
Am I the tyrant God ?

Author here I like to thank all the people that are reading this novel,And I hope all of you can enjoy it, I will answer any question about the novel in the comments. ___________________________ Beyond the endless abyss of nothingness, sat a man on a throne of darkness . His presence emanating unfathomable power beyond human comprehension. His gaze shattering the bounds between what is known as real and what is considered fantasy. What could this supreme being be thinking about ? None dared to guess . With a motion of his hand countless screens appeared, each portraying different realities . He searched through endless realities in just a moment . Finally his gaze fell upon a secluded blue planet in the medieval era full of different intelligent species and with a huge amount of mana . Ah this one ! he murmured. His voice was so alluring it couldve made slaves out of untold billions. Then just with a thought ,the scenery changed from the endless abyss of space into the giant audience chamber of a castle . And this is how the story of a man so far removed from his humanity started. _____________________ (op mc from the start)

justawrit3rhere · Fantasi
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18 Chs

To live or to die ?

When charging toward the incoming orc tide Sylvia used a magic scroll she had bought a week prior and strengthened her body, then she used another scroll and chanted the word *analysis* analysis was a spell to identify the power of a certain entity or a group based on the will of the user.

After successfully identifying the leader of the orcs she devised a plan.

As both forces were about to clash Sylvia stood on the back of her horse and jumped towards the leader of the orc pack trying to unmount him, her logic was that if she was able to get rid of their leader first the orcs would be demoralized thus increasing the chance of their survival.


as she was floating in the air she unsheathed her sword it was a light sword resembling a rapier but a little thicker, then she twisted her body and started rotating, from the outside perspective she would resemble a bullet flying towards the target.

The orc boss shocked by this, lifted his big axe as fast as he possibly could trying to perry the sword attack coming from above, but all he could achieve was blocking the blow directed at his brain the impact threw him off balance and he was thrown off of the direwolf he was riding. But that wasn't all of it as soon as Sylvia saw that the orc boss was falling to the ground, she followed her last stab attack with another but this time she slashed diagonally, but her momentum was slower than the first time because of the impact of their swords, she was thrown back a little bit therefore this time she only managed to graze the chest of the defenseless orc

Fuck! She cursed if she had a little bit more momentum she would've cleaved the damn orc in half


The back of the orc hit the ground the impact made a loud noise and the orc was disoriented for a bit from the force of it.

Sylvia didn't waste time, as soon as she landed next to the orc she tried to close the gap and deliver the killing blow.

The orc boss didn't have much time to prepare a counterattack or find his axe so he tried to dodge the incoming attack from Sylvia but his ginormous size didn't help at all.

Sylvia's blow landed directly on the orc's left shoulder and cleaved it until it reached his heart.

With this blow, the orc boss's body twitched violently and a fountain of blood gushed from the gaping wound some of the blood got into the mouth and eyes of Sylvia

As she was wiping her face an orc charged her with his mount, and crashed into her left side, and threw her several meters away from the dead orc boss.

The impact of her body against the dire wolf made her dizzy and damaged her body severely, as soon as she was able to make sense of her surroundings again she realized that her men were dying all around her.

The orcs were not demotivated even tho the strongest among them was dead laying on the ground with his heart cleaved in half.

But why? Sylvia asked herself

It was then that she saw it, the orc that threw her several meters away moments ago was standing in front of her with his giant mace raised to the sky, and then ...

She closed her eyes and thought that she was surely dead.


As the giant mace was about to hit her face everything stopped!

When she opened her eyes again, instead of the giant mace and the ugly orc there was an angel with beautiful silver eyes and wings raised in the air she was so beautiful that Sylvia instantly forgot about her shattered ribs and the battle around her she just wanted to embrace her.

'Am I dead ?' Sylvia said

"Unfortunately not yet " the angelic figure replied

"You are coming with me "Her voice was warm and kind and it caused Sylvia to almost lose consciousness due to getting sleepy, her internal injuries were severe the impact against that direwolf was Nothing to sneeze at.

She was confused she was sure that she just died and the angel was there to take her to heaven but why did the angel tell her that she was not dead?

Could it be that God had forsaken her and didn't want her soul to ascend?

Sylvia was never the religious type the holy church held a lot of power in the empire but she always viewed them as shady people and scammers selling false hope to wretched peasants.

She fell deep into her thoughts but it was then that she heard the angelic figure's voice once more.

The angelic figure in front of her murmured something and the orcs all around her started to burst like inflated balloons,

Only 5 of her comrades were left alive she could tell that by looking around and trying to make sense of the situation.

Then the Angelic figure came closer and touched her shoulder, as soon as she felt her hands on her shoulder all the pain in her body disappeared.

'Ah so I am not forsaken after all' she said

She had heard of mages before and that some of them had scrolls and spells that can heal parts of the body if it's not too damaged, she also knew that nobles can afford to buy these things called potions and that they have some healing properties.

But this was Nothing like she had ever heard about, the sensation of warmth filled her whole body and she felt as if she was born new, in that very moment the holy energy of the angel traveled into every square inch of her body and filled her intestines with a fuzzy and warm liquid

It was only then that she lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.

'Arwel I cast a spell to keep all of them dozed off,teleport them to my chambers we will present them to her majesty as soon as he is done in training ground '.

"as you wish" Arwel replied

Then she started opening portals and casting a couple of different spells.

'Ah by the way did you hear the Lord calling us his beloved generals ?' Fufufu Arwel said

Her voice resembling that of a kid asking for candy from her mom

"Yes of course I heard him I pay great attention to every word lord neoh says he was so cool his aura surpassed our auras combined " Yael replied

Then she continued: I love him so much I hope one day he loves me back and marries me and have 6 children and makes a big palace and we live happily ever after together forever and ...

She was talking so fast that most of her words didn't make much sense

Then Arwel shouted: what did you say you little bitch? Lord Neoh would never marry a fucking slut like you, arwels face was twitching as if she was about to burst from anger

"What did you call me? Did you just give up on being alive? I will chop you up like a fucking sardine you fucking whore " Shouted Yael

Both were exerting immense killing intent, yaels wings were raised they were solidified like a wall made of titanium and two majestic long swords emanating a white-hot fire was in each of her hands on the other hand Arwel was casting tens of different magic circles simultaneously ready to fight it out once and for all.

The intense aura both higher beings were emanating caused the very ground they were standing on to Crack and the nearby swamps to Burst

It was only then that Yael suggested that they should solve this matter another time because if they fought here، hostages would surely die.

With that ،they took the hostages and teleported back into the Evernight castle.