
Alternate Narutoverse: Saruto’s journey

A young man named himself saruto after arriving at the ninja world accompanied by a guiding voice. he start his journey to save the world from danger and Conquer the girls of the world on his way _________________ A/N: if you enjoy this translation pls don't forget to give us a power stone, or maybe something more. and don't forget to follow my other work tnx

Uchiha_shisui · Komik
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35 Chs

Chapter 31.Saruto meets Pain

The entrance of Amegakure was guarded by two shinobis. It was raining as usual in Amegakure. One of the guards started talking to the other one.

"Did you hear the news? Konoha's jinchuriki fought Suna's jinchuriki"

"Yeah, that means now we know their identities"

"Who would have thought both of them were sons of Kages?"

"Yeah, they must be sick to seal bijus inside their kids!"

"It doesn't matter, once Pain-sama acquired all of them, we won't need to worry about guarding this place"

"Yes, with Tenshi-sama and Pain-sama watching over us, we have nothing to worry about…"

He stopped speaking suddenly as he looked above when he felt something unusual. The rain stopped, in Amegakure. "What the hell? Why did the rain stop? It wasn't supposed to happen now"

At that moment, the guards got a glimpse of someone approaching. "Alert Tenshi-sama immediately!" One guard yelled at the other one.


Moments ago, inside Pain's tower, he was talking to Tobi. "Pain, we should accelerate the process. Konoha is improving their shinobis!"

"Why are you worried about them? With Orochimaru by our side, we have more followers to work on the extraction process. His subjects are loyal to him, which means to the Akatsuki. Even though he wasn't in a good mood after what you did"

"It cannot be helped. Sasuke is important to our project. I can't let him be a victim of Orochimaru's nonsensical plans. He's useful but selfish too!"

He then left the tower leaving Zetsu behind with Konan and Pain. That's when the rain stopped. "Konan, how did it stop?"

"I don't understand", said Konan. Zetsu spoke, "It must be an outsider. I once saw Kakashi stopping the rain when he was fighting against Zabuza but I don't think he could stop the rain of this scale"

An origami bird arrived and landed on Konan's arm. She opened it to read the message. She then said, "Konoha is here!"

"How many of them are here?"

"One man!"

Zetsu gulped after hearing that and said "Pain, I know who that person is so, I am leaving! Be careful he can use two Kekkai Genkai including Mokuton"

He left after warning Pain. Konan spoke, "I didn't know Zetsu can sweat!"


Pain arrived with Konan at the entrance. He saw a man sitting on a rock in the dark. He was carrying a staff on his back and resting his head on his right arm which was resting on his right knee.

Lighting struck behind him revealing the view of his silhouette. Squeaking sounds of monkeys accompanied the lightning. Pain after witnessing it, thought, 'Impossible, is that?'

Pain(Tendo)'s eyes widened. Konan had the same expression. "Nagato…I mean Pain, is it the person that Jiraiya sensei mentioned?"

"It can't be him. That was just a story that Jiraiya sensei told us when we were kids. He's not that Sage"

"Zetsu mentioned that he can use two Kekkai Genkai. According to the information we have, he can use Yoton and Mokuton but we just witnessed the third"

The silhouette stood up and grabbed his staff. He then tossed it in front of Pain and Konan. They didn't even flinch. He then body flicked on the top of the staff. He leaned his face towards Konan and said, "Jiraiya-sama was right! You've become a fine woman"

Konan blinked as her face reddened. Saruto jumped from his staff and landed on the ground. The guards dropped to the ground at the same time he landed as two flowers near them went into the ground. Saruto swung his staff in front of Pain and Konan before putting it back on his back. "Don't worry! Your guards are just sleeping." He tilted his head to his left and continued, "And you don't care, do you…Nagato?"

"So, you know who we are. That means Jiraiya sensei and Konoha know about us too!"

Pain lifted his arm. Before he could act, Saruto stopped him and said, "I am not here to fight. I am just here to give you two warnings and to do the demonstration of power that I just showed right now!"

Pain dropped his arm and listened to Saruto. "We're listening"

"First, think again about your vision of peace! It's not the same as Madara's"

Pain was surprised to hear Madara's name. 'He knew so much even about Madara's identity but Konoha hasn't taken any action. Why did he choose not to share the information he knew with his village?'

