
Alter DxD

A re-telling of the events we already know, but in a world that it's not exactly the same. An Issei that, despite still being Issei, has lived through much more than any other sane person has ever done. Being hunted by the mistakes of his past life, he'll try seek redemtion by helping everyone arround him find happiness in this world unknown to him. And along the path, you'll see that this world is also unknown to you. (Cover image by sekka)

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3 Chs

The Beginning

It had been eons since Issei last dated, and in all those years many things had changed. Civilizations raised and fell, cultures formed and transformed over the centuries, changing people and their customs. The world was truly a very different place than he remembered, but one thing that hadn't changed, however, was dating. This meant that his ancient experience hadn't yet expired, and so he could use it in this moment of need, where the woman he was about to meet didn't give him a shred of security. The whole situation was strange, a girl he never saw in his life introduced herself to him out of nowhere, claiming that she liked him and wanted to go on a date with him. Despite his appearance and the fact that, because of his current body, he had the mind of a teenager, Issei had the memories of a long life full of experiences and life lessons learned the hard way. So, his skepticism was strong.

He was walking down the street to the point they agreed on while trying to decipher or, at least, imagine what the woman's intentions would be, when by mere reflex he took a pamphlet that a person, who he didn't pay attention to, handed to him.

The moment he took the pamphlet and saw it, Issei went out of autopilot and turned to look at the woman who handed it. Her appearance was odd, one could have sworn she was cosplaying some anime character from the 90s or 80s. However, the strangest thing was the aura she gave off. It was faint, like that of a normal human or animal, but it felt different, like she was attached to something. The first thought that came to her mind was the right answer: a familiar. But it wasn't just a familiar, from the aura it gave off he could feel traces of her master's aura, an aura he felt before, an aura that reminded him of a certain someone with a mania for watching him from a window.

Issei turned to look at the pamphlet, on it was a magic circle with some mana already applied to it. However, the language it used was completely unknown to Issei, so he had no way of knowing what exactly it did. All he could read was the message in japanese underneath the circle, which read "I will grant you a wish". Knowing the demonic nature of who this pamphlet belonged to, he was tempted to simply throw it away because of how incredibly suspicious it was, but decided to keep it, perhaps in an eagerness for something interesting to happen.

–Isseeeeeeeei!– at that moment, his attention was drawn to the girl who would be his date for that afternoon.

— — • — —

The date was extraordinarily simple, but also entertaining. The couple strolled through a shopping mall, visited several clothing stores without buying anything, ate ice cream, and Issei even felt generous enough to buy Yuma a wool bracelet as a souvenir. With the sun set, their last stop was the park, where they walked leisurely until they reached the fountain where Yuma walked a few meters ahead and stood in front of Issei.

–I had a lot of fun today, Issei-kun– her voice was sweet, too sweet, suspiciously sweet. –To commemorate this date, could you do me a favor?

–Whatever you want, Yuma– cajoling Issei took a little more work than that, but since he came this far, why not go on?

Suddenly Yuma put on a grim smile and with a much more serious voice than before he looked at Issei and said:

–Could you die for me?– at that moment Yuma jumped backwards revealing her black wings to then create a spear of light and throw it, impaling it in Issei's stomach, who inadvertently grabbed the wound to then fall to the floor while a pool of blood was created behind his back.

–I really had fun today– said the black-haired girl. –But your Sacred Gear is a threat, if you want to blame someone for this, blame God who put it inside you.

God... that title was a bit too all-encompassing but he understood perfectly well who she was referring to. Yahveh was the name he knew him by, and he was a real son of a bitch.

–Goodbye Issei-kun, I will treasure these memories forever– with those words, Yuma flew away.

–Ha... I guess this is what I earned for overestimating myself...– Issei was surprised, not so much by what happened, but by the speed at which things escalated. An attack like this wouldn't kill him, his current body may be human but his powers are still dormant, and regenerating a wound like this would be as easy as breathing. However, he remained like this for a few seconds, feeling his internal organs slowly peeking out of the hole he now had in his stomach. He felt a strange satisfaction in feeling pain, not because he was a masochist, but because deep down he always took advantage of these situations to punish himself. It was a little creepy to say the least.

