
Am I the tyrant God ?

Author here I like to thank all the people that are reading this novel,And I hope all of you can enjoy it, I will answer any question about the novel in the comments. ___________________________ Beyond the endless abyss of nothingness, sat a man on a throne of darkness . His presence emanating unfathomable power beyond human comprehension. His gaze shattering the bounds between what is known as real and what is considered fantasy. What could this supreme being be thinking about ? None dared to guess . With a motion of his hand countless screens appeared, each portraying different realities . He searched through endless realities in just a moment . Finally his gaze fell upon a secluded blue planet in the medieval era full of different intelligent species and with a huge amount of mana . Ah this one ! he murmured. His voice was so alluring it couldve made slaves out of untold billions. Then just with a thought ,the scenery changed from the endless abyss of space into the giant audience chamber of a castle . And this is how the story of a man so far removed from his humanity started. _____________________ (op mc from the start)

justawrit3rhere · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

The new world

Neoh extended his senses beyond the castle walls and to the immediate vicinity, he could feel the train and every atom of the soil and the creatures living in it.

It's a dark swamp that stretches for at least 100 km.

As for the creatures living in these swamps, he felt a large variety of monsters and lizards and even some undead

There was Nothing intelligent other than a single lich

Let's search a little more he thought

Then he searched for 30 more km and it was only then that he found a caravan crossing the border of the swamps they seemed to be in a hurry as if they were running from something, judging from their mana and physique one could guess that they were humans.

He stretched his senses once again to identify the threat that was following the caravan and about 2km south of the caravan there were about 20 distinct heat signatures that he identified.

10 of them riding on the other 10?


No their physical structure doesn't match that of a human they had muscular bodies and long fangs, and what they were riding was vicious carnivores that lived in a pack.


He couldn't care less

It was always his good side that got the best of him but not this time it was not his responsibility, he just needed some information about the state of the world, closest cities, currency, etc...

I guess I can kidnap some of them and ask them "politely"

Then he faced the apostles and declared :

I'm going on an expedition I will be back soon

Yael immediately protested

'My lord I know that such an insignificant being as I should not question your actions but please reconsider your decision, we lowly servants of you wish nothing but to do your bidding we can handle any task you ask of us there is no need for your majesty to move a single finger unless we are dead.

Yael, did I ask for your opinion?

(author: bro hit him with who asked )

Everyone trembled fearing that they had angered their master, although they said nothing individually, Yael was the leader of the apostles and her authority was absolute and her word was what everyone felt at that moment, so they felt responsible for it.

Yael wanted to answer but her throat was burning it was as if there was a spear stuck in her windpipe

She cursed herself a thousand times for questioning her creator but she couldn't help but feel helpless when her master preferred to get his hands dirty rather than use one of them to do the job, whatever that job may be.

I guess it can't be helped, I can't ignore the opinion of my beloved generals

suddenly as if she was stuck in a dark cave for eternity the words of her master shone a light from the end of the tunnel into that cave

The tears ran down her cheeks and her features started to get red

" He called us his beloved generals fufufufufuufufufu'

I love you cuuuuutie masterrrrrrrrrrr

Arwel shouted

Then a loud sound: BOOOMM

It was Kelvin who had stepped on her feet in order to keep her in check

Ayyyyyyyy you are so ruuuuuudeeeee


As soon as those words were uttered all the commotion died down in an instant

'Forgive me my lord' Arwel and Kelvin said in unison

Yael and Arwel there is a human caravan 130 km east of the castle running from a group of orcs I don't want to help them and leave them alone because they will ask about the origin of their saviors and I don't want the name of the Evernight castle out there yet capture some of them and bring them here so we can extract information from them and mindwipe them after. (:Dmen in the black style)

As for the rest of you, I need you and your top 3 underlings in terms of combat ability to the training hall, I will be there myself in 2 hours


with that, all of the apostles dispersed in different directions opening portals and disappearing

