkness somehow always appear wanting to swallow her and take away her happiness... Again. Yet she is always shameless and never scared of danger or any consequences of her actions ~Excerpt~ ‘Ugh! I just want to skip! God, why do you hate me so much! Nothing good ever happens when I try to do what I want.’ Amber whined inside her heart flopping half of her body on the desk with her snow-white wrists sticking out at the front of the desk. Her long silky Midnight-black hair covered most of her body But slid down her stunning face accentuating her small, delicate frame making her look like she was a doll because she looked so still yet beautiful and Ethereal catching everyone's attention. Amber felt everyone’s gaze on her so she propped her pointed chin on her knuckles smiling at everyone who became in a daze when they saw the doll become even more enchanting. “What? Is everyone here so infatuated with how perfect I look that they can't tear their gaze away from me?” Amber said with a provocative look. Everyone who heard her only thought of one sentence ‘Narcissistic Demon Goddess is too Shameless’ they all felt like puking blood from her shameless words. This the first time I have thought of publishing I hope you guys like it.

Katie_Timp · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs


"Where am I?" A man asked himself while running his hand through his midnight hair that fell over his purple eyes showing confusion.

He looked around and what he saw were a few paramedics surrounding his body while a girl with golden blonde hair and ocean blue eyes was just watching.

'She must have called them when she heard the gun shot. This girl is interesting many would have ran away but she called for help and is even still here..' My thoughts paused before I muttered out in a voice containing a hint of warmth

"Beside me" I smiled glad that when I died I wasn't alone. The feeling gave me a surge of warmth. I walked up next to the girl with her soft silky golden hair softly gliding along the gentle breeze of the wind.

When I got in front of her and looked down at her eyes I couldn't find a hint of the coldness I saw earlier. I only saw sadness and the tears that were threatening to fall from her ocean blue orbs.

My eyes widened in surprise when her tears started cascading down her face. 'Why are crying for a stranger Summer especially for a person like me?'

I thought with bitter smile gracing my thin cherry red lips. I reached my hand out to her cheeks wanting to wipe away her tears but when I touched her face it went straight through her.

The feeling I got when my hand went straight though her was as if a a cold chill went straight through me giving me the feeling that I was all alone here.

The paramedics started to move his body and Zachary followed it knowing where it was being taken.

"Amber, please don't find me in this condition"

The man said as he looked at the physical him except the purple eyes looked dead and his face along with lips looked whiter then snow resembling how a person would look if they were drained of blood.

'I look hideous especially with the blood on my clothes and splatters on my face from puking blood when I was shot. My little sister can't see this or she may break seeing something in such a horrible condition

She has never even seen a horror movie how could I condone her eyes being tainted by my death.' I thought hoping that she wouldn't see me in this condition.

As we arrived at the hospital I saw Shawn heading towards Amber's hospital room direction.

I looked up into my sisters window and saw her there looking at the ambulance coming in.

'No…' I thought trailing off when the ambulance opened and Amber's scream echoed through the hospital hallways down to my corpse.

The dream scream resonated inside my shaking me to core feeling the horror in her voice as if it could break me too.

"BROTHER ZACHARY!!!!! NOOO!!!!!!!!" Amber yelled seeing my physical body covered with blood and not breathing.

She then stood up slowing before focusing her gaze on the paramedics glaring at them with bloodshot eyes.

"Please look away Amber. Don't look at me. Save your tears for someone's that's actually worth it."

Zachary said while looking at Amber hoping that he could get through to her somehow.


Roared Amber, the girl completely blinded by rage and grief at seeing her brother in this state and knowing that she can never talk to him again or hug him feeling the protective warmth he always gave her.

"It's not their fault Amb. I was too distracted by the call I got. Don't be mad at them" I said trying to make her understand.

My attempt to talk to my little sister didn't work since I was dead and no one could hear or see me even though I was hear.

"I'm sorry Miss, but when we arrived his pulse was barely detectable and by the time we put him in the ambulance his heart and breathing halted."

"No. No! NO! He can't be dead!" yelled Amber.

She charged at the paramedics yelling at them saying they're responsible and need to save him, when suddenly someone grabbed Amber.

"Thank you Shawn. Please take her away from this disgusting place" I said looking at Shawn with gratitude that I know he will never hear or see.

"Stop it. It's not their fault." Said Shawn holding Amber as she kept trying to get free, wanting to hurt them. She stopped, looking at Shawn.

"B-but h-he is dead!" Amber said breaking down while she slowly lost consciousness in his arms because of losing Zachary, a person who she loved dearly.

