
Am I the tyrant God ?

Author here I like to thank all the people that are reading this novel,And I hope all of you can enjoy it, I will answer any question about the novel in the comments. ___________________________ Beyond the endless abyss of nothingness, sat a man on a throne of darkness . His presence emanating unfathomable power beyond human comprehension. His gaze shattering the bounds between what is known as real and what is considered fantasy. What could this supreme being be thinking about ? None dared to guess . With a motion of his hand countless screens appeared, each portraying different realities . He searched through endless realities in just a moment . Finally his gaze fell upon a secluded blue planet in the medieval era full of different intelligent species and with a huge amount of mana . Ah this one ! he murmured. His voice was so alluring it couldve made slaves out of untold billions. Then just with a thought ,the scenery changed from the endless abyss of space into the giant audience chamber of a castle . And this is how the story of a man so far removed from his humanity started. _____________________ (op mc from the start)

justawrit3rhere · Fantasi
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18 Chs

The briefing

When Arwel and Yael got into the training hall everybody was already there waiting for Neoh to make an appearance, each one of the apostles was standing in a straight line in front of the podium and had their subordinates kneeling behind them, of course, Yael and Arwel had also called their subordinates beforehand and they could be seen waiting for their respective masters.

Yael's three top subordinates were named Faith, Hope, and Charity and they were not standing aligned with the others, instead, they were leading the group waiting for Yael to take her position as the leader of apostles.

The title of the leader was not superficial by any means inside the Evernight castle, Yael had great authority even amongst her peers and one could see that authority demonstrated here in full display but ultimately every being residing inside the castle pledged their undying loyalty only to lord neoh, so even if Yael wanted to lead a coup or disagree with neoh it was practically impossible, not only that but even Yael herself was unconditionally loyal to his master, and in case you forgot she is definitely in love with him too.

Her subordinates, on the other hand, were by no means weaklings, as was the case with all the other top subordinates of apostles, they held great power but their powers always aligned with their master's aptitude in magic and their preferred way of waging war and engaging in combat, for example, Yael's subordinates had access to an insane amount of holy magic and they preferred engaging in combat with holy swords wrapped in fire.

This trend continued to the other warriors present in the training hall arwel's subordinates were clearly highstanding mages with long robes and Scarlett's subordinates were 3 powerful vampires.

But the might of all of them combined was nothing compared to an apostle in full combat gear but if they caught one off guard they could, in theory, at least make a couple of wounds but nothing serious, as soon as the apostle figures out the situation it was game over and killing one of the apostles in one hit is completely impossible for even the apostle themselves the only one that could possibly pull that off was no one other than neoh himself.

Suddenly a portal opened and the figure of their liege could be seen exiting the portal


For all the warriors gathered in the training room it was the first time they'd seen the majestic figure of their liege in a long long time, so they all seemed excited،then neoh walked towards the podium his silver-colored hair shining as the light reflected on it.

When he reached the podium he raised one of his hands to order them to rise and then he started his speech: I think you all for gathering here today I have some matters to discuss with you about the state of this new world we are in, but before that let's hear from Yael about the mission I trusted to her then he invited her with his hand to come up the podium.

"Yes my lord " yael replaied

Me and Arwel were trusted by lord neoh to kidnap some people from a caravan passing the borders of the swamp, As soon as we got there a battle was about to start between orcs and humans ...

And then she explained everything that happened her analysis of the power of average human soldiers in this world was that they hardly were any different than an earthworm and they were nothing to be worried about.

So where are the people you brought with you? Neoh asked

I moved them into my personal chambers until my lord asked me to present them.

They are our guests here since when has the evernight castle forgotten proper etiquette when welcoming a guest? , grant them their own accommodations I will question them at the dinner table today.

"But my lord these worms don't deserve to dine with a being such as yourself "Yael protested

It's okay Yael they are my guests what kind of ruler doesn't greet his guests personally?

"I obey my lord" Yael replied

So with this matter settled I guess most of you want to know why I gathered you here, the reason is simple this is a briefing session, on what you may ask ?, the answer to that is that I gathered some info using the farseer stone about this world that I deemed necessary to share with you although this information is quite limited but I managed to identify some key figures, first of all, there is a demon lord living in this world that claims himself to be the most powerful being there is, then a huge screen appeared behind him showing a demonstration of the demon's figure.

'That weakling demon considering himself almighty I can crush him with my pinky ' Eblis mumbled

The presentation went on for several hours and consisted of different categories like the different heroes of this world the powerful figures, different dragon species, etc ...

But it had no information about the political situation the ongoing wars and a lot of different things so it could be concluded that the information was mostly about people with huge amounts of mana, and that's all the stone was capable of.


When Sylvia woke up she found herself sleeping in a huge and luxurious bed the room she was in was full of different expensive items and a luxurious mirror in front of her bed, each of those items could equal thirty years of her salary as a lithunenet, is this heaven? She asked herself, no it's too fancy to be heaven even God can't afford this, her mind rebottled, where am I? Who brought me here?

The last thing I remember was being touched by that grand being of light that beautiful angle and then I fell asleep, God I wish I could hug her.

As Sylvia was deep in her thoughts about the situation she was in a beautiful maid opened the door and walked in, she had a trey in her hands with a cup on, she walked towards bed and then said: would the honorable guest of lord neoh have some tea?, it helps to calm your mind.

Sylvia was baffled: Did this maid just call me the honorable guest of who? , where the fuck did I end up in?

Of course she didn't utter those words to the maid in front of her , she was captivated by the beauty of the made as if she were handmade by God himself she had beautiful blond hair and a kind expression with an inviting smile on her face, as soon as she regained her composure she replied with a yes and a thank you, that was all that she could come up with at that moment she was a soldier she had never learned the required etiquette to give a fancy response , that was the job of nobles, then the maid put down the tray she was holding on the drawer next to her bed, and proceeded to get out of the room but before she could close the door Sylvia mustered all her courage and asked her :

Sorry to bother you but could you please tell me where I am and whose guest I have the honor to be?

You are in the guest room of Evernight castle and you have the honor to be the special guest of my lord Neoh, the maid replied and closed the door,Sylvia saw a jealous look on her face before she closed the door.

Lord neoh huh? Never heard of that name also there was no report of a noble house around these swamps,that's very strange,but then again there is no guarantee that I'm still in the vacinity of the swamps they couldve moved me while I was sleeping, also what is with the looks? It's the second time today that I see beautiful people this all makes little sense, as she was thinking about the situation she was in she remembered the tea the maid left next to her bed.

Oh, I'm so thirsty I need to drink this, wait what if it's poisoned?hmm, now that I think about it they could've killed me while I was sleeping so there is no reason they would poison me now?

With that logic, she picked up the cup and sipped a little bit of tea just to test the waters,as soon as the tea came into contact with her lips a sensation of warmth and relief filled her troubled face, what a good tea I never have drank something like this before this is simply amazing she thought, while she was enjoying the tea suddenly another maid knocked on the door but she didn't wait for an answer and opened the door,then she declared in a loud voice: his majesty has invited you to have dinner with him in an hour.