
Amaryllis: A Demi-Human's Tale

Imagine sitting in your piece of the world. Going to school, getting decent grades, and living your life as any person would. However,what if there was more to it? What if your mother kept a secret from you for 20 years? A secret that will add a new shade on everything and opened a new world around you. Now what if I tell you that your very mother is a powerful wizard in this world? And your very life depends on you bonding with a girl who can drain and use blood as a weapon, including yours? This is the new life thrown on Lucas Homes on his 20th birthday. Join lucas as he journeys across this new life full of magic, battles, romance, and new mysteries. Uncover the secrets this world and the ones that surrounds this mysterious girl.

Timothy_Hogan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
93 Chs

Chapter 81

"Sissy. Sissy." A young Lucas called out to his sister as she sat on the porch looking out into the field. His small hands began to pull on the back of her shirt as he tried to get her attention.

"What do you want this time?" Martha exhaled as she was growing annoyed with him. Since, Elizabeth had to run a few errands, she left Martha in charge of keeping him. She never knew how annoying small children could be, until Elizabeth had him. She turned her head to look back at him with dull lifeless eyes and met his cheerful smile.

"Can we do that thing where you toss me up again?" He eagerly began to ask her. Even with the expression she made, he could not stop smiling and giggling at her. He could hear her left out a low mumble in the sound of a growl as if she was becoming annoyed with him. "Come on Martha. Please. Pleeease."

"FINE!" She snarled at him before grabbing the back of his overalls.

Martha carried the 4 year old child into the field with her, while mumbling to herself. She could hear him giggling and laugh as the glass gently touch his face. Without a word, she tossed him straight up into the air. She listened as his laughter began to grow further and further away until it was barely audible as he ascend higher into the sky. A light breeze pushed by catching her dress in the passing as a long sigh left her mouth.

"Peace and quite for once," She exhaled through a whisper to herself as she closed her eyes. She could feel a nerve began to grow as she could hear his laughter growing closer again.

Lucas had his eyes closed as he was falling back down to the earth. He suddenly opened them and saw the ground getting very close and fast. His laughter soon turn to cries of fear as he began to panic. He closed his eyes again and called out for his sister.

"Why are you crying?"

Lucas heard her voice and slowly opened his eyes to see the ground a few inches blow him and a curious but dull look was planted acrossh her face. As she lowered him to the ground, he quickly ran and held her legs nearly making her fall back.

"Sissy....I thought I lost you..I was so scared.." Lucas began to cry as snot ran down his nose.

"But you asked my to do it? Why would ask me to do that if you were going to get scared? And didn't I tell you to close your eyes?" She asked baffled.

"I don't know." He said wiping the snot from his nose. He then held his hands up wanting to be picked up by her.

Martha rolled her eyes at him as she never understood toddler logic. "Are these creatures really this dumb?" She thought to herself as she knelt down to him. She allowed his tiny hands to hold onto her as she picked him up and walked back to the house to wait on their mother.


"Yes, little nuisance?"

"You're so strong and-and cool." Lucas said looking her in the face. He used both hands to rub her cheeks and touch different parts of her face. "I bet you can do anything and beat anyone that gets in your way."

"Not everyone." Martha irritatedly answered as the child played with her face and pulling her cheeks out to cause them to make a suction sound. She shook her head trying to get him to stop.

"You're like a super hero. Fighting all the bad guys. And. And. Stopping mom from tickling me." He said giggle at her as she shook her head at him. He then rested his head on her and gave her a hug. "When I get older I want to be just like you."

His words caused Martha to stop for a moment as she felt her heart skip a beat at his innocent words. A small smile grew across her face as she felt so proud to be his sister. She exhaled softly with a small chuckle before carrying on with their walk back to the house. While she did this, she began to hum to him.

"I will always protect you, Lucas." Martha though to herself as she looked down at her injured little brother. She heard his screams as her and Elizabeth raced to get to them as fast as they could, but seeing him holding him hurt her.

Martha could see how hard he fought to keep that woman off of him, until he ran out of strength. She was so glad her and Elizabeth got there in time, but knew if they were just a few more seconds late, who knows what could have happened. Her heart ached from seeing him in the condition he was in. No amount of scars and pain could come close to how much it pained her. Martha pulled her eyes away as she kept force on the object of her anger. Her grip on the tree tightened even more causing pieces of bark to break off in chunks. Drips of saliva seeped from her mouth as she struggled to hold back her anger.

Within seconds of the words leaving Elizabeth mouth, Martha body began to react. The muscles in her leg loosened as she could feel her body was ready. The world around her narrowed as her sole focus was on the target. Air filled her lungs and escaped through her mouth in the form of hot steam. The branch beneath her began to crack and scream from under the pressure it was put against. With a single push, the branch she was standing on to finally gave out and the whole tree was lifted back from its roots as Martha propelled herself at the foe.