Usually, it would be his parents who would tell him to stop wasting time and heal himself, but in this case, it was the glow in his pocket that brought him out of his trance, reminding Issei that he still had the pamphlet that cosplayer gave him. It was funny, really, the magic circle had been activated by the blood escaping from his body. A pact with a demon to fulfill a wish, activated through the blood of a human, it was a huge stereotype and that was funny to him. The thought of having a conversation with that red-haired demon and ask her if all demons were so comically simple crossed his mind, and unintentionally completed the spell, generating a magic circle in the air from where that red-haired figure emerged.

–I see that you need help– she said while looking down at Issei as he bled out. -All right, in that case, live for me.

— — • — —

The day after the date began like any other. His parents seem oblivious of what had happened, something to be expected given that Issei hadn't told neither of them about his upcoming date. But what he didn't expected was the sudden, superhuman improvement in his senses and physical faculties. While the power that ran in his family gave him the ability to enhance his physical attributes, those enhancements had to be made consciously, something that Issei didn't do. What gave him a clue as to why these changes were occurring was his aura, which had also changed to that of a demon of this world. But it wasn't only that, inside him he could feel the essence of that redhead, which left him with more questions than answers.

When he tried to look for answers in the park where Yuma tried to kill him, he encountered another of those black-winged beings, probably a friend of Yuma's, who seemed very upset at Issei still being alive. Yet, before he could try ending the job himself, two other people appeared out of nowhere to protect Issei. They both had the same school uniform as Issei, so he guessed that those two were friends of the mysterious redhead. He didn't talk to them, he didn't get the chance since, through carelessness and his lack of physical fitness, he had been seriously injured by Yuma's friend before escaping. Issei, once again, fainted from the loss of blood and then woke up again in his bed like deja vu. But this time it was different, now he wasn't alone but next to him was that mysterious redhead, completely naked next to Issei, who had also been stripped of his clothes.

It was in that brief moment of closeness with the supposed demon that Issei was able to take a closer look at such beauty. One would focus on her shapely model-like figure, her wide hips and round breasts, her soft skin of pink pigmentation, faintly pale, and her slender limbs that looked as beautiful as fragile, so... helpless in someone else's bed. And Issei would have followed in those same footsteps without hesitation, but it was her face that attracted his attention. As beautiful as the rest of her body, so devoid of imperfections, so soft, so warm, so... familiar. The moment he saw her so closely, Issei's heart skipped a beat, it felt as if the world around him had stopped. For the first time in millennia, he felt the "butterflies in his stomach" again, as some called it, but it wasn't just that. This wasn't love at first sight, he knew this woman, he knew perfectly well who she was, and yet he couldn't accept it. Not because he didn't want it to be so, but because it was too good to be true:

She... was identical to his already long dead beloved. The mere memory of her brought a faint tear to one of his eyes, a bit of nostalgia, a bit of mourning, and memories filled with the love they once shared. However, that trip down those memories had to be prematurely interrupted as he noticed how she was slowly waking up.

Her name was Rias Gremory, member and heiress of the demonic Gremory family, and one of the guardians of the territory designated as Kuoh. In their first interaction Issei could tell that Rias, whose eyes were emerald blue, had this seductive and proud aura without being pedantic, and a pseudo-maturity, as if she was striving to maintain a certain image of authority and wisdom.

When they both came downstairs to have breakfast with Issei's parents, they didn't seem surprised that Rias had magically appeared in their house eating with the, rather, they looked strangely happy. Rias attributed it to manipulating their minds with magic, but Issei knew that, if she really wanted to influence his parents, she should at least possess magic capable of putting the world on at her feet. So Issei instantly noticed that those two were up to something with those smiles that looked both cheerful and mocking, to which he couldn't help but think that maybe they were playing an elaborate joke on him.

That same day, Issei would finally have answers to several of the unknowns that surrounded him. In this world there were several coexisting mythologies, the demons, whose birth rates were inversely proportional to their life expectancies, found a way to turn other races into demons. This was accomplished through Evil Pieces, which bound an individual to their new demon master with chess pieces, which, in addition to turning them into demons, granted them special abilities related to their piece, and Issei had been turned into a demon with 8 pawn pieces the day his date almost killed him. But that wasn't all, in this world there were also magical devices created by the biblical god himself, Yahveh, which were given to some humans at the moment of their birth. These devices were called Sacred Gear and Issei, to his surprise, had one inside him. To tell the truth, Issei wasn't exited by the situation he had gotten himself into, but, partly at the suggestion of his parents, he decided to go ahead with whatever it was in store for him.

