
Altier; The Triology

It is said that when the Door of Truth is opened, immense power will be granted to those who were able to unlock it. However, it can only be opened by the keys "the world itself" has granted to seven heroes the gods themselves have chosen. An intelligent witch whose only purpose in life is to oppose the Demon Kings. An elusive mercenary who thirst for vengeance on demons and hell itself. A freedom fighter who struggles against humanity's slovenly nature. A prideful angel who wants to protect their home and place in Heaven. A powerful demihuman who yearns for justice and a world of equality. A kind elf who takes from the strong and gives to the poor. And finally, a young man who carries great ambitions. Exactly seven heroes, huh. And out of the millions of people that exist, I was chosen to be one of them. Not that I'm complaining. It's just that, fate really is a funny thing-... But I do wonder. What lies on the other side of this game that we play? What exactly is the dark truth of this world? I'll find out, no matter what happens. Even if it means exploiting those close to me. ~~~ The Thumbnail art is not my creation. All the credit however goes to the ones who first made this beautiful masterpiece. If you are the artist and you not like it, please contact me and I shall remove it at my earliest convenience. There is no NTR, per say. This story is one part of the "Trilogy" series because this book itself is one of the three main stories that makes up the true story of the Altier franchise, so please look forward to that. Now with that said. Get yourself comfortable with some snacks, music, toys( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), and start reading!

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72 Chs

Yamir & Via - A Bloodthirsty and Mindless Frenzy

February 28, 1976 (Present Day)

The City of Cheshire

(Yamir's POV)

After that run in with those boys, Via had guided us a little ways back towards the main city before taking a right into some dark alley in the backroads. 

On the way, we passed by a lot of homeless people and possible drug addicts before making our way deeper inside. Until eventually, we hit a dead end. 

The crowd of boys who stood behind us were now looking at us with unhindered lust. Their boners were now visible through their tattered slacks.

"Here seems like a good place~....." Via uttered aloud.  

"Perfect!~ I call first on the purple chick!~" One boy announced while getting ready to pounce on Via.  

But before he could put his hands on her, Via stopped him.

"Ah, ah, ah! But before we begin, I have to ask you guys one thing~....." She said while waving her finger.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" The guy replied. 

"Do you guys like choking people?~" She asked. 

"Of course we do!~ It's our favorite~....." 

"Perfect, you see that just so happens to be a fetish of mine~...." She answered seductively.

The boys looked at each other for a moment. Their curious gazes spoke as if they were shocked to see that they had met such a naughty woman. Shortly after, they chuckled, thinking they lucked out today. 

Eventually, the guy resumed his advances, but this time he reached his hands out towards her neck in pleasure. His hand came in closer, but Via did nothing but stand there in anticipation.

And a few moments later, the guy's hand was about a few centimeters away from her. 

But unfortunately…

That was the closest his hand was ever going to get to a woman. 

Faster than the eye could see, no, faster than what the brain could even comprehend, Via returned the favor by placing her hand on his. 

"W-...what…..-!?" The guy could barely voice his confusion. 

By the time he realized what had happened, Via had the man's throat in her very palm. 

And she was more than willing to use that iron tight grip and lift him a few inches off the ground. 

The man began coughing internally, struggling slowly but surely to breathe properly. 

But for some reason, his friends could only watch in surprise and horror at what was happening. 

Not surprising since the person Via was holding up was a man that nearly towered over her in height and weighed heavier.

And yet despite that, she was lifting him by the neck with only one arm as if it was nothing. 

"Oh, I probably should've mentioned something~...." Via commented, while paying no regard to the pain he was inflicting on him. 

"There's only one person in this world who's allowed to touch me~....And you ain't him~....." 

As she said that, she stayed still for a small moment, watching and even relishing the view of the life of her victim slowly being drained from his eyes. 

His body tightened in reflex, but as if completely devoid of his strength, he was unable to properly struggle in turn. 

And by the time he thought he could, it was already too late…..


Departing those final words to the man, she crushed the man's neck with her bare hands as if it was paper.

The cold and chilling sound of his throat snapping from underneath the pressure echoed softly throughout the alley. 

The purple face of the man unable to voice his silent agony showed that this was nothing less than a brutal death. 

And this wasn't the last to come. 

"You bitch!!" 

Oh, so now you want to fight? 

Where was all that spirit when you were watching your friend slowly being choked to death? 

As I stared at them in disappointment, each of them came charging in with their fists one by one towards Via in a cruel yet amateurish manner. 

Seeing her enemies now boldly approaching them like this, Via threw the fresh corpse, who was still dangling off her hand, towards the first person, making them crash into the ground with great force. 

While her first tactic wasn't enough to kill, it was enough to stun their advances, if only for a second, allowing her to slip to the side of that commotion and meet the second person who was charging in. 

"W-what….!?" The guy replied, being perplexed as to how Via was able to slip into his line of sight. 

But by the time he could reflexively attack or regroup, Via had straight up bitch-slapped him. 

The slap was strong enough to make the man crash head first into the wall on his left with a terrifying force strong enough to break concrete.

Needless to say, his head painted the wall red with his blood like an egg meeting pavement. 

