
Alter DxD

A re-telling of the events we already know, but in a world that it's not exactly the same. An Issei that, despite still being Issei, has lived through much more than any other sane person has ever done. Being hunted by the mistakes of his past life, he'll try seek redemtion by helping everyone arround him find happiness in this world unknown to him. And along the path, you'll see that this world is also unknown to you. (Cover image by sekka)

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3 Chs


With the fallen angels defeated and some semblance of peace coming back to Issei's life, what was next was to introduce Asia to her new life as an incarnated demon. Rias was quick to help Asia entering Kuoh's academy as a student, while Issei offered his house as Asia's new home, at least for the time being. At first Asia was somewhat nervous about meeting the parents of the one she considered, in more ways than one, her savior, but that tension was quickly dissipated upon arriving and being received by two welcoming smiles.

–We have an extra room, you can stay there Asia-chan– Issei's parents, with their imposing statures, welcomed Asia with open arms. Issei's mother quickly guided Asia through the house and show her new room with enthusiasm while Issei's father took care of her luggage.

–Thank you very much, Miki-san– the woman's excitement was contrasted by the shyness of the girl, who, although still somewhat nervous, was happy to be welcomed in such a way.

–Please, call me oka-san– the sudden and cheerful answer from Issei's mother, Miki, made both Asia and Issei turn as red as tomatoes.

–MOM!– Issei, like an embarrassed teenager, caught his mother's attention.

–Excuse her Asia...– Issei's father, Gorou, on the other hand, was much calmer than his wife, while still looking happy for the presence of the guest. –Please understand that we always wanted to have a daughter besides our little Issei– with a serenity and authority that matched his position, Issei's father demonstrated in a way some of the more authoritative attributes in his son's personality. –That said, could you also call me otto-san?

–DAD!– that authority vanished as quickly as it came.

–Otto...– Asia's shy whisper caught the attention of the others present as she tried to pronounce those words –otto... san– drawing a side-to-side smile on his face, Gorou rushed to embrace Asia.

–Yes, Asia-chan?– he lifted Asia off the ground in a cozy bear hug, probably the warmest and most affectionate hug she had ever received.

–Honey, don't do that, you'll crush her...– Miki moved closer to her husband as he lowered the blonde, only for his wife to embrace her in a much more delicate hug, burying Asia's face in her huge breasts because of the height difference. –...Don't feel pressured, Asia. We're just glad to be able to welcome someone into our family as a daughter...– Miki's warm motherly words were soothing to Asia, any tension in her body she might have felt from the nervousness of meeting Issei's parents quickly disappeared as if she was hearing the voice of her mother before going to sleep.

–Oka-san...– Asia didn't know why Issei's parents were so happy to welcome a complete stranger to their family, but her innocent and pure heart could only attribute it to the infinite kindness Issei-san had shown her and that he had surely inherited from them.

Asia returned the woman's embrace, not wanting to part from her, not wanting this moment to ever end. Asia was an orphan from the cradle, she had never felt the warmth and love of a family, all she had was the recurring coldness of the convents to which she was constantly transferred. But that life was over, she would no longer have to run away, she would no longer have to obey the orders of evil people. Now she would have friends to share with, and a family that loved her unconditionally, and all this thanks to Issei-san.

And Asia would never forget it....

— — • — —

Now that Rias knew exactly what kind of Sacred Gear Issei had, she now could make a training adjusted to his needs regarding the newly found Boosted Gear. With that in mind, she putted him on a morning training regimen to increased his physical strength and resistance so he could, at least, withstand the power of his scarlet gauntlet. Not wanting to depend more than necessary on that elder power that flowed through his veins, Issei putted all of his effort into the training from the beginning. And Rias, who could only see him working his ass off for no apparent reason other than to serve her, found it charming.

Yet, Issei wasn't the only one that needed to get stronger. Asia, while having the unbelievable valuable power of healing, was also extremely vulnerable and, unlike Issei, she didn't have any weapon to defend herself or a way to increase her physical faculties. Realizing that, Rias came up with a solution: a familiar that worked as a bodyguard for Asia.

Issei was knowledgeable of the concept of familiar, yet he soon realized that nothing he knew about them applied to this world's definition of them. In this world, familiars were small and for the most part, weak creatures meant to serve demons like pet-like slaves. For a demon, a familiar was a requirement, and, even if they were weak at the beginning, they could become stronger and their power could increase a become as powerful as demon, and if not, they could develop an ability that could be useful. To get a familiar one has to wait until full moon, then the passage to the Familiar Forest will open and you will be able to form a pact with only one familiar.