A chill went down Ida's spine as her body reacted to the mutt coming at her. She raised her massive right hand in an attempt to knock her out of the sky, but Martha's body began to flicker before fully disappearing. Her eyes went wide as she lost all feeling in her massive right hand before it burst into a mist of green blood and pieces.

"Huh?" That was the only word that left her mouth as she heard the crunching sound of a tree bending right behind her.

Ida without a second thought turned body around to try and slash at what she thought was Martha with her massive left hand. However, pain shot throughout that arm as she watched it twist and break before her eyes. There was a pop followed by an immeasurably amount of pain as half of her arm was missing from the socket.

Here eyes quickly darted around as she tried to find the girl. Ida felt a massive push to her back moving her forward. She felt her spin snap. Her body stumbled forward as the pain started to kick in. When she opened her mouth to scream in pain, she felt something fill it. Her mouth was forced so far back that her jaw was pushed off it's hinges. Her eyes looked up to realize it was the mutt and the lower part of her left leg was in her mouth. Martha's leg kept moving forward as she forced all of Ida body off of the ground and sent her flying backwards.

Martha's body kept spinning as she landed on the ground in a crouch position. Her hands dug into the earth as she picked herself upwards. She exhaled before looking at Elizabeth and the rest. Her eyes lingered on her little brother. Her eyes became misty as she looked, before she snapped her head back to where her prey was flow to and began to give chance.

"30 seconds." Amay told herself as she watched in a mixture of shock and utter surprise. "It took her 30 seconds to get from the tree, do that much damage, and sent her flying backwards. All in that time frame. It happened so fast."

Amay stood there with her mouth agape, while a cold chill went down her spine as she realized how great the gape in power was. She clenched her fist as it began to shake for two reasons. The gap in power and her own weakness. Before she could beat herself up for her short coming and failures, she heard Elizabeth call her name. She quickly turned her attention to Elizabeth and Lucas.

"Come here, now." Elizabeth demanded her former partner as her eyes focused on her son. She pulled his pants back up for him and laid him on his back. She could see the wounds on him and noticed they stretch from his face to down nearly his private area. Tears began to form in her eyes as she angrily gritted her teeth. She had to stop for a moment to compose herself as she placed her hands above her son's chest.

Amay expression turned to guilt as she did as she was demanded and stood on the other side of Lucas. She watched as a white light outlined his body, and soon expanded to form a dome around the three of them. She could feel a warm sensation envelop her as her pain began to fade while her strength started to rise and come back.


"What the hell happened here?" Elizabeth cut Amay off as she didn't want to hear Amay's excuses. She only wanted the truth.

Amay froze for a moment as she felt Elizabeth cold and bitter anger towards her. Yet, she understood completely and felt as if it was deserved. She took a deep breath and began to explain to her what all happen. All the while the injures on her body began to heal as well as her missing arm started to come back.

While Amay talked, Elizabeth listened and focused her attention on her son trying to heal his wounds. Her eyes had then looked at his left arm and how badly injured it was.

"So this is the power of the dog of Elizabeth," Ida though as she was hunched over coughing up green blood as some of her teeth fell into the puddle. Her mouth dangled open as her jaw was only being held up by a few muscles. Her remaining arms began to shake as she had not felt this scared and powerless since she saw that thing inside Amay. She began to wheeze sharply as she tried to get up, but realized one of her legs were broken. She then heard the crunch of leaves as she looked up to her horror.

Ida's eyes looked up to see Martha eerily calmly walking towards her. Her presence sent chills down Ida's back and made her hair stand, while her aura danced around her body like a green flame. What scared Ida the most was her eyes. Her green eyes pierced through her very crystal. It was as if she could see Martha crushing it before her eyes.

Even with this Ida managed to get to her feet with one of her four legs not working. She brought her left hand up and began to pull as nearly invisible threads began to pull. Her mouth began to heal itself as it violently popped back into place. A crooked smile formed on her blood covered lips.

"I'm not going down without a fight. I am much stronger now." She told herself as she watched the girl approach her more. When she was thrown back, she managed to touch some of the trees and placed her silk along the way. "Just a little closer." She thought to herself.

As Martha stepped over a fallen tree, Ida pulled her left hand and activated her trap. Webbing would began to pull in different ways and tighten up on different parts of Martha's clothing arms and legs. Martha's green eyes looked down as she found herself suspended in mid-air with her foot just barely touching the ground. When she tried to move one leg or hand, Ida shot a thick ball of web out of her mouth keeping her in place. Almost she watched the girl struggle and movements become sluggish, she licked her lips in a deep smile.

"How do you like that venom?" Ida said with a sick laughter. "It's the same one I pumped into that boy and that trash. And don't even both fighting. My web is strong enough to hold even you back Mutt of Elizabeth." She gloated at the girl that seemed to not move.

"Now to finish you off-" Ida said as she heard the sound of pulling string as her left arm was being pulled down and forwards. She tried to pull her hand back up, but she could feel her hand shake as she was struggling. "What?! How are-" She was about to ask in disbelief as she was forcefully pulled forward.

