

"What is this pressure? Very strong."

Vell went in the direction of the pressure he felt, and was surprised to see the infinite power and Oga clashing.

"It's strong."

Shortly after that Vell realized that the infinite attack was getting closer to Oga.

Vell jumped off the building and released an attack called "VOLCANIC VOLTAR".

The attack has hit the infinite, although the attack released by Vell is strong and has managed to injure the infinite but the attack requires a lot of magic which makes Vell use it once a month.

Vell went to Oga to see Oga's condition, Oga was in a badly injured state not only that there was blood flowing out of his eyes and nose

"Oga, you're very badly injured, let's go to a safe place quickly."

Vell lifted Oga and took him to safety but before he could do anything, the infinite came and kicked Vell in the waist.

Infinite then pounded Oga repeatedly who was sitting down unable to do anything.

Vell then went towards infinite and attacked infinite, they both counterattacked and they flew into the air and continued their fight again.

On the other side, Holland, Lina and Rika were fleeing from the 70 soldiers who were chasing them.

"Don't run!"

The three of them ran and kept running until they arrived at the harbor

"Lina, where are the mercenaries?"

"Probably dead."

"All of them? 200 people won't die like that."

"We paid 200 mercenaries, they had 4,000 soldiers so they did die.

"You're joking right?"

"Not for the current situation."

"Quick, hand over Rika now if you all want to survive."

"What now?"

"Just fight."

Holland came forward and started the attack while Lina stood in front of Rika to protect her from the soldiers nearby.

When Holland was fighting with the soldier, Holland saw Lina fighting with the soldier very violently, at first Holland thought that Lina was very weak but when he saw Lina fighting, he realized that Lina was very strong and fast.

More and more soldiers approached them and the number of soldiers increased.

Holland and Lina were beaten back by the soldiers, Rika saw the situation with panic and distress then Rika bravely gave strength to Holland and Lina.

Holland has the power to increase his physical strength in terms of strength and speed. Holland killed the soldier in front of him with great speed.

As for Lina, no facts can explain Lina's strength because suddenly, around Lina's body there were 5 balls of light flying around Lina's body. Lina controlled the 5 balls of light so well in her battle that the number killed by Lina was more than Holland killed.

Rika who was watching from a far distance had fallen unconscious after giving new power to Holland and Lina. Lina realized Rika's situation and went to Rika but Lina's hand was pierced by an arrow that had been tied by a rope then Lina was pulled away.

Holland who saw the current situation was getting worse, he went to Lina and Rika and plunged into the ocean which was filled with giants inside.

"Quickly go around the place and find them!"

Holland escaped from the giant with difficulty because of his injury but in the end, Holland managed to escape from the giant.

Holland went towards the infinity island but in another corner and lifted Rika and Lina to the ground and brought them to safety.

In the end, Holland took them both to the tunnel

"Do you think it's safe here?

"Hope it's safe."

The two of them looked at each other and then looked around.

"That girl , what's wrong with her?"

"She will become like this if she gives power to others."

"It's fitting that the infinite is crazy about this kid"

"I don't understand, Infinite has unlimited power but why does he still want more power?"

"Maybe it's not power he wants but magic."


"That's right, think you have very great power but your magic is still lacking to bring out very great power."

"That's right"

"Holland, I want to ask you something"

"What is it?"

"If this situation happens again, will you help her again?"

"I'm just a slave who was bought to listen to his master's instructions so if he tells me to save her then I will."


"You anyway?"

"I honestly don't know, I love Rika but if this thing happens again, I won't be able to survive or survive her, everyone has their limits."

"So you just train to exceed your limits."

"You say it's easy, but I can't do it."

"If you can't do it then don't do it and know what you can do then you can help others"

"It's not easy"

"I do know it's not easy, so what's the point of the word 'trying' if you expect it to be easy"

Lina was silent

When Lina and Holland looked at each other, the popping sound was heard by both of them.

"How long will this fight last?"

"Depending on who is still breathing"

Lina looked at Holland and asked

"Holland, in your opinion, who do you think is the strongest among the five of us?"

"Are you tired of waiting so much? So you ask questions like this?"

"Just answer it."

Holland closed his eyes to review their strength and the way they fought.

Holland opens his eyes

"I can't be sure who is strong, but for the last one maybe you, because your strength is more focused on supporting the four of us again to keep us from a long distance, the fourth one maybe me because I'm not as strong as you think, I'm just like the others, starting from weak so that it becomes like this for the third maybe I put kuza because his strength is what certain people are able to have, namely light so if he feels himself strong because he has a unique strength then he will not train to become stronger for the second I put Vell because he is someone who no longer thinks about anything other than fighting that causes his mental weakness for the first I put Oga because he is the only human I met who dares to fight with anyone even though there is no magic in him. not only that, Oga who is aware of his weaknesses himself trains from a mental and physical point of view, I also saw him using a temporary magic chain for his use, so Oga understands how to use magic power too"

"That's a good answer."

"Thank you.

They both looked at each other

Then lina did something

"Holland, can you hug me and Rika? I'm sure you wouldn't want us both to be sick in the cold."

Holland nodded his head and then let them both lie down in Holland's arms.

But suddenly, a hot pressure was felt by Holland and immediately Holland pulled out the 'Water shield' technique.