Now that he was a demon, and a low class one at that, being a newly incarnated one, his responsibilities boiled down to mainly two things: taking care of renegade demons and fulfilling contracts. The first part was simple, as that was taken care of by the peerage who served his new mistress, Rias. What served him to meet his new partners: the handsome swordsman Kiba Yuuto, blond with gray eyes, thin but strong. His expression was serious yet friendly, he looked like someone who could be trusted. The violet-eyed, black-haired magician, Akeno Himejima, whose voluptuous body that looked like a slightly more exaggeratedly proportioned version of Rias, coupled with her calm but sassy onee-san seductive personality, would be capable of making men kill to have her as their personal plaything, or to be her plaything themselves. And the little yellow-eyed white-haired girl, Koneko Toujo, whose reserved, almost expressionless attitude and small body didn't match her superhuman strength. A very colorful and friendly group in which Issei felt welcome.

The second part, that of contracts, was somewhat more complex. As lower-class demons, the way to officially prove their worth to the peerage of their mistress and not be branded as worthless, was through contracts. These contracts were actually the pamphlets with the magic circle on them like the one Issei received, which served to call upon a member of the nobility to perform work for the human who received them, in exchange for a blood pact binding them to a commitment to the demon master in question. On paper, Issei could tell that this was a shady job, but in practice it turned out to be innocent enough. Most people asked for simple things, such as a massage, preparing them food or just having company, and from what Rias commented, they rarely used those commitments they were tied to, as they rarely had anything to offer.

It was during this brief period of adaptation that Issei discovered who, or rather what Yuma was… Those he had now identified as fallen angels, among whom was her, had been hovering around Kuoh for months now. That was a problem since angels, fallen angels and demons carried with them a history of wars and bloodshed, and to besiege a territory belonging to demons in this way could be considered a hostile act. But aside from that, in addition to those fallen, in Kuoh had also appeared a renegade exorcist of the church. A complete degenerate who lost his mind, and who looked more like a serial killer than a former pilgrim.

One who did act like a person of faith was…

–Uhm… excuse me, but I'm lost and I need help– Asia, a young nun that Issei just casually happened to randomly meet in the street. Blonde with emerald green eyes, her body seemed to be the only one with average proportions among all the women he had encountered lately, but she was no uglier than the others. Her age seemed to be the same as Issei's, but her insecurity, innocence and purity made her look more like a child than a teenager. With that kind of profile, Issei couldn't help but feel obliged to escort her to her destination, which was the city´s church, being aware of all the dangers that roamed freely in the shadows.

During the small walk towards the church, the couple found a kid with a small yet painful brush on his knee. It was then that Issei was witness of both Asia's golden heart and her ability to heal wounds. Although Issei didn't know the balance of power in this new world, he remembered that, during the eons he was alive during his first life, the ability to heal was either extremely rare or extremely expensive. For that, Issei got a bad feeling about someone as harmless as Asia welding such power without reservations, but he quickly discarded it.

–There, do you see it? That's the church– pointing towards a small mountain at the near outsides of the suburbs, Issei showed Asia the place she was looking for.

–Won't you come with me?

–I'm sorry, I have other things to do…– Issei didn't feel OK about leaving Asia unprotected, but, as a demon, he couldn't get anywhere near a church, let along enter one, without getting himself into trouble.

–Oh! I'm sorry, I drag you on to this! I'm so sorry!– Asia apologized, she really had a heart of gold.

–Don't worry, it was fun walking around a little bit with you, perhaps we could do it again someday.

–Yes! I would love that… but, until then… thank you for helping me, Issei-san, I hope we see each other soon…

— — • — —

–ISSEI-SAN!– Asia screamed at the sight of her new found friend being attacked by her companion.

Having received the call for a contract, Issei attended it, using a transportation circle to appear before the human that had call him. But what he found was the dead body of the man that had probably called him and, next to it, that psycho exorcist and an absolutely terrified Asia. It turns out that Fried, the exorcist, was working with the fallen angels to hunt down people who had made a contract with the demons, and had force Asia to help them, as she didn't sound or looked like she was okay with any of this, specially when she got in between Issei and Fried to stop both from attacking one another.

–Farther Fried! Please spare him! He might be a demon, but Issei is a good person!– Asia was shacking and tears threaten to came out of her eyes. She was terrified yet still protected Issei, a demon, with her own life.

–UHHH?! Are you stupid?!– Fried had a pretty big hand gun with silver bullets on his left hand while holding a sword with a blade made of sacred light on his right hand. With that very sword, Fried stroke down Asia with outstanding precision, cutting all her clothes in half without hurting her.

