
Chapter 12

( Unknown POV):Walking into the station, all eyes were on me. Then I saw her, she made her way over to me.

"You must be our Unknown source." She chirped and her brown curls bounced as she spoke. I put on a fake smile, and nodded.

"Right! Well, right this way then, sir." She spins around and expects me to follow her, which I do.

She sat me down at a lounge and I waited for the reporter. It didn't take too long for him to show up. The reporter was a tall, lean, thin man. Dressing in all black with his hair pulled back with way too much gel.

'Pfft, Humans.' I thought.

"Good evening, sir." He says.

"Good evening, Reporter!" I smiled.

He nods, and yells for the camera crew.

We will go live in five!" He stated.

I grinned, thinking of Lexia. Oh, poor Lexia. After this,

"And we're living in three, two, one!" He counts down.

"Good evening Foxridge! Tonight I am joined with our mysterious informer, regarding the Lexia Whitefang case. He will stay anonymous. Unless he chooses differently, but no pressure, Sir." He adds, giving me a sideways glance.

"Now, what will you be sharing about this teenager?" The reporter asked.

I grinned, but because of the hood I'm wearing. He can't see it.

"Say, Sir-" He cut me off with a laugh.

"It's Grant, my friend!" He assured me.

Causing my grin to spread.

"Grant, my good friend. Are you familiar with the term Supernatural?"

"The show? Well, ummm if you mean Sam and Dean Winchester. Then I'd be happy to start this conversation with the fans. But I must say I thought you were here to talk about the Lexia Whitetip case?" He trailed off.

"Impatient, are we Grant?" I chuckled.

"Sorry! I was just trying to open up everyone's eyes about what, and who we are dealing with." I added.

This caused the curious reporter to lean forward in his seat. And raise a brow.

"Go on?"

"As I was saying, how much do you know about the term Supernatural?"

"Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, and those myths." He laughed.

"I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with the case?" The reporter asked.


The whole place was silent, so I continued.

"What if I were to tell you that myths, legends, folktales, and stores were real?"

Everything was silent. The cameramen, the reporter and other news staff. So I decided to go on!

"For instance: vampires, werewolves, witches, hybrids, immortals, shifters, ghosts. Do you get where I'm going?" I asked.

The reporter seemed to be holding in laughter, and he said the words I've been waiting to hear since I got here.

"And what proof do you have to support this theory of yours?" He narrowed his eyes on me.

I grinned even wider, and I stood up. "Would you like a demonstration?" I asked him.

His brows rose in confusion, and he looked puzzled. But nods anyway.

"Pick multiple animals?" I asked him as I began to take off my clothes.

"Sir. You can't do that. Please put your clothes back on-" I ignored him.

"Whatever you do, don't be scared, so pick five animals." I repeat.

"A bear, a raven, a fox, a panther, and a hyena" He listed.

I grinned at him, and that caused him to stand up and back away.

"Ready?!" I asked


I was currently on all fours, staring across at Grant as a bear. I flashed a toothy smile at him. And proceeded to shift into each animal he listed. And I made sure to shift in the exact order he said them in. The whole studio looked ready to piss their pants, so I sized down to a fox again. The look of shock passed their faces each time.

"And how do we actually know you're not some musician?" Grant asked.

'So you want more proof?' I mind linked him.

He began looking around. And said,

"Hello, who's there?''

Now this is going to be fun, 'It's me, your conscience.' I spoke.

"I must be going crazy!" He muttered

'I heard that.' I muttered back.

"Did you hear that?" He asked his cameraman and all his co-workers.

They looked at him in confusion. So I continued,

'Do you need more proof about the Supernatural world?'

'Yes!' He linked back.

'Congrats, you just mindlinked. And turn around. You'll see who's talking to you in your mind.' I say.

'Plus, you'll get more proof' I say as he turns around.

Shiftingback and throwing my clothes back on, I mind linked Nicole, to bring them in.

'Bring them in!'

I looked back at him and began to explain our kind, my friends slowly began to enter to show proof. First was a Vampire, coming in she was drinking a blood bag. She demonstrated her strength and speed. Next was a Demon, who showed them some really messed up things, like healing its wounds, as well as its tail, wings and horns. Next was a werewolf, it showed its true form, and taught about pack ranks. Finally, when they seemed more comfortable we got onto the topics of Lexia Whitetip.

"Ah, Lexia Whitetip. She's—" I began.

Lexia's POV: I didn't get a good look at the guy who ratted me out, but I think I know who it is.

