
Am I Really God?

In a universe where the Creator of all things reigns supreme, an unimaginable power grows restless. Possessing the magic of imagination, this god has the ability to weave countless worlds and bring forth endless possibilities. Yet, despite his unparalleled power, he is plagued by an unshakeable boredom. Seeking a change, the god makes a momentous decision: to be reborn into the very universe he crafted. Stripped of his memories and godly knowledge, the Creator is now reborn as a human. Unaware of his divine origins, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, encountering new experiences and challenges that will open his eyes to the universe he once shaped.

TrapsThirdEye · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


Jae-hyun could hardly believe his eyes as he arrived at the massive Choi estate. Having spent his entire life in a cramped orphanage, and recently fighting in underground tournaments just to secure a meal, the sheer size of the mansion left him in awe. Yeon-ji guided Jae-hyun to his new room, assuring him, "This will be your room, Jae-hyun. Feel free to make yourself at home while I prepare dinner. The shower is down the hall." With that, she left him to explore his new surroundings.

As the door closed behind her, Jae-hyun immediately began to search the room for any hidden cameras. Despite his thorough examination, he couldn't find any. He was currently situated in the guest house, which was attached to the main residence. Amazed by his newfound luxury, Jae-hyun couldn't help but think, "Is this all really for me?"

Jae-hyun sat in the shower, allowing the water to cascade over his body. His thoughts were consumed by the events that had transpired earlier when the thugs had robbed him. He was at a loss for how he would repay his debt to the ruthless gang. Although he no longer resided in the town, Jae-hyun knew he had to settle things and reclaim not only his money but also the precious item they had taken from him.

As he clenched his fist, Jae-hyun's determination grew. He resolved to face the gang and set things right that very night. But how could he sneak out? The drive to the gang's hideout would take at least 20 minutes. He wondered how long it would take him to walk there, but quickly dismissed the idea. Perhaps he could borrow the keys and drive? Jae-hyun pondered this option, only to recall that he had never driven a car before.

Jae-hyun felt cornered, and this seemed to be his only option. He quietly put on his clothes and tiptoed past Yeon-ji, who was busy cooking in the kitchen. Carefully, he snatched the car keys hanging on the wall and slipped through the back door. Confusion washed over him as he entered the car, but then he spotted a start button. Upon pressing it, a voice sounded in his head "Greetings, what might your destination be?" the AI inquired. "Am I just hearing things, or is this real?" Jae-hyun asked aloud. As soon as he thought about the thugs' hideout, the car automatically fastened his seatbelt and started driving on its own. Jae-hyun was astounded, "A self-driving car?"

Inside the house, Yeon-ji was finishing dinner, but her expression gradually turned grim. She reached for her phone and dialed a number. "Hey, he's up to something already," she said, her voice tense. "I could only read his mind for a few minutes before running out of energy. He seems to be seeking revenge for something. What should I do? "A deep, manly voice replied, "Follow him, but don't let him notice you. Clean up any mess he makes if necessary." There was a pause before the mysterious man added, "Oh, and Yeon-ji, don't mess this up."

The call ended, and a sinister grin spread across Yeon-ji's face. Within a concealed lair, droplets of water splattered from the ceiling as the sound of scurrying rats echoed through the shadows. A group of individuals gathered around a table, engrossed in a game of cards. The man adorned with the most jewelry, seemingly their leader, revealed his hand—a royal flush. A wide grin spread across his face, displaying a set of gleaming gold teeth. "I win! Now pay up!" he bellowed, breaking into a triumphant laugh.

Suddenly, a knock at the door interrupted his merriment. With one hand on his gun, the leader called out cautiously, "Come in." A quartet of thugs entered the room and greeted the boss. "We found that punk Jae-hyun," one of them reported, stifling a chuckle. "Took his money and gave him a good beating." The boss rose from his seat, his eyes narrowing. "Where the hell is he, then?" The expressions on the thugs' faces shifted as one of them spoke up. "After we roughed him up, we just left him there." Silence enveloped the room, making the atmosphere heavy with tension.

Without warning, the boss drew his gun with such speed that none of the other gang members could follow the action. In an instant, he fired four shots – one for each thug. The sound of the gun echoed in the room: bang, bang, bang, bang. Their bodies fell to the floor, creating a series of dull thuds.

The boss, now in a rage, settled back into his chair and barked out his order. "Find that boy for me, now!" His voice left no doubt about the depth of his anger. The vehicle Jae-hyun occupied was the epitome of technological advancement, seemingly responding to his thoughts alone. Intrigued, he quickly learned to navigate the car and decided to visit the orphanage first. As Jae-hyun approached the orphanage, he witnessed a gang of ruffians wreaking havoc, their aggression directed at the terrified woman behind the front desk. "Where the hell is Jae-hyun?" one thug demanded.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you that. That's private information," the woman stammered, her voice shaking with fear. Undeterred, the thugs persisted in their destructive rampage. Just as one of them raised his hand to strike the woman, Jae-hyun hurled a rock, hitting the thug squarely. "You looking for me, you big idiots?" he taunted. The thug released the woman, who cried out, "Jae-hyun, please run away from here!" He roughly shoved her aside, snarling, "Shut up, old lady!"