–No!– Asia immediately covered her naked body, crouching on the floor.

–The fallen angels told me not to hurt you, but I think you need some discipline– despite sounding mad, Fried looked like he was enjoying himself, as if he was waiting for an excuse to do something like this. –I'll make sure to enjoy myself– being on the floor, Asia noticed the lump growing on Fried's pants, and immediately screamed again.

–Wait! Please, no!– Asia desperately move backwards from Fried, while he slowly approached her with his lustful intent before receiving a punch that made him take a few steps back.

–Stay behind me, Asia– Issei had have enough. Asia might be brave, but she was defenseless, and he wasn't going to stay behind a watch whatever this psycho intended to do.

–Fucking demon!– Fried was focused on Asia, putting his guard down and allowing Issei to get a good punch on him, and, as an egocentric maniac, that got him really angry. –DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE– Fried swinged his sword as if were a stick, lacking in any kind of technique. As a sword fighting master himself, Issei easily dodged the holy sword, but still receiving small superficial cuts on his skin, as Fried's speed surpassed that of Issei's current untrained body. –JUST DIE ALREADY!– frustrated Fried quickly fired his gun against Issei. In the past, Issei could easily outrun a bullet… but not anymore.

–Agh!– a bullet in the right arm and two in his belly. It was painful, especially because those bullets were specifically made to kill demons, making him feel a very strong, burning pain.

–Issei-san! – worried, Asia quickly started healing Issei with her green light, but before the wounds started to close, Issei screamed again.

–Hgahh!– that wasn't a scream of just pain, but also rage. Fried hadn't attacked him again, no, it was Issei himself that cried out in frustration, not just for his wounds, but for Fried himself. That degenerate, that sorry excuse for a human being, reminded Issei of the one person he hated the most, more than Yahve and even more than all those that came before Yahve. Issei despised that feeling, and what's more, he despised that… monster and anyone that closely resemble him. With those feelings of rage, frustrating and hatred overwhelming him, Issei, for the first time since he reincarnated in this new world, let go of his restrains.

Suddenly, a black energy started coming out of Issei like a smoke coming out of his body. His wounds healed so fast that the bullets inside of them burst out of them like shots of a gun, one of them even hitting Fried in his left leg.

–AGH! What the…?!– confused Fried looked at his wound on his leg, then quickly turned to Issei again, who was now just a few centimeters away from him. Before Fried could react, Issei graved him by the neck with his right hand, choking him while suspending him in the air. Trying to break free, Fried tried to aim his gun towards Issei face, but he graved his forearm with his free hand and twisted it, breaking its bone in half and leaving it hanging in the air. Unable to scream, Fried desperately tried using his sword on the other hand, getting the same result. With his consciousness slowly fading out as the air in his lungs ran out, Fried looked at Issei, as powerless as Asia has looked at him, and in his eyes he didn't saw his scarlet red eyes, but instead two black holes where Issei's iris and pupils where, as if Fried was looking at the void of death itself.

–Issei-san… please don't kill him– suddenly, Asia, still naked and on the floor, made an unreasonable request. Issei understood what Asia wanted, even if he had just known her a very short time, he already knew what kind of person she was. But that was okay, Asia didn't have to worry about anything, after all, Issei didn't wanted to kill Fried either, but then… why was he choking him so hard? As if he had snaped out of a trance, Issei noticed Fried purple face a red eyes struggling to for it life. Immediately, the energy that was coming out of Issei disappeared as he dropped his grip on Fried neck, dropping him to the floor and allowing him to breath.

–I… I didn't… didn't want to…– Issei took a step back, disoriented as he looked at his shacking hands and at Fried, who was still on the floor, unconscious but alive. Looking at the man he almost killed, Issei froze, not because he was worried about Fried, but because he was unaware of what he was doing. He lost control. Memories of Issei's past life came back to him like a flash leaving him immobile as he recalled scenes drawn from the twisted mind of a sick man. All those atrocities he witnessed, produced by the misuse of that power he was about to use, all caused by the lack of control.

–He's stll alive…– Asia quickly went to Fried and started healing his wounds. It was hard to tell if she was too nice or too stupid. –Please, Issei-san, you have to leave! I don't want him to hurt you when he wakes up…

–B… but what about you?– Issei was justifiably worried about Asia.

