
Am I Lewd Enough??

Arthur finds himself being reincarnated into an erotic, fantasy game called [Oriana] and not to mention, he had reincarnated into a thick femboy called Willow?! How is he going to navigate through the gore, the lores and more importantly, evade the erotic content of the game where 90% of the characters want to fuck him to death? Guess he'll have to big brain this shit.

Norobo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
286 Chs

The Birth Of The Celestial Hero (3)


Elm's features tightened into a horrific frown. What had her town come to be? There was nothing more than fire - flames and demonic beings summoned from hell that was razing her hometown to cinders as the stench of dead, burnt bodies filled her nose. Her brother! Her blood ran cold at the thought of Willow contributing to the stench of dead bodies. It was almost enough for her to rage but her emblem prevented her - shoving calm, soothing images to the front of her mind.

Right. Willow was her proud, beloved brother. He wasn't some damsel in distress that would require her to obsess over his well-being. He was at the very least, smarter and had the better wits against her - enough so that his body wasn't cold yet. No, she needed to focus on the more pressing matters at hand for now.

She then turned her attention to the accursed, ugly things flying above her. 6 flying demons with a strong one in the middle. They were too ugly to be described in human tongue, too disgusting to be looked upon and too mad to be left alive in the mortal world.

They could and should not exist.


Again, her blood started to boil, the warmth and light of her constitution demanded that she exterminated these vermins that dared raze her town and endanger her brother's life. The damned demons were snickering at her, looking down on her from above the clouds, unaware that she was the Celestial Hero - the one fated to kill their God.

Again, she called for her power, "[Construct]". A number of light spears appeared behind her in suspended animation, each one looked as if a spear ordained by God. She aimed at the closest demon and muttered, "Go."

In an instant, a hole appeared where the demon's heart should have been. The others looked on in disbelief as their satanic brother shrieked in pain as his body disappeared into motes of light.

"Who's next?"

The strong one roared at them to attack, conjuring something between his bony, albino claws. Elm didn't mind the strong one yet, focusing on the other four demons that were flying towards her in rage - each pointing their blood red pitchforks at her. She glanced back, seeing that Aran was still breathing before lunging forward to meet the demons in their battle.

The one frontmost tried to swipe at her from the right, attempting to behead her but she dodged with a casual duck of her head, twisting her body so that she was under it's belly and shot, killing the thing instantly with one of her light spears. The other one tried to use the demon she had just killed as sacrifice, extending it's fork downwards to thrust through the both of them but Elm foresaw it and threw another of her light spear, quickly decapitating the demon.

Elm twisted her body mid-air by using one of her wrists before flipping overhead and regaining her footing. The two other demons tried to stab each of her shoulders but she rolled forward and sent both of her spears back, hitting true to their target. She didn't have the time to indulge in their shrieks as she felt her senses scream to lunge backwards and so she did, dodging just in time for a blood-red trident that had suddenly jutted out from where she had just stood.

She stared at the bloody magic and looked up, glaring at the smirking, strong demon. She had planned to play around and test her skills against the strong one but since it decided to be an annoyance, she planned to exterminate it in one-shot.

"[Construct]". This time, the spears behind her shifted, transforming into one large bow as Elm held one arm out, pointing directly at the astonished demon. The large bow behind her beamed, ringing out like a bell everytime it sucked in Prana from the air.

The demon seemed to chant something as it could sense the large mass of holy Prana being gathered in that bow, preparing magic that would surely have killed the girl. . .if not for her skill being released faster.

"Strike true, Haven," Elm muttered as she released the arrow with a sound no more than a whisk. It covered the large distance in a heartbeat as it hit the demon straight in the chest, an explosion of light blinding her sight for the moment. It looked as if the demon had been struck by lightning from how loud the explosion was.

Seeing that she had completed her first extermination as the Celestial Hero, she dropped onto one knee, gasping for air. She might have pushed herself a little too much with that last charged attack. Taking a couple deep breaths, she stood back up and with her heightened senses - and no annoying distractions - she could now truly see her surroundings in all it's fiery damnation.

Elm's passive look never changed however, her brain optimized by her constitution to remain calm and think for her next steps. Sending a wave of specialized Prana over the town, she saw that there were two major sources of worry for her right now. The first would be the group of people - her parents included - who were heading North, so as to receive sanctuary within the Humlic Church, a good plan but she doubted the holy energy within the Church was strong enough to ward off the demons forever. And even that was on the premise that they could make it there before falling prey to the sniggering demons flying above. A strong one, far stronger than the demon she had just killed, was also heading towards them. She could reach them in minutes if she exerted her speed but a bloodbath would be inevitable.

The second was of her beloved brother. As she had expected, he hadn't yet been paid a visit by Mistress Death as she saw him hiding under the ruins, with a townsguard beside him. She couldn't even feel relief due to her constitution robbing her of any detrimental emotions to her nirvanic state right now. He may be safe for now but there was still the fact that he was in mortal danger right now with the number of demons looming over his head.

Elm pondered over the matter before she decided on her answer. Both of the problems could be solved with a quick flash of her power. Literally. And, the bigger the better.

With that, she willed speed into her body before she near-teleported to the place where her parents were, killing a couple flying demons out of the way before landing on an adjacent rooftop. Seeing the looks of surprise on both the people's faces and the demons, she closed her eyes before imagining a bright flash of light.

"[Construct]," Elm muttered and heard multiple yelps as the world turned into light.

I will be hosting the entire story again on my patreon. Entire Story/$6----->https://www.patreon.com/Norobo

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