Because of that restriction a small inconvenient occurred. Sona Sitri, high-class demon, Rias' oldest childhood friend and student council president, also needed a familiar for her news servants. With her peerage being the entirety of the student council, Sona pretty much ran the school, yet her position didn't get in the way of the childish attitudes between she and her oldest, best friend. And to solve the dispute of who was going to get the right to get a familiar for their servant, Rias and Sona decided to play a game of dodgeball between their peerages. But, even when they gave a good fight, the result at the end was Rias' victory, getting a passage to the Familiar Forest for her peerage and allowing Asia to get a blue, cute, little lightning dragon the size of squirrel.

But Asia wasn't the only one to get a companion, as during the night of that very day, the consciousness of the soul trapped within the Boosted Hear started to wake up, giving Issei the chance to meet Ddraig Goch, the Red Dragon Emperor which power was sealed in the scarlet gauntlet. Although their first meeting was brief, both the warrior and the dragon seem to understand each other very well, forming a relationship of mutual respect.

— — • — —

As the days went by, Issei and Asia would form bonds with their fellow peerage members and learn to fight side by side as a team. This would culminate abruptly one night when Rias suddenly appeared in Issei's room with an unusual request: to take her virginity. Issei was understandably shocked, Rias was saying strange things that made no sense to Issei as he took off his clothes, and they both might have missed their first time if not for the interruption of Rias' brother's queen, Grayfia. After her arrival, a small argument between the redhead and the silver-haired girl ensued only for them both to leave afterwards. Issei wouldn't come to understand anything until a day later.

It turns out that Rias was engaged against her will to the heir of one of the families of the underworld, Riser Phenex, of the Phenex family. Issei could feel the disgust of Rias and not only of her but of all her sempais at the presence of that bastard, and it was no wonder. The man lacked any respect for anything, he even called his entourage just to make Rias see his superiority in terms of his pieces and, of course, to play with his queen's breasts in front of everyone.

Issei couldn't help but see in Riser a nobleman from his old world. Nasty individuals who took what they wanted, destroying everything in their path, regardless of the consequences and always getting away with it completely unpunished. So much arrogance, so much childishness with a power over others without control or consequences, always ended in tragedy for those that didn't deserve it.

Faced with the hostility and refusal of the Gremory heiress to marry, Grayfia raised the idea of a Rating Game, if Rias won, she would get rid of the commitment, to which both accepted, Riser because he wanted to destroy the will of Rias, and Rias because he wanted to get rid of this commitment that tied her.

After the announcement that the Rating Game would be held in 10 days, Rias and his entourage went to a Gremory property near Kuoh where, mostly, Kiba, Koneko and Akeno would train Issei in different aspects of his strength with the Boosted Gear and thus have the advantage of a trained Sekiryuutei fighting alongside them. The first to train Issei was Kiba, who being an expert swordsman and with a physical strength superior to Issei, instructed him in sword duels... or at least intended to instruct him, but he was completely unable to disarm Issei, who, although he looked slow at first, soon caught up and surpassed Kiba as his ancient sword skills were refreshed in his mind. Next to train him was Koneko, who took on Issei in bare-knuckle bouts. While Issei wasn't as skilled in this type of combat as he was in a sword duel, that didn't mean he was weak by any means. Being that, even with his extensive experience in close combat, and the overwhelming strength and speed that Koneko carried, the knowledge of martial arts that Issei had been taught in the past was enough to not lose a single fight against his partner, making use of specialized keys to use the opponent's strength against herself. Finally, it was Akeno's turn to teach both Asia and Issei the basics of magic and how to use it. Asia, being a normal girl whose contact with magic was null, learned at an expected pace, understanding little by little the operation and execution of spells, and how to use her Prime Energy, the very energy of the soul that is used as fuel for witchcraft. On the other hand, Issei, already knowing beforehand the workings of magic, and with an almost perfect control over his own energy, only had to relearn the new language by which spells were cast in this new world.

When his companions reasonably asked for explanations, Issei never gave a satisfactory answer, if he even gave an answer at all. Understanding that perhaps Issei held secrets that were none of their concern, the others decided to ignore the source of Issei's unusual abilities until he himself decided what he should tell them. However, among all, the only one who started to be more careful with Issei, even if she didn't show it, was Akeno, who during her training with aura control could feel for a brief moment an energy strange to her coming from Issei. An energy that alarmed her without really knowing why, as if it were her primal instinct of survival warning her of something.

After her training with her teammates, Issei focused on understanding how the Booted Gear worked and perfecting it. Thanks to the research Rias had done, she managed to find the bases by which the Booted Gear was used. According to her, Issei's Sacred Gear has the ability to multiply the user's physical attributes and magical power. As a consequence, it was important to have a trained body, as performing "augmentations", as she called it, put a great strain on the body and could render the user immobile due to the overexertion of their muscles. With that in mind, Issei dedicated himself to training little by little with the Boosted Gear's augmentations, getting his body used to them and thus being able to raise the weight he could exert on his body. Thanks to that training, Issei managed to achieve a 12-fold increase in record time.