–It's ok, I'll be fine…. I promise.

–But Asia, he…

–JUST GO!– Asia scream at Issei, surprising even herself. –Please… just go– resigned, Issei left with a horrible taste in his mouth.

That experience revealed something to Issei. The traumas of his past still haunted him. Before these only manifested themselves in his constant nightmares, but now they were also affecting his strength, leaving him completely unable to use his true power. And if he was unable to use his power, then he was weak. No, his current body was weak, his physical strength was pitiful, even though he was keeping fit, his current strength wouldn't get him very far. But he wasn't without options though, he still didn't know what the power of his Sacred Gear was despite feeling great power coming from it. The idea of training quickly popped into his head, it had been a while since he had trained beyond simply keeping himself in shape, and the thought of getting a sweety training to fight his own fights made him somewhat nostalgic.


The park he was now in was a beautiful and quiet place during the day, perfect for a routine of 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 100 push-ups and 10 kilometers of jogging daily.

–Issei-san– while planning his workout plan, Issei was surprised by the sudden appearance of Asia, seeing her again for the first time after that exorcist attack.

The meeting warranted spending some time together, so they set out to enjoy the rest of the afternoon as if it were a date, one much more entertaining than the previous one Issei had had, as he no longer felt a strange awkwardness with his partner.

During that time together Asia had told Issei her story, how she was abandoned in a church, how she awakened her Sacred Gear, the Twilight Healing, and how she was cast out for using it to heal a wounded demon. She also confessed that what she was really looking for was a friend, something that, because of her strictly religious life as a nun, she was never able to have, but that she trusted that God would at some point grant her that wish.

For Issei, the church was a place of manipulation and hypocrisy, not only from the hand of humans, but from the very hand of God. He himself had been disappointed and his trust betrayed by the church and the God they worshipped, though it was neither this church, nor this God. Of course, he said nothing of this to poor Asia, much less told her that he doubted that God cared in the least whether she wanted a friend or not. Instead, he decided to give her what God would never give her: a friend, or rather....

–I will be your friend– those simple words brought indescribable joy to Asia. For the first time in her life, she had someone to trust in and share, someone who truly cared about her and would protect her. However...

–I'm afraid that's not possible– a voice familiar to both of them came from the park.

–Raynare-sama?– the name Asia pronounced was unfamiliar for Issei, but the face of who it belonged to was not, although this time she no longer had her casual attire or an academy uniform, she was now wearing what one could well define as a dominatrix outfit of leather straps that left little to the imagination.

Raynare descended to touch the water with the toe of her heels, as if she were standing in the water. Her presence was completely different from when Issei first saw her, her gaze was sharp and an arrogant smile graced her face. Issei noticed how she was still as beautiful as when she pretended to be a human, but where before she had been innocent and pure, she now was arrogant and authoritarian. And, in a certain sense, perhaps because of his state as a horny teenager, she was more attractive to him.

–So… it's true that you're hanging out with demons, Asia-chan…- Asia looked scared, it was clear that she didn't want to see Raynare, not now.

–It's been a while... Ray-chan, is it?– Issei quickly diverted Asia from the conversation –You know, if you had introduced yourself the first time as you are now, you could have caught me with my guard even lower than the last time– Issei's teasing attitude produced a little twitch in the fallen's eye.

–Ah, really? Then I'll keep that in mind next time, demon– she replied haughtily, not letting Issei's attitude get to her. –It's time to go back, Asia-chan.

–No! I don't want to go back to that place where they only want me for my miracles!– Asia answered quickly, looking for shelter in Issei.

–You heard her, she's not going anywhere– said the semi-blond while activating his Sacred Gear, which manifested in the form of a gauntlet on his left hand.

–HA! and you plan to defeat me with that Twice Critical?– to be honest, Issei still didn't understand exactly how his Sacred Gear worked, so knowing that it was a "Twice Critical" helped, even if he didn't know exactly what it meant. –I don't have time to deal with a demon! – Raynare then threw a spear of light at Issei, who puched it with his gauntlet, causing it to explode and send him flying a few meters back. Taking advantage of his dazed state on the ground, Raynare quickly grabbed Asia by the waist and took her flying like a sack of potatoes.

–ISEEI-SAN!– Asia shouted as she zoomed off into the sky. To which Issei could only stare as he tried to stand up.