"-a Tox. A very powerful Supernatural being—" He continued on about how Dangerous I was and other information about me.

I can't believe he actually had the audacity to break the wall we've kept up for centuries.

"–Why haven't we known of your existence?" The reporter asked.

"This idiot shape shifter is revealing everything! Strengths, weaknesses, rules, laws. He's revealing anything he can about our world!" Bree snarled.

"Who is he though?" Knox asked through the phone.

Knox, Lance, and Xena are all on the other end of the phone, with us on facetime. And I bet they're all in one room like us.

"We're coming home right now, so stay on call. So we can listen on the way!" I heard a door slam.

" —Lexia must be killed. Your children are not safe with this abomination on the streets, there's no reasoning with her, she already stabbed me." This guy revealed an all too familiar cut.

I rose to my feet, and recognised who it was already. I should have listened to my gut, as soon as he stepped into the interview.

"No!" I yelled.

"He should be out at least a couple days still, how's he still kicking-" I was cut off by both a growl from Knox and a call.

The call was that of the television screen. And I heard several gasps at the unfamiliar number, and then Bree said something that completely shocked me.

"The High council. Calling humans! Uh oh." Everyone went silent and watched as they answered the phone.

On the caller's screen, sat women and men of all ages between twenty and probably 1,000. Each were a different Supernatural

species. And well, they looked pissed, they were glaring at this mystery guy.

"Humans. I apologize for this unscheduled meeting. For it seems this fellow Immortal has lost his mind in bringing this up. Also if Lexia White tip is listening; I wish for her to join this call immediately. For the immortal has chased the innocent child into hiding." A female demanded.

I stared wide eyed at the screen; but the others seemed to be staring at me in shock. I quickly disconnected the tv. I connected it to a cable, and called the station, they immediately picked it up and my two friends and I were shown.

" Greetings, High council!" We greeted each other with a bow.

"Child, is that you-" One council member was interrupted by the immortal.

"No Alpha mate to protect you now–" He was cut off by Bree.

"Maybe not, but she has friends too!" Bree snarled, baring her teeth.

The council members chuckled at her outburst, but I calmed my friend down.

"How may I help you?" I asked.

"Hello, my fellow Tox!" She smiles sweetly.

Is it me or did those violet orbs sparkle, or gleam with pride.

"We have many things to discuss, only our time isn't of the essence yet." She became serious once again.

I don't know what she is; yet she was very familiar to me. And here I'm thinking why a Council member seems to make something spark deep inside me. I was snapped out of my inner thoughts by the Reporter. He was talking to me.

"So you're the dangerous teenager. Our friend here's been warning us about?" He was cut off by the Immortal himself.

"This little Shit stabbed me in my own bed! She needs to be tracked down and either thrown in jail, or killed!" He said.

'This ass is trying to lock me up and end me!' I told Tala. She growled in the back of my mind.

"Sir, we are currently tracking her location. And I've sent the patrol unit her coordinates."The Reporter says.

"What!" Multiple voices screamed, including my own roared.

Knox's voice could be heard more, and his voice was more of a growl. And I even heard him speed up. Everyone stared at the Immortal with mixed emotions. Ok Jerk, two can play that game. I grinned at my friends, and they looked confused. Pulling up a chair. I sat on it backwards, and put on the most innocent act I could.

"Zero, you had me handcuffed to a bed for a week, trying to mate with me. I'm a fourteen year old female! In the humans eyes, they'd

see that as rape!" I broke out.

Everyone stared at him in shock, when one of the Council members spoke.

"Is this true Zero?" He said.

Everyone stared at the Immortal, suddenly my door broke down and a few officers barged in.

"Step Away From The Tox !" One ordered.

"What's going on?" The council member Bronx yelled, her voice carried power even if she wasn't here, that power traveled to both rooms. And everyone shrinked back and stayed back.

"Step away from the Tox!" The guy repeated.

"No." Both my friends stood their ground in front of me.

The guy nodded to the other men, and they all advanced towards me.Ttwo held back Bree, while most of them held off Knox's Beta. Good thing the Alpha wasn't here. He'd kill them without thought. A growl vibrated through my phone, and everyone froze. Nobody moved a muscle. Knox spoke through the phone, and it was 100% his wolf Quest in control.

"You lay a hair on my mate and I will rip you all to shreds!" He growled.