As the thug advanced menacingly towards Jae-hyun, he turned and sprinted away, weaving through the shadows of various buildings. Night had fallen, but the thugs pursued him relentlessly. One of them shouted, "You can't run forever, Jae-hyun!" while laughing maniacally. Jae-hyun darted into an alleyway, only to discover it was a dead end. Panic set in as he realized his plan had gone awry. The menacing thugs closed in on him, cutting off any chance of escape. With no other option, Jae-hyun attempted to throw a punch at one of the attackers.

However, his efforts were in vain. The thug to his left swiftly struck Jae-hyun in the ribs, leaving him gasping for air. The other thug, whom Jae-hyun had been aiming for, easily caught his fist mid-air and crushed it. The sound of Jae-hyun's agonized scream filled the alley as his hand was reduced to a mangled mess. With his legs giving out beneath him, Jae-hyun crumpled to the ground. The thug, still gripping his shattered hand, forced him to look up. Without hesitation, he sent a powerful fist flying towards Jae-hyun's face. The impact was immense, and Jae-hyun's nose crunched under the force.

Jae-hyun's body instinctively tried to recoil from the blow, but the thug's grip on his hand held him in place, causing him to be yanked back. Relentlessly, the thug continued to pummel Jae-hyun, blood spattering with each strike, until Jae-hyun's consciousness finally slipped away. A sudden splash of cold water echoed throughout the room, jolting Jae-hyun back to consciousness. Drenched and shivering, he attempted to move but found himself bound to a bed. Various tools lay scattered around him, a testament to the brutal torture he had endured for hours. Jae-hyun's battered face and bruised body bore witness to his suffering, his eyes appearing glazed and lifeless.

A tall figure entered the room, the clanking of chains heralding his arrival. "Everyone, leave the room," he commanded. The room emptied until only Jae-hyun and the imposing figure remained - the boss. "My dear boy," the boss began, a sinister tone lacing his words. "You should have stayed in hiding. Do you know how much you cost me that day?" The boss's voice grew louder, the rage within him palpable. "Oh, I know I killed your friend, but that worthless orphan's life wasn't worth half of what I lost!"

Jae-hyun's fury flared upon hearing the cruel mention of his deceased friend. He tried to scream curses at the boss, but his muffled voice, stifled by the gag covering his mouth, only managed to produce a series of incoherent mumblings. Tears streamed down Jae-hyun's cheeks as he recalled the tragic event that had befallen his only friend just two weeks ago. Jae-hyun and Yu-jun had planned to go to the movies, saving up enough money for two tickets. As they strolled down the quiet street at night, they suddenly heard a scream in the distance.

Jae-hyun suggested they keep going to the theater, which was just up the street. But Yu-jun, ever the empathetic soul, couldn't ignore the cry for help. Reluctantly, Jae-hyun followed her towards the sound. As they drew nearer, they saw a man being assaulted, a gun pressed to his head. A tall figure, adorned with chains and sporting gold teeth, barked at the man, "Give me everything you've got, right now!" One accomplices held the victim while the tall man struck him in the stomach. "I'm going to count to three, and if you haven't told me where you're stashing everything else, I'm going to shoot," the tall man threatened. "One... two..."

"Stop!" Jae-hyun shouted, interrupting the countdown. The two thugs spun around to find the teenager staring back at them. The thug released the man and approached Jae-hyun "Hey kid, you didn't see anything, right?" The boss inquired, the thug quickening his pace towards Jae-hyun. As Jae-hyun and Yu-jun approached the group of people, they quickly formulated a plan. Jae-hyun would create a diversion, allowing Yu-jun to assist the man in need by approaching from the side. The leader, with his gun aimed at the man, kept a watchful eye on Jae-hyun but didn't anticipate the sudden sprint.

Jae-hyun dashed away, trying to avoid the thug's grasp. However, he wasn't completely successful, as the thug managed to snatch a bracelet from his arm. Just as Jae-hyun turned away, he heard a deafening gunshot. His heart pounding, he continued to run without looking back. Soon after, the unmistakable sound of sirens filled the air. Jae-hyun, fearing the worst, rushed back to the scene. As he arrived, his heart sank. Yu-jun's lifeless body lay on the ground, surrounded by two men in handcuffs, bags of money, and drugs. The tall man they had called the boss was nowhere to be found. Overwhelmed by emotion, Jae-hyun's heart broke. The only person he had ever considered a friend was now gone, leaving him with an unbearable sense of loneliness.