
Am I Really God?

In a universe where the Creator of all things reigns supreme, an unimaginable power grows restless. Possessing the magic of imagination, this god has the ability to weave countless worlds and bring forth endless possibilities. Yet, despite his unparalleled power, he is plagued by an unshakeable boredom. Seeking a change, the god makes a momentous decision: to be reborn into the very universe he crafted. Stripped of his memories and godly knowledge, the Creator is now reborn as a human. Unaware of his divine origins, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, encountering new experiences and challenges that will open his eyes to the universe he once shaped.

TrapsThirdEye · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Will You Be My Teacher?

A towering figure, as tall as the tallest building, descended upon Earth, accompanied by a vast army of titanic beings. "What fortune!" the King Titan declared, as he gazed upon the thriving world before him. "This planet teems with life and bountiful resources we've never encountered before. It will make an excellent addition to our collection."

He ordered his massive army, "Subdue all that you see and begin constructing a domain that will serve as our headquarters." The titans promptly set to work, following their king's command. The King Titan then addressed Karnon, a smaller titan who seemed to be a scientist. "Karnon, have you examined the planet's core to determine if we can harvest it?" he inquired.

Karnon responded, "Sir, this planet is perfect. The core's readings surpass most of the other places we've conquered. However, this race has not yet developed the ability to utilize the core's energy for their own purposes." "Excellent," the King Titan boomed. "Now, deplete this planet of all its resources so we can move on to the next one." Karnon nodded. "Yes, sir," he affirmed with resolve. "I will release the gas to eliminate the weaker beings, leaving only the strong to be enslaved."

Jae-hyun bolted upright in his bed, drenched in cold sweat and trembling. He wondered if the vivid nightmare he had just experienced was merely a dream, as it felt incredibly real. The images of destruction and death played out before him as if he were witnessing them firsthand. Having returned to the Choi estate from the hospital a few days earlier, Jae-hyun's injuries had been healing remarkably fast, thanks to the medicine provided by Yeon-ji. He decided to leave his room and see if she had prepared breakfast in the main house. Choi Ji-man, the estate's owner, had departed on another trip the previous day, leaving the house feeling somewhat empty.

As Jae-hyun headed toward the kitchen, he heard a soft noise coming from a nearby room. Intrigued, he decided to investigate. Upon opening the door, he found Yeon-ji sparring with what seemed to be an AI robot. The estate was filled with advanced technology, much of which was not yet available to the general public. Jae-hyun couldn't help but think that this must be one of the advantages of wealth, Jae-hyun marveled at the way Yeon-ji's body seemed to glide effortlessly through her movements, as if she were a graceful river flowing without interruption. As Yeon-ji completed her training, she noticed Jae-hyun's gaze and felt a bit taken aback. "Oh, hey Jae-hyun, I didn't realize you were watching," Yeon-ji admitted, her voice tinged with embarrassment. "Your moves are incredible," Jae-hyun complimented, scratching his head modestly. "I've been in my fair share of fights, but I'm nowhere near as skilled as you." Yeon-ji smiled at the praise and then asked, "Would you like to spar a bit?"

Jae-hyun's eyes widened in surprise, and a subtle hint of nervousness began to ripple through his body. Yet, deep down, he realized this might be the opportunity he'd been seeking. The memory of feeling utterly useless at the gang's hideout still haunted him, fueling his determination to become stronger. Jae-hyun didn't want to experience that sense of helplessness ever again. With newfound resolve, he looked up at Yeon-ji and asked, "Will you be my teacher?" The news thrilled Yeon-ji beyond measure. As an experienced trainer, she had guided numerous individuals, but never had she taken on a true apprentice. Eagerly, she accepted the challenge, knowing it would offer her the chance to prepare Jae-hyun for the upcoming Phase One in a month's time.