One guy quickly came over his fear and nodded to the others, they continued to make their way towards me. And I began to walk backwards. The Council looked confused, but when I glanced at the studio's screen. The Reporter looked confused, but Zero on the other hand seemed to be grinning like a mad man. Hell, he was a mad Immortal. I was so distracted that one of the officers got the chance to cuff me with Iron Gold metal cuffs. I screamed as the metal began to burn my skin, the officers stared in amazement.

Shifting was pointless, and I couldn't break free. Since the metal seemed to weaken me.

"What's going on over there?" Bronx roared through the call.

The officers ignored her, when I continued struggling against them. I was close to breaking free. One officer slapped me, finally having enough I broke both my thumbs and slipped from my cuffs. All the officers cursed and then I made a big mistake, since I was still live on the news.

Suddenly Tala took over and she pushed me to the darkest part of our mind. Her little scheme only lasted a couple minutes before she felt it. And then we find ourselves fading in and out of consciousness; and then we fell and everything goes black. Once I woke up, I was surprised to see nobody in this white and grey brick room. The room had a thin foam mattress, a thin and itchy small blanket, a bucket and a plain slide door, and window. Wait!

I was in a cell! All I remember is being at home on a video call. Uh Oh, it's starting to come back to me. So, why am I here? I hadn't broken any laws—have I? Wait, since when have I ever second guessed myself? What is this place doing to me?

The sound of footsteps approaching could be heard. I looked up from the dictionary I found in the room. I was not surprised to see a guard passing the cells, only there was something off about him. Something I couldn't seem to point out.

This particular guard seemed to be alert of his surroundings. Yes, I understand that he should be, in this sort of situation being surrounded by criminals and all. But this guard looked too alert. As if waiting for something to happen, something supernatural. As far as I could tell the whole jail consisted of supernatural creatures. Which meant I'm in unmarked territory.

Two weeks passed; I was sitting on the floor of my cell. My back was to one or the four walls. When suddenly a paper airplane flew in through the cell's ceiling vent. Looking around, I got up and grabbed the plane. It was made of paper like I expected. But it wasn't blank; it had writing on it. It read,

" Your eyes a Sapphire blue

The feelings I hide inside are new

My hidden feelings are now showing

As a whirlwind of emotions come blowing

My love for you is so true

And all my thoughts include you!"

Folding back up the price of paper, it felt as if the room was spinning. And I began to feel dizzy. So without any other warning I was snatched into the clutches of darkness.

My body felt tingly, and I felt like I was going on a never ending roller coaster. The feeling of blood rushing to my head was what made me stay unconscious longer than I should have been. I was floating in an empty abyss. And if that was bad; then the fact that I can't talk to Tala was disturbing. Suddenly I began spinning in this empty abyss.

Opening my eyes, I sat up and admired the beautiful greenery around me. And the wildlife that included: flowers, plants, insects, bugs, and animals. The sound of running water is what caught my attention. Wait no, that doesn't make sense. I'm in a cell. In Redrock prison.


Something crinkled in my right hand. Looking down it was an anonymous poem! The light on the paper showed writing on the other side, I flipped it over and saw more writing. Only in a different handwriting. Too bad I didn't get the chance to read it! A sound caught my attention and this time when I looked up. I didn't register that I dropped my only way out of here because I was being chased. So I did the only thing I could do. Run!

When there's a group of well trained hunters after you; there's nothing you can do but run. Because hunters aren't the type of humans you want to mess with! Hunters are normally humans who have been thrown into our world mercilessly. You see, humans are not allowed to know of us because of how fragile they are. So once a human is introduced to the Supernatural world, it's hard to protect them, and they become vulnerable. Also once you have been introduced to our world it makes your world become bigger as you realize what's out there and lurking in the shadows.

I've been running for hours, and yet, not a single hunter has stopped to rest, they're slowly catching up to me! All they do is run, chase, and kill. Besides that, they like to add the odd curse and comment about tying me up and torturing me. But I tried to make up for it with some taunting and playing. The truth is, I'm only playing with them! Which is bad on my part, seeing as I'm in unknown territory surrounded by hunters that want me dead. And I'm not even sweating, neither are they so it looks like I have to step up my game. Just when I turned back and took a glance at them I noticed something was wrong. They stopped chasing me. And that's when I smelt it and knew I was in trouble. I had run into a pack's territory, and not just any pack's territory. I was in the Redrock packs territory.

The Redrock pack is the most feared pack there is. They kill wandering wolves on the spot. I might just soon be a pup with no luck. Or so I thought!