As Amber lost consciousness she dreamt about all the memories of her and Zaky, a single tear drop cascading down from her eye rolling down her cheek onto Zackary who was lying motionless on the ground by Amber's feet.

"Don't cry for me little Amb I will always be here for you. I love you Amber."

Zachary said softly with a sad smile etched on his face he got closer to the girl with Purple eyes that were closed, her long dark lashed hiding the beautiful gems underneath.

Zachary walked to her intending to give his little sister a hug so she can at least feel his presence and he needed her right now more then she needed him.

When Zachary hugged her his arms went straight through her. "Ha. Of course I couldn't even feel her warmth." Zachary said through a bitter scoff.

An empty feeling started to consume the man as his purple eyes turned several shades darker. The man realized he could no longer feel warmth or even be seen.

"Whats the point if all I can do is see the people I love be hurt over and over again being useless to stop it."

Said the mad as a puddle of tears blurred his vision soon cascading down his cheeks falling on the ground making a puddle.

The man sat down on the ground shattering into many pieces as he realized he will be all alone and could only watch the ones he loved suffer not being able to do anything but watch feeling completely useless.

Slowly the darkness started to consume the man until he heard a cold voice that brought him out of the blackhole that threratened to swallow him whole.

"Do your job." A cold voice spoke out resulting in the paramedics rushing to do their job.

Zachary looked at Shawn becoming interested at seeing this cold side in the man for the first time.

The man looked at Shawn and then walked towards him as held Amber in his arms looking at her as if she was the only thing in this world that he could see.

'He is the perfect person for he will always protect my little sister'

Zachary thought while looking at how Shawn's shining Ruby gem likes eyes gazed down softly at the girl lying in his arms.

The next words Shawn uttered made Zachary look at Shawn deeply with complicated emotions swirling around his purple irises clouded with many emotions that even the man himself didn't understand.

"I promise we will find who killed him"

It looked like Amber heard Shawn even though she was unconscious because she tightened her hand around his shirt and muttered softly with a sad quiver in her voice.

"Of course, I believe in you."

Shawn smiled knowing she trusted him, he then tightened his hold on the girl, them both finding comfort in each others presence.

"I know you will protect her Shawn. I trust that you won't ever let anything bad happen to Amber"

Zachary said his lips curling up in satisfaction at knowing his little sister will be protected.

"Thank you"

Uttered Zachary as he watched the two people disappear from his sight before his eyes went cold again.

'I need to find out who that person is' Zachary thought wanting to know ahead of time if his loved ones will be in trouble.


I looked into the Golden eyes of the man standing before me. His light brown hair shined under the glare of the light.

'This has to be him' I thought to myself while glaring at the man even though he couldn't see me.

"I know you're there, "

Said the man in a rough voice. My eyes widened in surprise 'How can he see me? No one can. Who is this man?' I thought narrowing my eyes dangerously at the him.

He turned to look at me his golden eyes glinted with a look of arrogance brimming in them smirking in my direction before he said in a smug voice,

"Anyone that has felt you're Aura and glare would know it was you Zaky"

The man's purple eyes narrowed at his words 'He's mocking me again'

"At least you will be able to see your little sister's downfall. This will be interesting" The man with golden orbs chuckled darkly then continued

"I am only able to hear and feel you because I am the one that murdered you and I have a certain item in my possession."

The man finished his sentence his golden orbs darkening with the many secrets that are held within them.

"Why are you targeting Amber?"

I asked in a cold voice yet there was curiosity that shined in my eyes wondering why the man did this and what Amber could have done.

"Oh, I will tell you since you can't talk to her…" The man paused an evil glint passing over his eyes then he continued with a snicker "Since you are now useless Zaky"

Zachary felt his heart go cold but he still want to know what this man wants from Amber so he listened even though just like the mans words he felt useless.

"I will have to start from the very beginning for you to understand why I am doing this" The man said before starting his story all the way from the beginning

"It was when I was a young boy in high school and I met this woman…"

And the villains finally revealed!

Zachary: Will you stop with all these cliffhangers already or I will punch you stupid Author

Author: Don't threaten me or I won allow you to ever hug your precious little Amb again and Shawny gets her all to himself~

Zaky: "_"

Amber: You take him away and I will murder you with my perfectness!

Zaky: My perfect angel I will help you in everything especially with this useless Author

Author: Shawny...?

Shawn glances at the Author coldy then looks at Amber as if she is a goddess

Author: Wahhh fine a-all you guys can a-all go die I-I created you so I can destroy you HEHE~

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Katie_Timpcreators' thoughts