
Alternate Narutoverse: Saruto’s journey

A young man named himself saruto after arriving at the ninja world accompanied by a guiding voice. he start his journey to save the world from danger and Conquer the girls of the world on his way _________________ A/N: if you enjoy this translation pls don't forget to give us a power stone, or maybe something more. and don't forget to follow my other work tnx

Uchiha_shisui · Komik
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35 Chs

Chapter 4. Captain Saruto

One year later,

Saruto followed a lead with his team members. Team Saruto consisted of two shinobis who can use Sharingan, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Shisui and their captain, Saruto himself. Saruto was charging in front signalling Shisui to take the right side and Kakashi to take the left side. Saruto, hopping on the trees faced a kunai flying towards him. Just centimetres before his face, Saruto stopped it with his fingers. He landed on a tree branch and right in front of him a masked figure was standing. "At last, I can meet the mysterious advisor of Yondaime" said the masked man. He continued, "You have good reflexes. You managed to stop a kunai, which appeared out of nowhere"

Saruto scratched his head and said, "I am familiar with space-time ninjutsu. I was expecting an attack of this kind from you. That's why I directed my subordinates away from you"

The shocked masked man asked, "How did you know about my abilities?"

"Does it matter?"

"I should have been careful when someone blamed their village's destruction on me. Why did you blame me for that?"

"I see. Your spy has intel on me. Well, I think I can answer that question"

The masked man crossed his arms, paying attention to Saruto's words.

"I needed an excuse to enter the village"

The masked man was confused. "Are you plotting against the leaf?"

"I would have answered that question if you hadn't sent your goons after my subordinates"

"You knew…Well, I thought I could recruit you after eliminating your subordinates but you were aware of my plans. Then again, if you're interested, I'll come find you"

"No need for that. I know where to find you"

The masked man laughed. "You're one strange shinobi but if you're still worrying about your subordinates, it's too late for the…"

"I'll stop you there" Saruto took a kunai from his back. It has inscriptions on it. The masked man recognised it. "That's…"

The inscriptions started glowing. Saruto said, "We will meet again Uchiha Madara!", as he disappeared.

Beside the masked man, a creature grew from the tree branch. He asked "He knows too much"

The masked man replied "He has a secret. Find what it is, Zetsu!"


At the bureau of Hokage, Shikaku was talking about affairs of other lands with the Hokage. Suddenly, the kunai on Hokage's table started glowing. Minato stood up from his table and threw his kunai on the ground where there was some space. He performed hand signs.

The kunai disappeared and Team Saruto appeared there. Shisui asked what happened. Minato spoke, "Reverse flying Raijin, I developed it after watching Saruto's loophole technique. With this Jutsu, I can summon people who has my markings to where I am"

"Before the mission, I slipped Hokage's kunai with my chakra infused inside your gear. So that I can activate the signal from distance. Once the Hokage got my signal, he summoned the three of us here."

"I could have beaten that enemy. He wasn't that strong" said Kakashi.

"The enemy I was up against, was the man who fought Yondaime during Kyubi's attack," said Saruto.


"Without knowing what his goons can do, I couldn't let you two alone. So, we retreated"

"So, we failed our mission," said Shisui.

"No, we were able to confirm our suspicion. Orochimaru is in league with the masked man. The Intel about his hideout is true" said Saruto. There was complete silence for a moment. "I can't believe Orochimaru is a traitor," said Shikaku.

"We'll let Sandaime handle this situation. After all, Orochimaru is his pupil" said Minato. He then ordered "Kakashi, inform what we learned to Sandaime! Stay with him until the end of the mission! Saruto…"

"Before you say anything, I have to go to the hospital. I have to do these tests to understand what the writings on my body mean"

"Okay, I get it"

"I'm sure Kakashi can handle the situation with Sandaime's guards"

Both Shisui and Saruto left the bureau. Saruto asked Shisui "Hey, don't you have a student to take care of!"

"Yeah, he's quite talented. He's smart too. Just like you, Saruto-san"

"Then go train with him I can go to the hospital alone"

"You don't want me along so that you can have some alone time with a princess"

"Shut up! You're too young to talk about stuff like that"

"Are you two a couple? Isn't she older than you I mean too much older?"

"We're not a couple, Shisui-kun, we just see each other. That's it"

"Huh, okay. Then I'll let you to your hospital stuff"

The body flicker disappeared. With his hands inside his pockets, Saruto walked through the corridor. When he was walking he saw a mirror. He looked at himself in the mirror. 'Still can't get used to this'

[Your body looks better but your face looks funny]

'Whose fault is that?'

[Let me think about it!]

'It's a rhetorical question'

[Don't forget to suppress your dojutsu during the test!]

'Yeah, I know! I can't let them know about the abilities I have in this world….for now'


At the hospital, Saruto was waiting for his results. He yawned as he looked around. That's when he got a glimpse of someone he knew.

"Saruto-san, what are you doing here?"

"Kushina-san, I was just taking some tests about the marks on my body"

"They still haven't found out what it was?"

"I mean, the resources here aren't advanced. So, I was expecting it to be long"

"Huh? So, your village had advanced treatment?"

"Well, you can say that. Maybe that's why we were attacked" Saruto acted like he was lost in thoughts. He spoke "So, what are you doing here. Are you still recovering?"

"Not exactly. I see that Minato hasn't told you yet"

Saruto looked at Kushina who was caressing her belly.

"We're having another baby"

"Oh, that's wonderful!"

"We thought Naruto could use a sibling. The villagers know what he is even though they don't know about my case. I don't want him to suffer in their hatred. He didn't do anything wrong"

"I understand"

"If I find out whoever spread the rumours about him being a Jinchuriki, I will personally take care of their funeral"

Saruto sensed the fire in her eyes as her hair rose. He gulped. The door beside him opened and Tsunade was there. "Saruto, we have your results"

"Hey, Kushina-san why don't you come and check it with me?"


"Are you sure about this Saruto?"

"Yeah, you don't have to worry about her being there"

Tsunade was disappointed with Kushina being there because she wanted some time alone with Saruto.


"So, these markings are infused with sage art chakra?", asked Saruto.

"Yes. We were only able to find this"

"Maybe Saruto-san should ask master Jiraya! He can help you with questions about senjutsu", said Kushina.

"He's away from the village. He should be doing some research."

"If that's all we're leaving"

Kushina opened the door and went outside. When Saruto was going to leave, he was pulled inside and the door was closed. Kushina looked around outside the door. Saruto wasn't there. She thought he used the body flicker technique to leave for a mission.


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(hey! stop looking for the stone outside I mean power stone duh)



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Uchiha_shisuicreators' thoughts