
Am I Really God?

In a universe where the Creator of all things reigns supreme, an unimaginable power grows restless. Possessing the magic of imagination, this god has the ability to weave countless worlds and bring forth endless possibilities. Yet, despite his unparalleled power, he is plagued by an unshakeable boredom. Seeking a change, the god makes a momentous decision: to be reborn into the very universe he crafted. Stripped of his memories and godly knowledge, the Creator is now reborn as a human. Unaware of his divine origins, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, encountering new experiences and challenges that will open his eyes to the universe he once shaped.

TrapsThirdEye · Fantasi
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8 Chs

My Name Is Jae-hyun

Submerged in the ebb and flow of time, Jae-hyun felt as though a billion years had quietly slipped away, as elusive as grains of sand in the wind. The sensation was surreal, as if he had only yesterday assented to the role of universal overseer, stepping into the cosmic shoes of the former deity who had retired. His youthful naivety had led him to this moment of remorse, for he had unknowingly accepted an everlasting commitment. Jae-hyun's chief duty was the preservation of the universe's precarious balance, a role as captivating as it was complex.

His responsibilities included replacing planets that had met their inevitable demise, crumbling into cosmic dust. Jae-hyun was entrusted with the birth of an entirely new species, a task that entailed not only creation but the fostering and evolution of the nascent civilization. His duty was as perpetual as the cyclical nature of creation and destruction in the universe he managed. Hailing from the cosmic realm known as Stellar Vista, Jae-hyun was a fitting choice for the task. Gifted with the unusual power of imagination magic, he could materialize anything he could envision, a rare privilege among the celestial beings of his realm. The particulars of this selection process were shrouded in mystery.

Across innumerable eons, Jae-hyun reveled in his existence and creative prowess. Yet, the repetition of eternity began to wear on him. At this crossroads, he embarked on his most daring venture. Utilizing his inventive intellect, he aimed to produce an intelligent species. Recognizing the necessity for balance in his role as creator, he knew that bestowing this new race with remarkable intellect meant refraining from gifting them with formidable physical might. Their evolution would undoubtedly be a gradual journey.

"I've introduced a unique aspect into their blueprint, something I've coined 'cores,'" Jae-hyun pondered aloud. It was a risky experiment, but one he was ready to undertake. He was keen to see just how much his latest creation could evolve. Since the dawn of the beings known as humans, Jae-hyun found immense joy in observing their progress. The bestowal of superior intellect led to the emergence of a vast array of distinct personalities; no two humans were ever the same.

Jae-hyun soon noted that each generation of humans was plagued by unending strife. War seemed an unshakeable part of their existence. Driven by avarice, humans seemed willing to go to any lengths to gain an upper hand. A wave of melancholy began to cast a shadow over Jae-hyun's spirit. His aspiration had always been to cultivate a peaceful existence, but reality had proven otherwise. The humans he had created were far from the harmonious beings he had anticipated; their unpredictability was becoming an unbearable burden. Consequently, Jae-hyun made a difficult decision - he resolved to disengage from the humans. He chose to let them forge their own destinies. His grand experiment, he believed, had ended in disappointment. As time went on, an unprecedented boredom enveloped Jae-hyun. The monotony of being a deity for so long was driving him towards madness. He yearned to traverse the expansive universe rather than remain confined to his dreary office.

One day, Jae-hyun's fist came down heavily on his desk, his resolve intensifying. The room echoed with the weight of his decision. He resolved to defy the cosmic rules, even if it meant courting the harshest punishment. His current existence felt akin to a prison sentence, and all he yearned for was freedom. Jae-hyun had devoted endless hours to the creation of a unique device, one that could enable a being of his power to undergo reincarnation within the universe. It was an unprecedented feat, for a creature of such superiority typically faced total obliteration attempting such a feat. Nevertheless, Jae-hyun was undeterred. Upon the completion of his device, he willingly risked everything.

Channeling all of his formidable energy into the device, he activated it. Instantly, a cacophony of alarms echoed throughout the vicinity. The divine security system had been designed to detect the disappearance of any of its creators. As a result, soldiers were promptly dispatched to Jae-hyun's workspace. Before the inevitable occurred, Jae-hyun reached out to a single individual - Nyk, his closest friend. Overwhelmed with disbelief, Nyk asked, "Jae-hyun, why would you do this? It's madness!"

For a brief moment, Jae-hyun paused, formulating his response. "You know, Nyk, you're the only one I've ever considered family," he confessed, sadness tingling his voice. "It breaks my heart to leave you, but this is the path I've chosen. Goodbye, my friend. Perhaps we'll encounter each other once more in a different life." As the call disconnected, Nyk let out a desperate, echoing "Noooo!" But it was too late. Jae-hyun's form was suddenly enveloped in a blinding light. The outcome was uncertain, yet he had made his choice - he would be reborn as a human. It was the very experiment he had once deemed a failure, a mistake he was now determined to correct from within.

As his memories began to blur, his physical form gradually dissolved into the intense radiance. And just like that, Jae-hyun was gone. In a distant world known as Earth, a narrow alleyway became the scene of a desperate event. A mother cried out in pain as she struggled to give birth in this unfortunate location. Her disheveled appearance suggested that she was homeless, and as she finally delivered her baby, a broad smile spread across her face. She tenderly kissed her newborn before losing consciousness, never to awaken again. The baby's father was nowhere to be found, leaving the infant alone and crying.

Young Jae-hyun had no recollection of his previous existence, but before departing the celestial realm, he had managed to imbue his new body with the power of imagination magic. However, he wouldn't discover this ability until the day he fully grasped its significance, which could take years. Given the relatively short human lifespan, time was of the essence.

As the baby's cries continued, a shadowy figure cloaked in a hood materialized before him. Picking up the child, the baby's tears ceased as the mysterious individual playfully interacted with him. The hooded figure spoke gently, "Young master, I hope you get to live the life you've always desired. I apologize for subjecting you to that prison-like existence, but it was the only way I could make this possible. May your imagination thrive and help heal this troubled universe."

The enigmatic figure left the baby on the doorstep of a building with a sign that read "Orphanage." A note accompanying the infant stated, "My name is Jae-hyun."