A few minutes before that, Vell and the infinite were fighting fiercely in the sky at a fast speed... Kuza who was below tried his best to help Vell from below by shooting light arrows at the infinite but Kuza and Vell's attacks were unable to hit the infinite due to its speed and strong defense

Vell who was moving in the sky suddenly had his balance disturbed... Infinite saw the situation and quickly used the opportunity to attack Vell but when Vell was about to be attacked, infinite was gone and apparently infinite went towards Kuza and attacked Kuza causing him to fall... After doing so, infinite quickly launched an 'INFINITE BLAST' attack which caused Vell to panic and caused Vell to suffer a slight injury to his body, and left arm.

Vell fell down and lay there as if dead... Infinite walked up to Vell and wanted to kill Vell by stomping on Vell's body

However, Kuza came from behind to attack the infinite by using a light sword but the infinite easily blocked the attack with his magic-coated hand.

After playing with Kuza, infinite kicked Kuza far back... Suddenly, Vell from behind choked the infinite from behind and Kuza came with a light saber to stab the infinite but the infinite easily escaped from Vell and the infinite deservedly finished them both off.

Kuza who was lying down had seen Infinite turn his body then Kuza took a small bottle filled with iron powder that was different from other iron and had heated the bottle then threw it at Infinite and Infinite caught it.

"What did you throw?"

Suddenly, it exploded, shattering Infinite's right hand and the skin on his face.

Seeing Infinite in pain, Kuza took the opportunity to recover himself and Vell.

"Vell can you still stand up?"

"Give me a moment."

Kuza nodded his head as he looked at Infinite still in pain then Infinite who was in pain earlier

"How dare you use that plutonium?"

"You know it too?"

"Of course, because it is among the most dangerous materials in this world"

Kuza could only remain silent

"But unfortunately this explosion is not as powerful as the explosion that I will produce."

"What do you mean?"

"This is what I meant."

Infinite unleashes a large part of its inner energy

"Idiot! If you make it so, everyone here will die including your people!"

"Followers can be searched while I have power and their influence will remain."

Kuza stood up and pulled out his light sabre but Infinite grabbed Kuza's head and turned him away.

"So, is there another place I can stay ... Hmmm maybe later I'll find it, first destroy this place first ... Again, this place has been discovered ... Rika tu anyway, later I'll find her again... After all, she can't die"

Infinite flew up into the sky while looking at his place that was almost half destroyed

Infinite lifted his sword up and unleashed a technique called "MAGIC OF DESTRUCTION" which is an attack that uses a large scale of magic in the user's body to perform the attack.

A huge purple-coloured sphere was seen in the sky... Infinite dropped his sword and a purple light came out from the sphere.

Vell, who saw it, immediately went to the top of a tall building and released "LION SHIELD" which stopped Infinite's attack immediately.

Kuza saw what happened and went looking for Oga and found him... Kuza produced 20 layers of light shields to protect themselves but there were several Infinite Soldiers coming towards the light shields and asking permission to enter but Kuza just pretended to be invisible.

Vell's right hand bone was broken from the attack, and his left leg was also broken... Vell produced 15 clones but all of them were destroyed.

Vell withstood the attack with all his strength and in the end Vell fell because he was unable to withstand the Infinite attack but so Vell took the shield behind him and then gave a little magic to the shield to strengthen the shield and the shield was able to withstand the Infinite attack even though the Infinite attack was too strong so Vell was pushed down and caused a big inpak to apply to the island.

All living things, whether human or not, have been affected by the Infinite attack including the Infinite Army itself and the six of them.

The island has been devastated

The Infinite went down to check it out and saw the badly injured Holland, Lina and Rika.

"There you are"

Infinite came towards the three of them but Kuza kicked Infinite and there was their fight but the fight was over after Infinite shot Kuza... Holland was unable to stand up or produce any magic because his magic had been used up to make a shield.

Lina tried her best to fight Infinite but in the end failed

Oga who was from behind had shot an arrow at Infinite but Infinite easily broke the attack

"You're alive again huh?"

But not long afterwards, Oga collapsed because of the blood he had lost.

Vell also came and tried to strangle Infinite from behind and once again failed because Infinite was still too strong

Infinite saw Vell and wanted to finish Vell but Infinite's magic had run out ... Vell saw the opportunity and hit Infinite with his left hand and kicked him with his right foot.

The fight had begun, Infinite used all his strength to defeat Vell but Vell was physically strong, not to mention Vell wisely used his broken bones as weapons and in the end Vell won easily... Vell sat on the lying Infinite and pounded the Infinite again and again and again until the Infinite's skeletal face could be seen.

Lina who saw Vell had tried to stop him but failed then Lina remembered that Vell's son died because of the Infinite.

"Vell please stop!!!"

Vell was still hitting Infinite

Then Lina saw Rika who wanted to get up from her stupor.

"Vell, do you want Rika to see you like this?"

Vell stopped his punches and went towards Rika but Lina blocked him.

"Wait, let me heal your hand."

Vell's hand is being healed while being hugged by Rika.

Then, Lina healed them one by one there

In Ravka's kingdom

"6 out of 1 the champion's light is gone, what happened"

"Your Majesty, the lost light is Infinite"

"Impossible, the Infinite is so strong that even 3 generations of demon kings can't defeat it"

"I understand your reaction"

"So, who killed Infinite?"

"That person named Vell the noble"

"Vell yes, a name that is not very alluring."

"What does your highness mean?"

"Because of him, right now there are many Non-kingdom groups wanting to take over the Infinite's large territory, not only that, even the demon king has dared to rise right now... But I think it's our fault for not expecting this thing to happen"

"What do you want to achieve, right?"

The person at a noble took a MAJOR ARCANA card and showed one type of card out of 22 types of cards.

"How about we call it THE TOWER?"


"That's right a card that carries the meaning of a significant change in a person's life or a threat"