Under normal circumstances, no normal human would have continued fighting after seeing such a balant murder. 

However, adrenaline is quite the drug. 

Especially when you're angry. 

It makes you less mindful of your surroundings, causing tunnel vision, forcing you to stay focused on only your intended "target".

A little unfortunate seeing as retreating was the only viable way anyone was going to survive Via's "wrath". 

Ignoring what became of the guy in front of him, another man came in hot with a flurry of fists. 

Surprisingly, he actually knew how to throw a punch, let alone how to properly go on the offensive.

Even Via was caught a little off guard when she saw how proficient he was in martial arts. 

At first, she merely blocked each and every one of hits with ease, but after appraising his movements for a little while, she instantly learned the best way to counter. 

After the man's next punch, Via simply caught it with her hand and crushed his knuckles with her bare strength. The sudden pain was enough to stagger his movements and scream out in pain.

Crushing his fragile fighting resolve altogether, she gut-punched the center of chest with her other hand with a force strong enough to crush his entire rib cage like glass. 

After forcing him to reel in pain and spit out blood, she transitioned that same attack into a sharp uppercut that slammed the bottom of his jaw, which dislodged his teeth from his bloody gums.  

With his head facing towards the sky above, his neck was now exposed, which she planned to exploit by slamming her elbow down upon his Adam's apple, which alone was enough to kill him.

It was a "three piece" combo that she successfully yet casually chained consecutively faster than what even my eyes could perceive. 

During that same motion however, another man tried slipping through Via's defenses and came up on her from the side while armed with a small knife. 

Since he was going for the kill, it was a smart move to see him try catching her off guard. 


You're going to need a little more than just a puny knife if you want to break her "hide". 

With Via's opponent moving in close in a successful attempt to attack her while she was off guard, Via only had enough time to instinctively move her arm about to react to shield her head from danger. 

Under normal circumstances, the man's knife would have pierced her arm and blood would spill all over. 

But instead, something else happened. 


"W-....what!?" The man replied, completely shocked at what he witnessed.  

The moment his knife came down on Via, it wasn't her arm that was damaged, but rather the knife itself.

As if crashing into an even harder sheet of metal, it shattered immediately upon impact.  

The broken shards rapidly flew back in the opposite direction towards the attacker's face, causing minor, yet bloody scratches to his right cheek.

The reason behind this absurd event was caused by Via's ability to manipulate the iron in her own blood. 

By having such perfect control over those metals, Via can practically transform her entire body to become a suit of armor that is nigh invincible. 

In other words, Via was impervious to nearly, if not, all physical attacks. And against a poorly crafted and ill-maintained knife, the man was bound to fail from the very beginning. 


"Aww, how cute~...." Via replied while looking at the man with a condescending smile. 

Suddenly, using her immense speed and strength, she was easily able to slip from behind the man and force him to face the direction of his friends, while restrained in an arresting manner.

With the amount of bodies that was piling up, it was clear his friends were starting to be less prone to attack anybody now. The immense fear was enough to start making them become more and more conflicted on whether to attack or run away. 

But Via had no intention of letting even a single one escape.

Holding the same man by the back of his neck, Via used that same iron ability from before to sharpen her fingernails. And a second later…..

She slit his throat. 

The amount of force she applied was enough to make his blood spill all over the place at intense pressure towards the friends who stood a few feet in front of them.

"Mentally scarring them with their own friend's blood, huh. How morbid." I replied. 

But Via only chuckled sadistically. 

As for the others, the men began to scream in horror, some more than ready to run away while others could only stumble about in disbelief. 

"P–.....Please!! D-.....Don't kill us!!" 

Pointless pleas of desperation for mercy began to echo throughout the ally. But unfortunately…

All of their cries fell upon deaf ears.

Nor were there going to be others from outside who were going to hear them either. 

Why'd you think Via chose a place like this? It was so we wouldn't have to be bothered by witnesses.

As they continued to scream, Via extended her hand towards the last men of the crowd and said two words to them in pleasure. 

"Red Coffin." 

By manipulating the spilt blood on their bodies, she was able to transform it into some sort of elastic rubber-like filament that spread throughout their bodies to where it covered their heads and necks. 

Unsure what was going on, the men tried screaming through the thick filament while struggling to tear it off their heads before it was too late.

But their efforts were in vain.

That same animated filament eventually began to tighten its grasp and apply enough pressure to slowly crush their organs. Until finally....

Their heads popped and necks snapped like twigs. 

Shortly after that, only silence remained. 

In one fell swoop, three bodies fell simultaneously, each corpse spilling out pungent amounts of blood. 

It was a horrific sight, yes, but one that we were a little too used to seeing.

Especially for Via who seemed to thrive off this chaos. 

Via approached the fresh corpses and stood in the middle of it all. Her boots got stained by the shallow puddles of blood, but she paid no mind. If anything, she found this to be fun, entertaining even. 

And then, suddenly….


What you saw now was nothing short but pure and deranged laughter. Insanity in the form of bliss. A psychotic girl who took pleasure from murder. 

This was Via's true colors. 

Something that can only be expressed through a dangerous word called "Euphoria".