
Am I a System?

Void was a human that died tragically and was given a second chance at life. This is not like the other rebirth novels that you have read. Ever wondered what it would be like to be your own system. Imagine the endless possibilities. Well, come watch as void shapes his own future. Join me and watch this novel transform into one of your best reads. P.S don't own the image

DeathCreepGod · Game
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38 Chs


The warden could finally relax, taking a secret sigh, even though the warden was not afraid of Cruden with his strange powers. He could not see Crow's face but he could sense that his mood was off. That and the icy chill that emerged when he entered.

Cruden slowly came out of his shadow, snickering with a big smile on his face. which to the warden surprise was directly from the ground in front of him.

Cruden felt weird coming back here but he had no other choice at that moment. He decided to take a seat in the chair in front of the warden's desk with his feet placed on said desk.

It was then the warden could see how young the boy was. His assumption was right. It was that little noisy brat they dragged in a few weeks ago. Back then he barely had the strength to fight back. What changed? he thought.

Before he could get further into his thoughts he heard the boy before his talk.

"So new boss, I'm here as you requested?" Even though Cruden might seem relaxed, he was being extremely careful. There was a thin line of shadow on him for defense and his shadow was spread out on the entire floor.

The warden's office was very small so this was easy for him to accomplish. It was a little draining but he knew it was necessary.

"It's funny you ask I was just about to explain myself. I am the warden GOU ZenShi and you must be Cruden, charged for stealing the Bailes ancient artifact". Cruden wasn't really surprised that the warden knew who he was. but he lowered his head a little lower after hearing the warden. The warden could tell this was a sore topic for the youth. He saw how Cruden's expressions drastically changed. So he decided to move on.

"I'm guessing this is all a lie and you didn't do it". The warden said confidently

Cruden raised his head and slowly nodded. No one believed him when he tried to explain himself.

"I believe you. Something is definitely wrong with the situation. It was stolen and then returned… the punishment should be losing an arm but based on these files you are to be sentenced to death". The warden was a smart man and he realized something was off. Maybe the youth in front of him didn't know either.

He looked up and could see the youth sitting there silently. "If you work for me, I will help you find out the truth"

Cruden didn't know why but his new boss had a charming voice. He spoke so confidently. Maybe seeking help from the warden would be just what he wanted until hes strong enough to take care of them myself.

He nodded again. Deep down he was happy he was getting help.

Crow was standing in the shadows staring daggers at Cruden. He was so unyielding a minute ago and now he could barely speak. Just a child, after all, he thought.

The warden responded, "let's get down to business then. As you know I'm the warden for this place but in the shadows, I run an assassination organization. I'm currently recruiting members and I have decided on you. Your skills are perfect for this type of profession. We can help train you and make you stronger"

He waited awhile to see the youth's reaction but Cruden was just sitting there staring at him.

Cruden was thinking of the warden's words, "becoming an assassin?" he thought. He focused his gaze and tried to sense any evil energy from the warden but it wasn't as strong as Crow who was standing behind him.

The warden continued speaking, "There are currently only four members. You, crow, me, and finally the big boss but don't look down on us for lacking members. We have strict requirements for our members and you possess all of them. That is why you are even being considered.

The big boss is currently away and you will meet him in due time

We get requests from our employers, review the case and send out our experts to remove the target.

Cruden raised his hands. "I am willing to join and get stronger but I will only kill those that deserve it. I will not kill the innocent.

The warden's expression slightly changed. "Wanting to kill only those that deserve it? Not everyone is as innocent as you think." "Who are we to say who and what deserves to die?"

"I have a way to tell who has done bad things and cause people to suffer. As he said words said the whole office started to shake. His powers were responding to his emotions. the warden was not sure what he meant but he hurriedly responded in a stern voice. " please calm down and don't destroy my office"

The warden looked down and realized he couldn't see the floor. The floor had white tiles but all he could see was black under his feet. He hurriedly tried to calm down Cruden while holding back Crow who was ready to attack.

He calmed down and continued…" I can't tell that crow has done many evil deeds." His eyes pierced into the darkness behind the warden for a second then looked at the warden. "You, on the other hand, I can barely sense anything from you. Why is that?" Cruden asked.

He did not understand his powers completely. It has been less than a day interacting with his power. So he wanted to understand what that meant.

The warden looked at him for a long time then adjusted his glasses. "Not everyone that does bad is evil. Sometimes it is necessary to do bad things that are ultimately good" "good and evil depend on perspective. It depends on the side you are on. I could explain it fully but I'm sure you'll understand soon enough.

"That is if you don't die" crow intercepted with a serious tone.

"This job is very serious. There are many people in this society who believe they are above the law and many believe that because of their strengths they can do whatever they want. The majority of our employers are weaklings who otherwise can't get justice for themselves. I'm sure you can understand."

The warden waited for a response but it never came. Cruden agreed with the warden. The warden knew exactly what he was doing. He was an expert conversationalist. He knew exactly what to say.

The mere fact you haven't left. It's safe to say you're interested. So first the matter at hand.

Before we start we need to give you a codename and new clothes, of course, Crow will go get you some appropriate attire. Do you have any names in mind?

Cruden thought for a while and then decided on the name of the first man he had ever killed. "Jack". "My code name will be Jack".

"Jack? Not what I would have gone for". The warden said while rubbing his chin. "Be sure to only use this name on our missions, never let anyone know your real name. Also this job is very rewarding. There is no guarantee that you won't be hurt or worse case lose your life".

"So if you encounter an opponent you can beat. Escape immediately. If you get captured, we never had this conversation or even met. Is that clear? the warden said in a serious tone"

Cruden took a huge gulp. So we are on our own if we are captured? I don't see the benefit of joining an organization such as this.

"That's why this is a dangerous job but the rewards are huge for each job you will get 70% of the profits. 20% will naturally go to me for finding the information and such. With this job, you can gain millions. Some rare jobs can even reward you treasures and spirit stones."