It was ridiculous, that whole spectacle was ridiculous. The fact that he had filled his mouth with his supposed duty to be with her and protect her and when it came down to it he was completely useless against a simple attack. The simple way in which he was defeated was embarrassing. But this wasn´t going to stay like that, he would become stronger and save Asia whatever it took. For his honor and for that girl's own life.

— — • — —

What happened in the park quickly reached to Rias, immediately calling Issei to come to the ORC and have a quick discussion on why his attitude was far from appropriate. Yes, the fallen were a problem to take care of, but Asia was a nun, and as such, Issei, being a demon, couldn't just go out with her. But even if Issei understood, he couldn't care less what Rias or his new companions told him, Asia was an innocent girl in danger that he couldn't simply ignore, even if it would mean becoming a renegade. But before the discussion could escalate any further, it was interrupted when the 5 presents sensed the presences of three fallen angels waiting for them outside the building. Rias and Akeno were going to take care of them, and since Issei was so determined to save Asia, Kiba and Koneko would accompany him to where they had located their base, being the abandoned church of the city. But before anyone left, Issei made a request to Rias.

–Buchou... Rias, please… don't kill them– Issei's words caught Rias off guard, not expecting this attitude from him given the encounters he had with the fallen.

–You're quite a troublesome servant, first you throw a tantrum and now you ask me not to kill my enemies– Rias was irritated, reasonably, considering Issei's irresponsible attitude towards his duty as a demon. He was fully aware of that, and was partly embarrassed by such an unreasonable request, and, in a normal situation, with such a disobedient servant, Rias wouldn't be willing to comply. They were her enemies, and if necessary, she would destroy them to protect her family and her servants, her friends. But there was something about Issei, rather, something about herself, that told her she could trust him. A strange feeling of familiarity and nostalgia that she had never felt before, similar to a deja vu, as if she already knew this person from long before. –All right...– Rias sighed. –If you manage to save the nun and survive, I promise I won't kill them– Rias' answer surprised not only Issei, but also the others, who were equally aware of the irrationality of Issei's request.

–Thank you, buchou.

— — • — —

The fight was tough, so far, the group was only aware of the 4 fallen ones roaming around Kuoh, but it turns out they were also backed by a small army of heretic exorcists. Rias and Akeno had it easy as their opponents were the 3 fallen angels accompanying Raynare, who weren't nearly as strong as the demons. Issei, Kiba and Koneko, on the other hand, had to face a battalion of exorcists, although fortunately they weren't as strong as that exorcist who had caused them trouble earlier.

By the time Issei reached Raynare and Asia, the latter was hanging on a cross, with the fallen at her side. Raynare then revealed to Issei that his goal since arriving at Kuoh was to observe him on the orders of the leader of the fallen angels, Azazel, whom she held immense admiration for. Her plan now was to erase as many threats as possible and become stronger to serve her faction leader, and for that she would tear Asia's Sacred Gear from her even if it kills her, since its ability to heal was extraordinary rare.

Of course, Issei wasn't going to stand still and let Asia die, so he throwed himself at Raynare, who easily defended herself.

–A mere human couldn't do anything to a supernatural being like me. You may be a demon now, but you're still just as weak, even with that Twice Critical– Raynare looked at Issei over his shoulder as he lay on the ground. –Do me a favor, and stay down there, you can't do anything to change the situation, you're nothing but a nuisance– Issei looked up to see Raynare, who was on her back heading towards Asia, ready to extract her Sacred Gear.

It was useless, he couldn't save anyone, he never could. He couldn't save his brothers in arms back then and now he can't save an innocent girl. History repeated itself in front of him, constantly, over and over again. Is it inevitable? "No matter how much the world is destroyed and rebuilt over and over again, there will always be people like that. People who abuse their power over others." That was a fact Issei already knew, but he still found it frustrating. When he was just an infant, he dreamed of being a knight and a hero who would protect the weak, those who couldn't defend themselves from the monsters that inhabited his world. But as time passed, he realized that his true enemy wasn't the inhuman beasts that attacked the villages, but the humans themselves, whose minds were capable of crimes infinitely more twisted than those of the monsters.

And now, that same twisted mind was going to snatch the gift of life from someone whose only sin was trusting someone else, and he could do nothing to prevent it...


He couldn't give up. He wasn't going to give up. The last time he did his world and those that came after it suffered the consequences of his weak will. But no more.

Issei struggled up from the ground, his whole body ached, Raynare's attack had probably broken several bones, but that didn't matter to him. Even if his broken bones would tear his organs from the inside, he wasn't going to give in, not anymore.

