
Always Late

Diem_Ngo_3690 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 3

"So then Jamie tells me that I'm complaining too much," says Andrea. "Me? Complain too much? Like don't even."

"I can't believe she said that about you, Drea. You're suppose to be able to vent to your significant other," I tell her.

Drea has been my best friend since we started working at Jack Taylor. She's quirky and has a good sense of style. She wears prints and colors that you normally don't wear work.

"I know right? You would think after four years she would get me now. I think we might need to go back to counseling again" Drea confesses.

"That's a good idea. It doesn't hurt to try," I reply.

"What if she doesn't want to be in a relationship with me anymore, Riley? I don't know what I would do. We've been through so much with her mom dying and my dad getting diagnosed with cancer. She's been my rock, " Drea looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"Everything will be alright. I'm here for you, Drea," I tell her and hold her hand. "That's what friends do."

I look down at my phone and see that it's 12:30 pm.

"Oh shoot! I've got to go, Drea. I have a lunch date with Corey at 12:30. He has a surprise for me!" I grab my stuff and rush to the elevator door. "I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, Riley! Be careful!" Andrea tells me.