
Am I Really God?

In a universe where the Creator of all things reigns supreme, an unimaginable power grows restless. Possessing the magic of imagination, this god has the ability to weave countless worlds and bring forth endless possibilities. Yet, despite his unparalleled power, he is plagued by an unshakeable boredom. Seeking a change, the god makes a momentous decision: to be reborn into the very universe he crafted. Stripped of his memories and godly knowledge, the Creator is now reborn as a human. Unaware of his divine origins, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, encountering new experiences and challenges that will open his eyes to the universe he once shaped.

TrapsThirdEye · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Dream Eater

Jae-hyun labored onward through the marshland, each step causing his boots to sink deeper into the clinging mud. The sun, a relentless adversary, bore down on him, and sweat trickled down his brow. The passage of countless hours weighed heavily on him, and optimism was a scarce resource. He felt utterly lost, his provisions dwindling alarmingly. Suddenly, a peculiar sight caught his eye. A vast lily pad, alone amidst the mire, beckoned him from afar. With renewed vigor, he dashed towards this unlikely refuge, eager to escape the relentless sunlight. Reaching the haven, he slumped onto the lily pad, drained of energy.

Jae-hyun unzipped his backpack, drawing out a precious bottle of water. He drank with unabashed thirst, the chill of the liquid offering momentary relief. Next, he devoured a few morsels of bread. As he nourished himself, his gaze swept across his surroundings. He was marooned in a swamp, hemmed in by towering trees and a sea of towering grass. Signs of human habitation were conspicuously absent. Solitude was his only companion. He drew a deep, steadying breath, fighting to suppress rising panic. Rationality whispered to him the importance of maintaining composure. After all, his survival hinged on it.

Jae-hyun felt a bit refreshed after his brief respite. The location of the extraction point remained unknown to him, yet he understood the urgency of reaching it as swiftly as possible. An air of exhaustion cloaked him, hinting at his growing weariness of this strange land. A fleeting thought of regret - perhaps he shouldn't have undertaken this journey - brushed through his mind, but he briskly cast it aside. It was too late for second thoughts now. As the sun began its descent, painting the sky with hues of twilight, Jae-hyun realized the urgency to secure a safe haven for the impending night.

He had successfully navigated the murky swamp without encountering any menacing creatures or uncanny occurrences. Yet, he understood that the cloak of darkness could bring forth challenges of its own. His eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for a potential refuge. Not far off, a small cave beckoned him from a distance. He proceeded towards it, his footsteps echoing softly against the evening quiet. On reaching the cave, he cautiously peered into the inky blackness.

It was a damp, shadowy place, but it would serve his needs for the night. It was, at least, a shelter from the unpredictable wilderness that lay beyond. In the hollow embrace of the cave, Jae-hyun found himself resting on an unforgivingly hard floor. A subtle, yet persistent, chill hung in the air, adding to the austere ambience. He positioned his head on his backpack, a makeshift pillow that was far from comfortable, but a necessity in this situation.

Jae-hyun consumed the last morsel of his food and drank the remainder of his water bottle. He was acutely aware that his survival would depend on his ability to secure these basic needs from the wilderness starting tomorrow. The prospect of hunting was daunting. Jae-hyun, who had never before found himself in the role of a hunter, had to face this challenge with nothing but second-hand knowledge from Yeon-ji. She had taught him the basics of fire-starting, a crucial skill for cooking food and purifying water. This knowledge comforted him slightly, but the lack of game in the vicinity was disconcerting.

Since his arrival, not a single creature had made an appearance. This anomaly weighed on his mind, its implications as alien as the environment he found himself in. Deciding to table his concerns for the morrow, Jae-hyun allowed his thoughts to drift. His eyelids grew heavy, slowly descending like curtains at the end of a play. As his consciousness blurred at the edges, Jae-hyun couldn't help but feel a small measure of pride. He had survived his first day in this unfamiliar landscape. As the sun's golden rays filled the cave, Jae-hyun stirred from his sleep.

His throat felt dry and his eyes were weighed down by heavy bags, making him feel as if he hadn't slept a wink. Struggling to his feet, he couldn't help but wonder why he felt so unrested despite knowing that he had fallen asleep the night before. Jae-hyun had no time to dwell on his thoughts, as his immediate need for food and water demanded his attention. He hoisted his backpack onto his shoulders and stepped out of the cave into the daylight. As he emerged, Jae-hyun was struck by the sun's unusual hue. Only yesterday it had been a bright orange, but today it glowed deep red, casting an eerie light on the landscape.

As Jae-hyun trudged on, his legs grew heavy, and it seemed as if the very air around him had become thick and oppressive. His body felt feverish, and the sun's intense rays seemed to set his skin ablaze. Despite his discomfort, Jae-hyun persevered, eventually reaching the swamp once more. Carefully, he scooped some of the murky water into his container. Just then, the sound of footsteps reached his ears, causing him to whirl around, knife in hand. Jae-hyun's eyes scanned the area, searching for the source of the noise and hoping it might be a source of food. But he saw nothing.

Unbeknownst to him, a towering figure loomed behind him, its monstrous grin revealing sharp, enormous teeth. Yet Jae-hyun remained oblivious to its presence. When he turned back to the water, the terrifying figure had vanished, leaving him alone with the swamp and his uneasy thoughts.