Ida took some steps back as she fought for control. She looked up to see Martha staring straight at her. She noticed the mutt's greed aura engulf her arms and legs while her muscle were more defined as she was pulling back. While Ida was struggling, Martha was composed and focus on her target.

"This is impossible?!" Ida though as she was using two hands to pull her webbing back to keep the girl in place. "What the hell is she?"

As Ida struggled to keep the girl in place, she could feel her fingers start to pull. While on the other side, Martha finally got her feet to ground and started to walk as the webbing struggled to keep her hands in place. Her aura flared sending vibrations up the webbing and caused two to snap. For how hard Ida was pulling, Martha was talking a step forward and breaking a thread. When she pulled her left arm down two of Ida's fingers began to bend backwards and finally gave out break and snacking Ida's two fingers.

Ida screamed in pain as she felt her other two fingers began to bend as well. She immediately held onto those fingers with her other arm and tried her best to keep control of those fingers. She braced herself for the worst but kept fighting to keep her stuck. However, she felt the wires loosen for a brief moment before she was violent yanked forward.

When she came to a stop with her face in the ground, she realized immediately that she was bowing before a pair of barefeet with green aura sounding it. Her body began to shake as she realized how terrifying her aura was. She felt like she was in the grasp of an even greater monster.

"She's not human...she's...she's...." Ida though as she froze on what to call her as she felt a warm liquid run down her leg and body. Tears began to hit the ground from her overwhelming fear. "Damn it." She said as her right hand gripped the ground as her body tremble.

She felt Martha's eyes stare down at her. Even with their size differences, Ida felt small before the girl.

"Hey." Martha said. "Look at me."

Ida heard the girls voice and her tears began to fall more as she realized how calm it was. She quickly began to shake her head in a no. She clenched as she felt Martha knelt down before her. Ida felt her took a fist full of her hair and yanked her head back. Ida eyes met hers as tears continued to fall.

"What's wrong? I thought you said you won?" Martha said with a blank look on her face as her eyes gave Ida all she needed. "We should celebrate, right?"

Ida watched as Martha raised two fingers as her aura danced around it. She watch as Martha pulled her finger back and forced a fist.

"Let me help you have fun." Martha coldly said as she brought her fist down towards Ida's face.

"Martha!" Elizabeth voice called out to her.

Ida pupils dilated as she watched the girls fist come mere inches from her face as the girl stopped on a dime. A confused and very concerned look came across her face as she watched the girl was calm and paused like a tamed animal.

"Move." Elizabeth told her daughter as her yellowish-orange eyes turned a deep yellow as her aura danced around her.

Ida watched as the dog stared daggers at her, but released her. As her body shock from fear, Ida couldn't help but watch as Martha stepped away from her and head back to be by Elizabeth's side. She then noticed small orbs coming from the ground. The grass seemly died before her eyes as all the orbs were being pulled towards Elizabeth. There was a single twinkling light at the end of the forest that stole her focus from then on.

Dread began to over come Ida as she realized what was happening. A single tear came from her eye as she watched as the area around her started to grow dark as it was only her and the light.

"Those rumors were true. If the dog didn't kill you it either meant you got lucky or you were in the wrath of the Silverfox. " Ida though to herself as her memories began to play out before her. More tears began to fall as she realized it was the other one. "I failed. I failed my promise. I was so damn close and I failed."

"Judgment of Requiem's light." Elizabeth coldly said as she released her bow string. The area went silent as a beam of energy fired from her bow and created a clear path towards it's target.

When the light engulfed her, Ida began to feel pain shoot throughout her body. She screamed bloody murder as the light began to stab and burn at her skin as if it was a million flaming needles stabbing at a rapid speed. As she dealt with this her mind began to focus on on the thing that drove her hatred. Amay.

"Damn you. Damn you, Amay. It's because of you I became this way. It's because of that power you have. I hate you." Ida though throughout all her screams of pain. Even through the blinding light, she looked past it to where she thought she could see her. As she looked, her body started to turn black and began to fade to dust. With her final breath and last moments a warm sensation came over Ida as she accepted her fate.

"Damn you, Amay." Ida bitterly said as a single tear fell from her eye as her body fully turned to ash.

As the light finally dssipated, a massive crater sunken into the ground was left in her place. A single yellow crystal with a black spider engrave in it along with a massive crack in it, was the only thing left of Ida. The life soon came back to the forest as everthing seemed to settle down.

Elizabeth let out a sigh as she then turned her attention to Amay. Anger still danced in her eyes as she got closer to her former Demi-Human with her bow being tightly gripped. "Go retrieve her crystal." She ordered Martha as she continued to walk to Amay.

"...Yes, ma'am" Martha said looking at Lucas, who wounds have been healed except for most of his left arm that had scars on it. Her eyes locked with Amay's for a brief moment as they shared a sad look, before she did as Elizabeth ordered her.

Amay didn't say anything or move from her spot as she knew she was next in Elizabeth wrath.