
Am I Really God?

In a universe where the Creator of all things reigns supreme, an unimaginable power grows restless. Possessing the magic of imagination, this god has the ability to weave countless worlds and bring forth endless possibilities. Yet, despite his unparalleled power, he is plagued by an unshakeable boredom. Seeking a change, the god makes a momentous decision: to be reborn into the very universe he crafted. Stripped of his memories and godly knowledge, the Creator is now reborn as a human. Unaware of his divine origins, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, encountering new experiences and challenges that will open his eyes to the universe he once shaped.

TrapsThirdEye · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Dream Eater Part 2

As dusk draped itself across the sky, the once harsh sun that had relentlessly scorched Jae-hyun's skin had finally disappeared beyond the horizon. Jae-hyun had spent the day in a futile search for sustenance, treading every inch of the vicinity around the cave that had served as his shelter the previous night. Tempting as they were, the berries that adorned the trees entered his consideration. However, their unknown nature, potentially lethal, deterred him from succumbing to this seemingly easy solution. The risk, in his estimation, outweighed the reward.

With night settling in, Jae-hyun managed to light a fire within the cave, the warm glow casting dancing shadows on the walls. He collected water from the nearby swamp, and with the fire's aid, brought it to a boil. This purification process, rudimentary as it was, was a measure of safety in a world full of uncertainty. The hot water slid down his throat, its scorching trail a stark contrast to his dry, desert-like throat. It was uncomfortable, yet somewhat comforting. It was a small victory, a temporary reprieve from his struggles, and in his current state, he clung to such moments.

Jae-hyun's body finally surrendered to exhaustion, his form collapsing onto the cold cave floor. The gnawing hunger in his belly was a constant reminder of his predicament. He was out of food, left only with the echoes of his stomach's plea for nourishment ringing in the otherwise silent cave. In the heart of a sophisticated laboratory, Mr. Choi and Yeon-ji huddled before a colossal monitor displaying Jae-hyun's intricate vitals. Mr. Choi, the picture of decisiveness, voiced his thoughts, "It's high time we deploy the dream eater which has already infected Jae-hyun. Let's observe his physiological responses."

Yeon-ji's face reflected a tinge of melancholy, yet she knew there was no room for choice. With a resigned sigh, she pressed the button that would awaken the dream eater. Meanwhile, in the depths of his slumber within the cave, Jae-hyun was startled by peculiar noises. He jolted awake, confusion etched on his face. "I've rested for hours, so why does my body still feel so drained?" he wondered aloud. Then, out of nowhere, a voice whispered his name, "Jae-hyun." Alarmed, he swiftly drew his knife, shouting into the echoing expanse, "Who's there?" Silence was his only reply, but the sound of hastened footfalls reverberated around him. His plea for the unseen visitor to reveal itself was met only with the abrupt cessation of the footsteps.

Anxiety gnawing at his nerves, Jae-hyun resolved to flee the cave. But as he sprinted through the inky blackness, he felt as though he were running in place. "I'm sure this is the way to the exit... why can't I find it?" he fretted. The cave was shrouded in darkness, and his only source of light, a flickering torch, was threatening to extinguish. "If this flame dies, I'll be left blind in the dark," murmured Jae-hyun, his heart pounding in the silence of the cave. "Jae-hyun," the mysterious voice called out once more. This time, he could faintly discern that it belonged to a female. As the fog in his mind cleared, a face emerged before him, sending shivers down his spine. It was Yu-jun.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Jae-hyun felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He mustered the courage to speak, his voice trembling, "Aren't you... dead?" The haunting face and eerie voice drew nearer, as Yu-jun's voice questioned him, "Why did you let me die, Jae-hyun?" Her words stung, filled with accusation and pain, "You should have protected me, you coward!" Jae-hyun's scream echoed through the air, his fear palpable as he recalled the gunshot. He felt overwhelmed with regret, thinking they should have never taken such a risk. Tears streamed down his face, blurring his vision as he struggled to accept the reality that Yu-jun was gone forever.

Suddenly, Jae-hyun's eyes snapped open, and he found himself still in the cave, the first light of dawn creeping across the sky. Relief washed over him as he realized it had all been a terrible dream. However, the growl of his stomach pulled him back to reality, reminding him of the lingering hunger he had been trying to ignore. Jae-hyun knew he couldn't go on much longer without food, and the uncertainty of how long it would take to reach the extraction point only added to his anxiety. Determined to survive, he pushed aside the remnants of his nightmare and focused on the task at hand, finding sustenance. For two long days, Jae-hyun had trudged forth, his path as straight as the horizon itself. Yet, no hint of sustenance presented itself in the barren expanse. His body, in its desperate quest for nourishment, began to consume its own reserves. His once robust frame dwindled, taking on the frightful aspect of a skeleton.

Sleep had become an elusive acquaintance for Jae-hyun. A dream, recurrent and haunting, stalked his restless nights. It was an ironic twist of fate that sleeplessness became his companion as he wandered, driven by hunger and thirst. This day, however, presented a new spectacle. The sun, usually a warm hue of red or orange, assumed an unfamiliar shade of blue. With its transformation came a chilling drop in temperature. Jae-hyun's body, already weakened, began to quiver against the encroaching cold. Unbeknownst to the weary traveler, a spectral beast trailed in his wake. Known only as the Dream Eater, this shadowy figure feasted on Jae-hyun's life essence, slowly siphoning away his vitality. The beast was as relentless as it was invisible, persistently pursuing its unsuspecting prey.

As the blue sun continued to reign, the landscape changed. Gusty winds swept across the plains, bringing with them a flurry of snowflakes. The ground was soon carpeted in a thick layer of white, and the biting cold made it increasingly difficult for Jae-hyun to press on. The feeling in his hands and feet was lost, consumed by the frosty air. With no refuge in sight, Jae-hyun's strength began to wane. His steps faltered, and his legs buckled under the weight of exhaustion and despair. In this desolate landscape, under the watchful gaze of the blue sun and the lurking Dream Eater, Jae-hyun's body finally gave in, succumbing to the unforgiving chill. Roused from his deep slumber, Jae-hyun found himself being hauled across the ground. His eyes, heavy with fatigue, struggled to focus, and a youthful figure slowly emerged from the fuzziness. The silhouette was reminiscent of a young teenager.

As Jae-hyun's consciousness wavered, teetering on the edge of wakefulness and sleep, he once more succumbed to the irresistible pull of unconsciousness. Yet, in the fleeting moment before darkness reclaimed him, he managed to muster enough strength to whisper a question into the silent expanse around him, "Who are you?"