
Always Late

Diem_Ngo_3690 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 5

I leave the restaurant in tears. 'What a douche' I think to myself. I text Jack and tell him that I needed the rest of the day off and he approved. I start to walk home and it starts to rain.

"You've got to be kidding me right now," I yell. People around me look at me like I'm crazy and walk around me. I start walking and think to myself why Corey and I started dating. I admit he was decent in bed and a okay boyfriend, but why did I waste my time on a person, who thinks my career is a waste of time. 'You've got to stop setting for less, Riley' I think to myself.

A black car slows down and the window rolls down. John's face appears.

"Hey, Riley! You need a ride? It's suppose to be storming bad soon," says John!

"Yes please, J! You're a life savor," I say and get in the passenger side of the car. It seems like twisted peppermint and carmel.

"Hmmm. . . It smells so nice in here, J." I tell him.

"One of the many perks at working at a fragrance candle shop," he laughs.

I look outside while we drive in silence. I look at all the beautiful building and people on the sidewalk. We pull up to our apartment complex parking garage. It was definitely a perk since rent is so expensive. Also, rent isn't as bad when you split your rent with your twin sister, who is a nurse practitioner. I start to open the door when John ask me if I'm okay.

"Yeah, J. Why do you ask," I say.

"I can tell that you've been crying, Ri. Is something wrong?" He questions me.

"Corey and I just broke up. He wanted me to go to Africa with him and thought that I was wasting my life working for Jack," I start to say as tears stream down my face.

John grabs me and hold me while I cry my eyes out. He smooths next by rubbing my back and telling me that it's going to be okay.