Saruto continued, "Second one is, I heard you captured Iwagakure's bijus when I was busy. That ruined my initial plan, the jinchuriki initiative. So…" Saruto looked down on him. "I don't care that you have Rinnegan and Rikudo's power. If you try to touch Naruto…!" Both Saruto's and Tendo's eyes met each other. Nagato's real body went through an unexpected pain as Tendo backed down. [Saruto you're using too much chakra here!], The Voice guy warned Saruto about his medication that required him to limit his chakra usage. 'I know! Don't worry about me!'

"What are you?" Konan asked while helping Tendo to balance his body and stand up. "Hey, I showed you, didn't I? The demonstration of my power" Saruto disappeared through his dimension. Tendo got up and grunted. "Nagato, what should we do? This man is a threat"

"It doesn't matter. We must move faster! With our biju weapon, he won't be a threat anymore"

"I hope you're right!"

They both went back inside.


Inside, Saruto's dimension. "Are you out of your mind?"

Shisui yelled at Saruto who was scratching his head. "What did I do?"

"You went to see Akatsuki's leader when you were on your medication. I know you're strong but why did you have to go there alone?"

"OK kid!"

"Stop calling me kid, I'm not a kid anymore!"

"Right Sound leader!" Saruto chuckled. Shisui ignored him and spoke, "Can we not change the subject? I must return to my village so answer me!"

"Right, I went there because…"

"You went there because?"

"I wanted to see the Tenshi of Amegakure. I heard she was hot"

Shisui hit his forehead and said, "I should have expected it from you! Why are you like this?"

"Come on, Shisui! I even made her blush"

Shisui turned and flipped him off before returning to Otogakure. Saruto walked up to his door and opened it.


Sasuke was fighting ten shinobis at the same time. He was on a mission for the Akatsuki alongside Orochimaru. Orochimaru observed Sasuke's skills from distance. It was impressive but it looked like he was trying to achieve something. After he was done fighting, Orochimaru approached Sasuke. "What are you trying to do, Sasuke?" Sasuke understood what he meant. It was clearly obvious that he was doing severe training and non-stop missions to get something.

"I want to awaken the mangekyo Sharingan of the Uchiha"

"You haven't killed anyone yet but you want to awaken mangekyo" Orochimaru smirked at him. Sasuke was annoyed. He thought Orochimaru was ignorant. "It is an evolution of Sharingan. You probably haven't heard about it. It's a secret of our clan"

Orochimaru's smirk widened into a creepy smile. "I know a lot more about your clan than you do, Sasuke"


"Kakashi has mangekyo Sharingan. Do you know that?"

"That's impossible! How did Kakashi get Sharingan? He's not even an Uchiha"

"Do you want to know how he got his mangekyo Sharingan?"

Sasuke had his full attention on Orochimaru. Orochimaru continued, "He killed his close friend"

"He stole his friend's eyes?"

"No, his left eye was a gift from his teammate from the Uchiha clan. He gave it to him before he died. Kakashi then awakened the mangekyo Sharingan by killing another one of his teammates with his Raikiri. You want to know something else…Your brother killed Uchiha Shisui to get his mangekyo Sharingan"

With all this information just acquired in his brain, Sasuke was overwhelmed by anger. 'Ni-san killed his best friend to achieve power. That Saruto, he turned ni-san into a monster.' Orochimaru could see the third tomoe appearing on Sasuke's Sharingan. 'Maybe it was a good thing that I didn't take over his body. His body will be improved more in two years. Then I will take him' Orochimaru flicked his tongue. Then he spoke, "Mangekyo Sharingan has many advantages over a normal Sharingan but it has some side effects. That's why Kakashi doesn't use it that much." Sasuke's anger went off. He deactivated his Sharingan and said, "What do you mean?"

"If you overuse Mangekyo Sharingan, you'll go blind but there is a way to cure it." Sasuke was intrigued by Orochimaru's words. Orochimaru thought, 'The most powerful dojutsu of the Uchiha, the eternal mangekyo Sharingan will be mine.'