
Am I the tyrant God ?

Author here I like to thank all the people that are reading this novel,And I hope all of you can enjoy it, I will answer any question about the novel in the comments. ___________________________ Beyond the endless abyss of nothingness, sat a man on a throne of darkness . His presence emanating unfathomable power beyond human comprehension. His gaze shattering the bounds between what is known as real and what is considered fantasy. What could this supreme being be thinking about ? None dared to guess . With a motion of his hand countless screens appeared, each portraying different realities . He searched through endless realities in just a moment . Finally his gaze fell upon a secluded blue planet in the medieval era full of different intelligent species and with a huge amount of mana . Ah this one ! he murmured. His voice was so alluring it couldve made slaves out of untold billions. Then just with a thought ,the scenery changed from the endless abyss of space into the giant audience chamber of a castle . And this is how the story of a man so far removed from his humanity started. _____________________ (op mc from the start)

justawrit3rhere · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Do you want revenge ?

"Can you elaborate further?" Neoh asked

'My father was a major in the imperial army, one month before he died he sent a letter back home and explained how he believed that the second prince's army refused to help them when they were low on Numbers and were engaged with elves on multiple fronts, even back then he believed that the second prince is conspiring against the empire' she started to get teary-eyed as she was explaining the situation.

"It's ok if you don't want to talk about it, I'm not here to torture you, if you want to leave it's ok "

'No it's my bad, I apologize, your majesty I'm ready to continue, also I got some questions of my own to ask you '

"Go ahead, I see no problem with that "

'I just wanted to know where am I. Who are you? Are you a mage? And also I want to know how I got here, i remember that I was fighting orcs and was saved by an angel, and then I found myself here I'm so confused '

"It's reasonable to be confused, I would be confused too if I were in your shoes, as for your first question this is the evernight castle I created this place this is where me and my army reside, all of the people living here are my subordinates which I adore, as for your second question my name is neoh although I've been called thousands of different names throughout my long life this is the name that stuck with me the most, and yes I'm a mage although that's a very poor depiction of my capabilities that's one of the things that I'm capable of,

The angel you have met on the battlefield is one of the loyal generals that I sent to help you, and she is the one responsible for bringing you here does that explanation satisfy you?"

'Of course, it does my lord, as I was saying that's why I believe the second prince is a betrayer, and that he is responsible for the death of my father'

"So do you want to take revenge ?"

'Yes I do Your Majesty, but let's be realistic what can somebody like me do to a prince? I'm just gonna get myself killed '

"What if I told you I could help you to get revenge if revenge is what you seek "

'My lord I don't want to be disrespectful towards you but I've heard that the second prince has at least 5 mages working for him no one can face him in the empire right now,

"But I'm not part of the empire, and please don't look down on me so much ، as I told you I'm capable of much more than just being a mage "

He was right Sylvia thought even the mages who worked for the prince couldn't open a portal but one of lord neoh's subordinates opened a portal in front of her so she was certain that he was extremely powerful, the reason she questioned his power a moment ago was to findout how confident he is in his abilities, but she was still not sure if she could trust him.

'Please allow me to ponder more about that subject my lord I need to gather my thoughts '

"Take your time I'm in no rush to squash a corrupt prince at this moment, but can you please give me more information about the currency of the empire and their current conflicts or alliances "

'Oh sry, I almost forgot yes the empire uses coins of different weights and materials to trade we call them zinq, 1 zinq equals 1 copper coin, 10 zinq equals 1 silver coin, and 100 zinq equals a gold coin, it's very simple, as for the empire I'm afraid my knowledge as lithunenet is not perfect, but I believe the empire has no allies when on the other hand we are in three different wars with orcs, undead, and elves , although the first two could hardly be called wars the orcs with their new boss started attacking settlements early last year and the empire don't have enough soldiers to deal with them at the moment,same situation with the undead and their numbers increase day by day '

"Bad time to be an imperial citizen I guess, ok that gives me a general knowledge of the situation at hand but I need you to tell me if there are any settlements nearby?"

'There is the city of Suzeria 10 days on horseback south of here that's the closest city although if you want to visit a village there are some closer ones around here,but how do you not know this my lord are you not from here ?'

"No, I'm not, I just teleported my castle here today "

Sylvia's face turned pale as if she had just seen a ghost, what did he say? Did he say he teleported what? He should be joking right?

'Hahaha,funny joke your majesty'

"But I'm not joking "

Sylvia thought that she was just hearing things,and that her ear maybe stopped functioning, but it didn't seem like that was the case at all,did he just say he teleported his whole castle? Oh my God

An awkward silence filled the hall for a couple of minutes until Sylvia took control of her various emotions, as soon as she mustered enough courage to continue the conversation she asked: 'So where did you reside before this, my lord ?'


Of course, neoh was telling the truth but Sylvia took it as a sign that he didn't want to reveal that information so she didn't ask any further questions.

On the other hand, neoh was thinking of how well Sylvia took the hard truth he was throwing at her, this was a test for her to see if she would lose her mind and start to act frightened or she would start worshipping him as a deity, contrary to his predictions none of that has happened until now,which was a good sign but he was sure if he revealed more she would lose her mind and he didn't want to lose the first human He met in this world so fast so stopped there for time being.

"I want to have a confession lady, Sylvia, I wanted to mindwipe you so you would never remember anything about me or this castle but I took a liking to you and now I do not know if I should let you leave with the information you possess, but I have a proposition to make would you hear me out ?"

For Sylvia, it was interesting how straightforward and honest he was,and also the fact that he would rather mindwipe her than simply kill her and Bury her somewhere in the castle, this showed that he had no evil thoughts, although taking in what he has just said was a little bit hard, but it was not harder than his previous statements.

'I'm all ears your majesty'

"I want you to take me to the city you mentioned earlier and show me around, in return I only mindwipe your soldiers and rearrange their memories into thinking that it was you who killed the orcs and saved them, I will also help you find the orc camp and eradicate them, and you can take all the credit for it,on top of that i will not touch your memories but you have to also promise me that you would never talk about what you have seen here otherwise our relationship is over,and I would be forced to find you and kill you and you know that I can do it "

It was not a threat he was certain of what he was saying,Sylvia thought, I would never betray a being who can teleport a fucking castle I'm not crazy ! on the other hand, what he is suggesting is so one-sided, it mostly benefits me, he could visit the city anytime he wants by himself but why he is doing all of this for me? Doesn't matter I can't let this opportunity slip away from my hands.

But Neoh had other ideas in his mind, secretly he was praising himself for being such a genius, by letting her get all the glory, he would create a hero who would get bigger positions in the army, a hero who would listen to him,with that he had his first pawn in the government simple as that.

'I accept, Are there any other conditions that I have to fulfill?'

"No that's about it, I'm happy that we came to a mutual agreement so fast with that I should conclude our meeting,I need to leave and tend to some of my other projects at the moment "

'What about them your majesty?' Sylvia pointed towards the sleeping soldiers.

"Ah don't worry I will fix their memories later and bring them back to the battlefield, we need to be there too so you can claim the glory of slaying the orcs, now farewell lady Sylvia"

Then he left his seat and walked towards the exit.

Sylvia stood up and bowed 'Farewell Your Majesty'