After Noah made sure all of them vanished without a trace

He let out a deep sigh

This is tiring


Yael and Arwel teleported to their respective quarters gathered the necessary equipment and teleported in front of the gate of the castle

This all happened in the blink of an eye as soon as they got there Arwel used a spell called location-entity to confirm the position of the caravan

They don't have much time the orcs are getting very close we have to hurry

Then she opened a portal 1km away from the caravan

Yael hopped in the portal and Arwel followed

As soon as they got there they could see the caravan in the distance after they made sure no one could sense their presence combining various assassination and stealth spells they started to gather info about the caravan it had 3 carriages in front of the group followed by horsemen acting as rearguard the whole group was consistent of around 36 men and women and 4 children

What do you think Arwel should we start now or wait for them to engage the orcs

I couldn't care less about the life of those worms Arwel replied

I would say let's wait and see their engagement with the orcs and then we can identify the ones that are the most important in their group or at least worth our time and then capture only those.

I agree Yael said

The residents of the Evernight castle viewed anything other than themselves as lower life forms, for them the only thing worth sacrificing for was their master and each other.

It was then that a young girl with full plate armor in the middle of the horsemen commanded all of them to turn around and charge the orcs so they could buy enough time for the carriages to flee from the scene, there were 22 swordsmen amongst their ranks

They outnumbered the orcs 2 to 1 but they seemed hopeless

It was as if they knew this was their last battle

Fascinating didn't expect these worms to know that they can't face those orcs with their current numbers, very brave strategy to buy time for the others do you agree with me, Yael?

I agree with you it kinda makes me want to have that girl she seems intriguing ...


Sylvia van Dover had spent most of her life as a soldier in the imperial army of Brucia it was only a year ago that she was awarded the rank of a lithunenet in the imperial army after her father Glenn van Dover was incapacitated in action and no longer was fit to service she was expected to fill his shoes.

After all the brucia empire was consumed by endless war,between its fragile borders, orc invasions, border disputes, and rebellions, it was safe to say that the empire was in complete chaos peasants dying, losing their loved ones, or getting displaced,was common occurrences at this point

She was attached to a border patrol company trying to figure out the location that the orcs in the area used as a base of operations.

In their search for the orc camp, they come across peasant refugees trapped in a village with orcs surrounding the village waiting for their impending doom.

Any other commander would've assessed the numbers and deemed the engagement too costly and would've ordered her soldiers to retreat.

But Sylvia was different she couldn't just accept that those people were dead meat and that she should give up on them

So she devised a plan.

She found some abandoned carriages in nearby roads earlier she didn't know why they were abandoned there, but it was not as if this was a rare sight for a country ravaged by war and bandits.

But they were very useful for her plans.

There were a total of 4 carriages found, she ordered her man to fill one of them with dry wood and set it on fire then she asked them to leave it tumbling down the hill towards the surrounding village.

With the carriage crashing into the orc ranks she found a small window to get the civilians into the other carriages and flee.

She estimated that she made enough of a distraction to be able to flee but she was dead wrong.

Orcs are not the brightest, some carriage on fire crashing into them and a couple of confusing sounds from the forest were enough to distract them for hours but they could smell your scent from miles away.

And after they figured out no enemy was coming for them and that the village was empty they were looking for revenge.

Sylvia had been running away from them for 14 hours now and their horses couldn't continue anymore.

So she decided that she would die a hero like her father.

As soon as she could see the figure of the orcs following them, she ordered her man to turn around and charge the orcs, her soldiers believed in her with all their Hearts.

She had saved them countless times from situations that would seem rather inescapable,so they would happily die following her Last command.

The soldiers turned their horses around and shouted their hearts out

A battle cry worthy of heroes

The orcs following them were riding direwolfs and they were huge.

Any man would second guess their decision after looking at their imposing figures .

But they didn't,they charged towards the incoming orc tide without any fear.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

justawrit3rherecreators' thoughts