"Alright, I'll take you on as a student," Yeon-ji declared, "but only if you can land a single hit on me." Jae-hyun smirked confidently. "Just one hit? I'm sure I can manage that." Without hesitation, he lunged towards Yeon-ji, hoping to catch her off guard with the element of surprise on his side. Jae-hyun launched a powerful punch, but just as it neared her, his fist passed right through her body. She had vanished. Frantically scanning the area, he tried to locate her, but before he could, she had already landed a fierce uppercut from below. Jae-hyun's body soared through the air, unprepared for the strength of her punch. As soon as he hit the ground, he sprang back up and charged at her, unleashing a series of punches. However, each one was either expertly parried or dodged, leaving him breathless.

Now it was Yeon-ji's turn. She assumed a southpaw boxing stance and began throwing jabs at Jae-hyun. He attempted to block them, but his defenses were continuously broken. He had never faced an opponent like this, not even in the underground fighting arena. Then, Yeon-ji changed her stance and delivered a sweeping kick that connected, sending Jae-hyun crashing to the floor once more.

"Okay, that's enough for today," Yeon-ji declared. "But I can hit you; I just need more time," insisted Jae-hyun. "It's okay. You'll have more opportunities after we strengthen your body," Yeon-ji assured him. "Wait, are you saying you'll still teach me?" Jae-hyun asked, surprised. "Tomorrow, 8 a.m. Be prepared for your first day. It won't be easy," Yeon-ji warned. As the sun rose on a new day, Jae-hyun readied himself for the training ahead. He enjoyed a hearty breakfast and donned his finest athletic attire. However, when he entered the training room, he was met with a daunting task from Yeon-ji: a ten-mile run to warm up. Seeing the apprehension on Jae-hyun's face, Yeon-ji sternly informed him that any further delay would only add to the distance he had to run.

With no other choice, Jae-hyun reluctantly began the warm-up exercise. As the miles accumulated, his body felt as though it was on the verge of collapse. Nausea overwhelmed him, causing him to lose his breakfast. At last, he completed the eleventh mile and crumpled to the floor, his body nearly lifeless.

Yeon-ji granted him a ten-minute respite, though to Jae-hyun, it felt as brief as thirty seconds. As he tried to recover, Yeon-ji announced the next challenge: Jae-hyun's first combat lesson. He was to deliver one million right and left jabs each to a nearby tree. The look of terror on Jae-hyun's face was unmistakable. If he had known the extent of Yeon-ji's demanding training regimen, he might have thought twice about signing up for it. The rhythmic thuds of left and right resonated near a tree, echoing within a unique training room. This extraordinary space could simulate any terrain and materialize any object, making even a simulated tree feel incredibly lifelike. Jae-hyun had been practicing for hours, his knuckles battered and bruised, while his arms hung limply like overcooked noodles. Although his hands had lost sensation long ago, he persevered in his quest for strength, determined to ensure that no one would ever hurt him again. Embracing the pain, he continued his relentless training.

Yeon-ji applauded Jae-hyun's efforts, her praise momentarily giving him the impression that his session had come to an end. However, her next instruction shattered that illusion, as she urged him to repeat the same exercise, this time using his legs. Hearing this, Jae-hyun couldn't help but collapse in exhaustion. During the first half of training, Jae-hyun worked tirelessly, pushing himself to his limits. Afterward, he was granted a much-needed break in a specially designed chamber that accelerated cellular recovery.

Upon experiencing the chamber's effects, Jae-hyun couldn't help but exclaim, "I've never felt better! This chamber is amazing!" Yeon-ji, who had been accompanying him, smiled and explained, "Mr. Choi built it after his last excavation." Jae-hyun had always been intrigued by Mr. Choi's line of work, so he seized the opportunity to ask Yeon-ji about it. She thought for a moment before responding, "He's like a blend of scientist and architect. He travels the world, discovering new inventions and materials, which is why we have access to such advanced technology." At last, Jae-hyun found himself getting some answers to his burning questions. Yet, his most pressing inquiry remained unsolved: what did these mysterious individuals want from him?