Raynare noticed how Issei stood up and slowly made his way towards her, who, annoyed to see how this pain in the ass wouldn't give up, stood there waiting for Issei to collapse from his wounds on the way. What she didn't expect was the emerald light coming from Issei's gauntlet, her Sacred Gear, and a voice coming from it.


Before she could process what was happening, Issei was already in front of her, his knuckles buried in her face before sending her flying into the wall, cracking it and causing Raynare to spit blood from the impact, not to mention the blood pouring out of her, now broken, nose.

A punch from the true form of his Sacred Gear was all it took to end the fight. Coincidentally, at that precise moment Kiba and Koneko arrived, who had taken care of the exorcists and were now about to attend Issei and free Asia. The latter, when freed, ran to Issei to cure him amidst cries of gratitude, concern and happiness. Soon Rias and Akeno also arrived, bringing with them the defeated companions of the defeated, helpless and frustrated Raynare.

–Issei... your Sacred Gear– Rias' remark made everyone look at Issei's gauntlet that had changed shape. It was now a much more ostentatious gauntlet, crimson red in color and with an emerald gem in the center. –I see... so she never had a chance...– Rias spoke to herself before turning to Raynare and asking. –Do you know what Sacred Gear that is? – Raynare looked confused.

–It's a Twice Critical, isn't it?

–It isn't just that, it's the Boosted Gear– the mere mention of that name made everyone but Asia and Issei look surprised.

–The what? – asked Issei, without giving it much importance.

–The Boosted Gear, one of the most powerful Sacred Gears, created from the Dragon of Domination, Ddraig Goch– for Issei that meant nothing, but the frustration on Raynare's face, knowing the opportunity she had in front of her and missed, was enough for him to understand that this was something important. –So Issei, you asked me to leave them alive, I guess you have something in mind for them, right?– Rias changed the subject quickly, anxious to get these four meddlers off her back, who were on the floor, as frustrated as they were terrified of what was happening to them.

–Right, I almost forgot about it– Issei turned to Raynare and approached her. At that moment, she changed her appearance to that of Yuma and even modulated her voice.

–Issei, please forgive me, I know I did terrible things, but being a fallen angel I had no choice– Yuma's innocent voice didn't bring peace to anyone, rather, it only infuriated Issei's friends for her low attempt at manipulate him. Yet Issei didn't even flinch. He crouched down to Raynare's height to get closer to her, then put his hand on her shoulder. It was big and heavy, the memory of the punch from a little while ago surged in Raynare's mind and made her afraid of that hand could do next.

–Please, have some dignity. If you're going to die, it's better to die as the great and proud Raynare-sama, don't you think?– the warm smile on Issei's face made Raynare feel strangely safe, even though he was telling her that she was about to die. Maybe it was because the pride inside her gave Issei reason. What was she doing begging for her life? She was the great Raynare-sama, proud to be a fallen angel, and Azazel's future right hand. When had she become such a coward? She couldn't fall so low as to plead with mere demons. If she was to die, she would die with dignity and pride in her race!

So it was that she returned to her real appearance, her head lowered, awaiting her death. Issei smiled again, this time not with warmth, but with hope. He stood up again and said:

–I believe in second chances...– he paused and turned to Asia –...and I'm sure Asia does too– he turned again to Raynare, who was now looking him in the eyes. –So, get out of here and be sure to tell whoever sent you, that if he doesn't want to start a war, I would advise him not to stick his nose where it isn't wanted– not only his companions, but the fallen were surprised and, above all, relieved. –And if for some reason you come back and hurt someone innocent again...– his voice suddenly lost life, he was no longer giving an inspiring speech.... –...I will make sure to burn you alive while I rip your wings off... feather... by... feather– ...it was a death threat to the fallen who ran through their whole body like a shiver as they watched his eyes turn black, completely devoid of light. It felt as if they were standing in front of Pandora's box about to open. –Now leave before my mistress disintegrate you– he repeated in a much calmer tone.

Receiving the pass to leave, the four fallen angels soon disappeared in a magical circle.

–Well, that settles it…

After that, the group left the church, not before Rias offered Asia a position as the first bishop of her peerage. Partly out of a selfless desire to help her now that she had nowhere to go, and partly because, despite not being a fighter, her healing power was extremely rare and useful. To which Asia agreed...

Just to be by Issei's side.

End Chapter 2: The Beginning