
Am I the tyrant God ?

Author here I like to thank all the people that are reading this novel,And I hope all of you can enjoy it, I will answer any question about the novel in the comments. ___________________________ Beyond the endless abyss of nothingness, sat a man on a throne of darkness . His presence emanating unfathomable power beyond human comprehension. His gaze shattering the bounds between what is known as real and what is considered fantasy. What could this supreme being be thinking about ? None dared to guess . With a motion of his hand countless screens appeared, each portraying different realities . He searched through endless realities in just a moment . Finally his gaze fell upon a secluded blue planet in the medieval era full of different intelligent species and with a huge amount of mana . Ah this one ! he murmured. His voice was so alluring it couldve made slaves out of untold billions. Then just with a thought ,the scenery changed from the endless abyss of space into the giant audience chamber of a castle . And this is how the story of a man so far removed from his humanity started. _____________________ (op mc from the start)

justawrit3rhere · Fantasi
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18 Chs

He lost it

"State your business", the soldier standing guard in front of the barrack's entrance shouted.

'Sir William told me that I can spend the night here, my name is neoh I'm not from this city'

"Wait here, I will ask him"

After a couple of minutes, the guard came back William himself.

William stepped forward and stretched his hand towards neoh.

Neoh shook hands with him and let out his usual creepy smile.

"This guy is with me let him pass", William ordered.

'I appreciate you Mr.William it's really helpful to have a place to spend the night in'

"Don't mention it It's the least I can do for you"

When they got to the sleeping quarters, they could hear the sound of cheering and laughter from the inside.

Cheers to Sylvia the orc slayer! Everyone shouted.

That night they talked about their journey and celebrated their victory although their hearts were heavy because of the death of their comrades, they believed they died a warrior death so the moods were not too gloomy, also neoh got to show them his adventurer amulet, everybody was shocked about how powerful neoh was so they accepted to take him on their next mission as a contracted adventurer, it was normal for military units to use the budget they are given to hiring adventurers who are familiar with monsters, especially if their mission is about killing monsters, William was also down with the idea although he hated that neoh gets to spend more time with Sylvia.

And that's how neoh got his first adventurer contract.

Tomorrow the soldiers got dressed in their formal attire and attended the funeral of the fallen soldiers, Neoh was there too,

There were flags of the Brucia Empire everywhere, it was the symbol of a golden lion grabbing the sun with a blue background, it was there to symbolize how ambitious the first kings of this empire were, but nowadays it served more as a reminder of how far the empire has fallen, neoh thought.

The soldiers said their final goodbyes to their fallen comrades and paid their respects, Sylvia was the only one other than their families who was crying all the time and William was comforting her, Neoh who had no attachment to them, simply respected them for their bravery, after the funeral was done, they took the corpses of the orcs and sent them to their higher-ups as a proof that Sylvia's soldiers fought bravely and won the fight, so their families would get the benefits from the government.

Higher-ups promised Sylvia to reward her after her assignment was done, she was expecting at least a promotion but nobody could guess what was the reward, as this was the times of war.

Then came the day that they were supposed to go orc hunting, everybody packed their bags and wore their armor, everybody was eager even tho last time most of their unit got wiped out, but this time they had a high-ranking adventurer with them someone they traveled with before and trusted.

Their unit this time consisted of 50 soldiers 5 of whom were the survivors of the last battle even tho they were given the choice to stay out of it this time, they decided that they wanted revenge and revenge they were promised.

Other soldiers were drawn out of the ranks of the city guard, they were relatively inexperienced but they were young and in good health, so Sylvia didn't complain, she knew what Neoh was truly capable of so the only thing she was worried about was how gruesome the death of the orcs will be.

They traveled for a couple of days towards the swamps where the evernight castle was located.

Although they didn't find any sign of orcs were traveling Neoh had told them that the orcs were close and they needed to send a scout team ahead of the main group.

The scout group consisted of Neoh Sylvia and 3 of the most experienced soldiers they had at their disposal, they would search the area before the main group entered it and then they would repeat the process, although it was very time-consuming in the end it proved to be a valuable tactic.

Soon they found a group of 20 orcs sitting in ambush waiting for travelers.

Neoh believed theater a direct engagement would cause too many casualties and it would hinder their effort to find their hideout so he convinced others to wait for them to get tired on go back to their camp.

Surprisingly, his plan worked, at night the orcs started to leave their positions as soon as Neoh found out that they were moving he signaled others to follow them, and for one of them to turn back and tell the news to others, the plan was simple follow them find their hideout turn back and report to Higher-ups, but neoh had other ideas.

After walking for about 15 kilometers they came across a giant camp deep in the woods, their first estimate was that around one hundred orcs lived in that camp.

This was a huge amount of orcs, it is said that each orc can kill up to three or four men they are much more powerful and they are much bigger.

Neoh stretched his senses and found out there were many hostages amongst the orcs including children, he couldn't leave them to die, he had no choice but to devise a plan to get them out of there.

Sylvia was calm knew everything was under control and neoh was just looking for a way to make it as efficient as possible.

"I'm going closer don't follow me"

You can't just leave when you want to lithunenet has to approve of it one of the soldiers protested.

'I approve he can go' Sylvia ordered

Neoh casted invisibility and entered the orc camp there were many poor souls trapped in there some of them were being eaten alive he had to act decisively now, so after he found out what the layout of the camp was he decided to go back and tell his plan to others so they can rescue them.

But as soon as he was about to leave the camp he saw an orc dragging a little girl on the ground, the little girl was screaming and struggling but the orc seemed to be oblivious to such sounds.

Neoh looked at the scene in front of him and he couldn't get himself to leave this place.

What kind of God am I if I can not protect a little girl?

The girl had beautiful dark eyes and black hair she reminded him of his little sister his eyes started emitting a strange red light, as if his powers were about to take control of him.

I don't care I have to save her even if it means that I would have to mindwipe every hostage and soldier in the vicinity.

Then with an upward motion of his hand, the orc was lifted in the air then he closed his fingers and made the shape of a fist the orc was condensed into a lump of dead meat in an instant.

Then he disabled his visibility and shouted: you fucking filthy monsters I'm gonna tear you limb from limb you are dead meat, you hear me? the anger in his voice could be heard clearly he had truly lost it.

But before he went completely wacko mode on the orcs, he casted sleep spells on every human in the area so the scout team and the main group fell asleep where they stood, the only person who could watch this mayhem unfold was Sylvia, although she had seen what Yael was capable of before this was not even comparable.

The clothes he was wearing suddenly caught fire and burned to ash in their place a dark magnificent armor appeared out of thin air his body which was previously under some kind of spell to reduce its size reverted to its original size standing two meters tall this being could only be described as the God of death, he stretched his right hand into some kind of portal and took out a red colored long sword the sword was so beautiful that Sylvia couldn't take her eyes off of it.

So this is how he looks when he gets serious, it's terrifying, to say the least, Sylvia thought.

Her past self would've run away at such a sight or shit herself but right now she could only admire such power.

His beautiful golden pupils were now colored red he looked like a demon God who had come for vengeance.

He pointed his sword toward the shocked orcs and declared that they would not have an easy death instead he wanted to torture all of them until they died from pain.

But before he could do that he had to take care of the hostages, with just a thought he teleported all of them near the main group of soldiers, things that most mages struggle with all their life and situations that seems unsolvable for even the heroes, was easy to solve for Neoh, he didn't even have to try, his power was boundless, the only ones that have to worry about something were his enemies.

Those stupid orcs had awakened something deep inside neoh that even he didn't know of its existence...