
Am I Lewd Enough??

Arthur finds himself being reincarnated into an erotic, fantasy game called [Oriana] and not to mention, he had reincarnated into a thick femboy called Willow?! How is he going to navigate through the gore, the lores and more importantly, evade the erotic content of the game where 90% of the characters want to fuck him to death? Guess he'll have to big brain this shit.

Norobo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
286 Chs

The Birth Of Demi-Gods (10)


"Do you swear fealty to me, little serpent who bears the blood of the Devourer?" Elm pointed her finger, the oldest magic of law summoned from her words in the form of lightning and hail above.


Pochi nodded his head, before bowing, with his tongue still out. "I swear upon my name, under the witness of the Myriad realms."

The moment he finished speaking, the blood that was oozing out of his little tongue started floating up slowly, in little rivulets climbing onwards Elm's pointed finger, as thunder boomed above. For any onlookers, the scenery was a nice sunny afternoon turning dusk, but to them, and anyone who knew of the presence of oaths, they would see the sky splitting apart, and the ground shaking as hands darker than the abyss started rising from the ground, each hand forming an ancient symbol with their fingers.

"Then, I take you as my servant and pet, under the name of the Myriad Realms," Elm said, as the blood flowed inside the veins of her hands from her finger.


Both of them almost fell to their knees, well Pochi was almost knocked unconscious when they felt a profound connection between their souls, tying them together but in the sense that Elm was the master, and Pochi as a servant, a kin. Doubt left both of their mind, as they both gave their final consent towards this contract and oath, and so, the oath was taken.

Everything stopped. Then, everything returned to normal.

"Woah. . ."


Pochi was the first to break the silence. He looked around his serpentine body with his little eyes, and saw that nothing was really different.

But then, he searched around inside and he found that he had made the right decision again.

"No way," Pochi almost screamed. His eyes went wide, well, as wide as a snake's eyes could get. "You tripled my chaos pool by three-folds?!"

But, he wasn't the only one surprised. Elm searched around herself, and found that she had obtained a very, very useful skill.

"Absolute Immunity To Poison?"

"Huh? Oh, so you got that one, huh?" Pochi hissed, and smiled. "Ah right, you didn't have that skill, did you? Well, let me tell you all about it. First-"

Elm was more of an actions speak louder than words type of person, so she popped open a vial of toxins made by none other than that sneaky, crafty princess and chugged it down. Now, the princess had specifically told her that, it was packed with enough poison that even someone blessed by the realms like the Celestial Hero wouldn't be able to survive without a painful few nights at least, since it's potency was enough to even knock out several normal demi-gods, and perhaps a low-ranked god.

And, with Pochi's affinity to poison, he knew immediately how much poison was inside there so he freaked out.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" But it was too late. Elm threw away the vial, hearing it crack into pieces before she scanned herself, bracing for impact.

She waited, waited, and waited, but nothing came.

"So it's true."

"It's true, my ass!" Pochi slithered across Elm's body, and got up in her eyes to look directly at her. "Why would you do something so fucking stupid?! You should always at least test things-"

"You dropped the titles."

Pochi's eyes twitched. "What?"

"You're not calling me O'Singularity, anymore," Elm said, still with a stoic face before stuffing Pochi down into her breast pocket. "Sounds better this way." Then, she carried on her path.

Pochi hissed at being stuffed so roughly, and wanted to scold Elm some more, but let it go since in the end, no harm was done. He made a note in his mind to be more wary of this scatter-brained idiot's antics. Jesus, sure, they hadn't really known each other more than a few weeks, but a soul connection with anyone will make you feel as if you'd known them your entire life. And also, Elm really reminded him of his little brother sometimes, and therefore, categorized all geniuses as scatter-brained idiots who would probably kill themselves just to make a point.

He could feel what she felt, hear what she heard, smell what she smelt, and so on. . . .at a certain level, of course but there was definitely something there between them. It was probably stronger for him to sense than for her, due to their status.

"Here you go."

Pochi suddenly felt hungry, and remembered why he had even formed the soul connection with Elm in the first place. His little, beady eyes turned into diamonds when he saw the demi-god ranked monster core literally inches away from his face.

"?" Elm shook the monster core. "Don't you want it?"

Pochi hissed at that, and no longer able to control his urges, he leapt at the monster core, mouth opened so wide you could see his guts, before he bit onto the monster core.

It cracked, and the entire world turned into light.

Then, Pochi was no longer there. Anyone would have panicked, but Elm didn't. She knew better, and instead of panicking like a mad-man, she felt inside for their connection.

As she thought, he wasn't dead nor did he explode. Elm turned to look at the monster core on her palm and carefully looked inside, and as she thought, the little serpent was there, taking a power nap as she felt the energy of this core being devoured by him.

At the rate he was going, it would take around 5 days, and a week at most before he got out which was really, really amazing since it would take normal monsters on his level years to fully absorb a monster core so much higher-ranked than them. And, even if they did, they'd probably explode from the excess amount of energy.

But, not little Pochi. Oh no, he was feeling quite at home, with the way she could literally feel how happy he was. Elm kept the little devouring monster inside her breast pocket, and held him there with a little layer of protection so that nothing happened to him during this delicate period of his life.

And then, Elm decided to keep exploring this ruin, or so she thought, but then, she accidentally stepped on a pressure plate. Even for someone like her, all she could sense was discomfort and she tried to break free from the spell that was trying to whisk her away but she was completely locked down by something, before she was forcibly teleported somewhere.

But, she wasn't too worried though.

Ok guys, since a lot of people are asking for it, you will be able to read PART I and PART II on my patreon for only 3 dollars! Under the Venerable Audience tier!! But, this is only until the 1st of May, so get your chance now!! ===> https://www.patreon.com/Norobo

Or, just come join my discord where shenanigans happen every sunday====>https://discord.gg/3jQXJ8P

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