

After running afoul of a vengeful former lover, an 18th century aristocratic artist finds himself on the receiving end of a cruel and never ending curse.

Knight_Wind · Fantasi
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62 Chs

Chapter 28: The Beginnings Of Remington Hall

The Acquired Lands, Vermont, The New World (1762).....

  Nightfall did little to put a damper on the evening as Alain Remington found himself riding alongside his father Lord Alfred Remington who had been commissioning the building of an enormous estate in the lands known collectively as Vermont. He'd acquired the deed to the vast amount of land due to a push for settlement and as such he scored quite the place where he had hoped to establish a manor in honor of his family name. Sir Alfred couldn't have thought of any better person to accompany him during this project aside from his namesake son Alain. The carriage driver did his best to keep the ride as smooth and steady as possible but the difficult terrain had been a factor. This place was vastly more wild than the established area known as Louisiana and surrounded by numerous trees on multiple sides. The choice property had not been a place without difficulty and as such the price for it had been greatly discounted.

Alain was no stranger to slave labor growing up as he did in England, but his mother absolutely forbade the use of actual slaves and much preferred indentured servants no matter the background as she saw the practice of using human labor without payment as barbaric and something lesser individuals with no real standing in society did to compensate for lack of finance.

It appeared Alana Duchene's objection to this practice had not been extended in this place at least not during this time as Alain was many a dark-complected face having a hand in the building of the property and he was almost sickened by it. His father had only wished to have everything built within his lifetime and as a result, allowed certain concessions in a bid to get the job done. It was an understandable thing given the vast undertaking and the fact that he'd technically been the last of his biological bloodline. Alain would carry the name as well as his children and children's children but he wasn't of the Remington blood like Alfred and this was in a way something the old man wished to be his defining achievement when his time had finally come and he would have done his family name proud.

The very house that he wished to build was something of a monument to his successes and various travels throughout his life as he would be forever known for his ambitious project like the ancient rulers in Rome long dead but their work and vision remained. Alain understood the apparent importance of this fact at least as far as his father had been concerned and why he'd been so desperate to see it finished.

For the time being, they were given modest lodgings and oversaw the construction of the estate and the gardens before turning in for the night at the home of an acquaintance. His father seemed to know a good deal about the place despite the lackluster appeal and the people were polite enough, Alain's thoughts soon returned to his time with Noreen McCray and their exploits beneath the old grove where he hid away from the rest of the world to work on his numerous paintings.

Their current hosts showed them to their designated lodge and Alain took full advantage of the fact that he could now have a good night's rest without worrying about being drowned in his sleep should the worst come to pass. Alfred seemed busy still planning his project with the men and simply bid his soon good day while he ventured back toward where the main foundation was to be laid.


The Hosted Lodge, The Acquired Lands, Vermont, The New World (1762).....

Alain turned in for the night, having had his fill of excitement for one day, getting off the ship and readjusting to being on land took a bit of getting used to. His thoughts once more turned to Noreen and what she might have been up to in his absence. He had managed to memorize every fine detail about her filing it away since the moment of their parting to keep with him while he braved the treacherous sea and stepped foot on foreign lands. Norreen had been the only woman in the world for him, the sole reason for his focus most nights. He recalled the lazy afternoons when they'd meet at The Old Grove. The curls in her lovely dark hair, the curve of her waist, and the appealing roundness of her breasts as her body moved beneath his own.

The most impressive aspects of his memory had been when it came to her eyes, her lovely eyes that seemed to burrow into the very soul of Alain whenever their eyes met. She knew his heart the moment she looked upon him, and they fell into an easy companionship that few people ever experience throughout several lifetimes.

Her voice was like sweet music in his ear, the recollection of her soft moans like a pleasant wind as they tickled his ears and spurred him to seek a way to give her more of the pleasure she so desperately desired. No amount of adventure, gold, or glory could compare to the sweet and peaceful bliss of the moments they had shared beneath The Old Grove.

Alain might have been a clueless sixteen-year-old with the mindset of a mere boy, but Noreen had elected to make him a man with desires untapped despite the distance and the odd secrecy between them they managed to form a bond that would only strengthen in the coming days and the exhausted lad was looking forward to his triumphant return when he could be forthcoming about his true feelings for the elusive lass and present her to his family as a whole.

He had thought on it while on the voyage to the new world and concluded that he wished to take her as his wife. He'd already been devoted to her, not in the least interested in other women who seemed quite intent on throwing themselves at him and the memories of their time together even the most innocent of intimate moments were all that he needed to convince him that she'd been someone he could no longer do without.

Alain drifted off to sleep with his last thoughts of a smiling Noreen McCray being the final image before his consciousness faded and dreams took over his mind about a life he desired with the woman who had meant so much to him. He had not known it then, but his hopes of a swift return to England were to be dashed as he wouldn't depart this place for quite some time due to a series of unforeseen complications.