During that training, he also demonstrated a skill he had been practicing for the past few days: Royal Guard, which was a martial art combined with a bit of magical power that could block, absorb and return any attack be it magical or physical. And, while his friends were surprised that Issei had been able to develop a martial art like that, he knew that really all he had done was stimulate the memories in his head to remember it, and that the credit for creating it really belonged to someone much more talented than him. But for Rias, who was completely ignorant of Issei's secrets, his outstanding performance was a way of showing her that he was serious, and that he would give up his life in order to win the victory for her, which generated a deep feeling of gratitude in him…

— — • — —

–Thank you Ise, for trying so hard for me– Rias and Issei were outside the building where they were staying. Night had already fallen and the moon rose round and bright. –Even though I am your mistress and you have to fight for me, you go to much greater lengths than I imagined, and for that I thank you– Rias was bathed in moonlight making her look much more beautiful than she already was.

–You said it, it's my duty– said Issei, modestly. –Besides... I can't just stand by and watch when someone is suffering, especially over something as serious as an arranged marriage.

–It isn't just about marriage– Rias corrected. –I mean... yes, I don't want to marry Riser, but it's also about what he represents– her gaze turned to the moon as melancholy fell over her words. –All my life I was always seen as "The heiress of the Gremory clan", and even though I'm proud of my family, it's frustrating. No one praises me or wants me because of who I am, or my accomplishments, or my qualities, everyone praises me because Gremory blood runs in my veins, and I hate it– frustration and desperation grew with every word she spat out of her mouth like poison. –I've never accomplished anything, I've never done anything worth recognition, and yet I'm adored unconditionally. I feel like I'm a useless pretty doll who hasn't achieved anything and doesn't deserve what she has– Rias clenched her fist and looked directly at Issei. –That's why my dream is to earn that recognition, my dream is to become the number 1 champion of the Rating Games so everyone will see me for who I am, and for what I have achieved.

In those moments, when they both crossed glances, Issei could see Rias' passion in her eyes, her determination to succeed, to prove herself worthy. That burning passion that Issei hadn't seen in eons, that love that he had lost twice, that woman that now stood before him for a third time, and that this time, he would not lose her again.

–Then I will help you– answered him, with a confident smile on his face. –Not only as your servant, but as a man and a warrior, I will be your sword against your enemies, Rias– she was surprised at the unexpected statement. –I won't falter and I won't give up, as long as you lead the way, I will follow you. I will be the railing you lean on to climb this ladder, and if you fall, I will be there to pick you up– Rias was now the one who was moved by Issei's words. Now she knew she hadn't been wrong about him. That strange feeling of familiarity and security she had felt when she first saw him through the window of the club were now justified, this was the man she had been looking for, someone who would see her for who she truly is and stand by her to the end.

With that warm feeling growing in her heart, and with the confidence that Issei had radiated, she now felt that she had a chance against Riser and that they would undoubtedly win.

— — • — —


Despite having blocked and dodged every attack, despite having knocked down all his opponents without receiving a scratch, despite having unlocked a new Boosted Gear ability, despite finishing in front of the enemy king with his strength at full strength, Issei's own overconfidence caused him to fall without a chance, he had multiplied his power too much, more than necessary, but enough for his body to be completely exhausted by the energy drain.

Rias had given up watching Riser pummel a helpless Issei, and he blamed himself for that. After filling his mouth with how he would take her to the top, he ended up tripping on the first step and now Rias would pay the consequences.

However, a second opportunity presented itself in the form of Grayfia. She, by order of her king, handed a paper with a transport circle to Issei. Now he had the chance to go to the ceremony for the wedding of Rias and Riser and save her, but if it was now, it was possible that he would be forced to take extreme measures.

–You are going to go, right?– Asia, having overheard the conversation and almost completely aware of the situation, asked Issei. Her view of him was a heroic one, she couldn't concede the possibility that the person who saved her from that miserable life and for whom she held a deep appreciation and affection would give up.

–I'm questioning it– he replied, somewhat resigned.

–You have to go, Rias-onee-sama will suffer a lot if you don't!– Issei remained silent and closed his eyes. He wanted to save Rias, he had to save Rias, but he wasn't sure if he would be able to. If the power of the Boosted Gear wasn't enough, then he would be forced to use his true power, but just like in the fight with the exorcist, he wasn't sure if he would be able to raise his fist in that state.

–Tell me, Asia, you...– Issei's voice hesitated, the question he was about to ask his already adopted sister was something he had had in his mind for as long as he could remember, and yet he was never really sure of the answer. –Do you believe that anyone can be good? That even the worst person can change... if they are willing to?– Issei's voice was sad, melancholic rather. It felt as if that question was a huge burden that Issei carried on his back every day.

–Why do you ask me that?– asked Asia, reasonably confused.

–Do you believe it?– he reiterated, to which Asia, convinced of his words, replied.

–Yes… I believe there is salvation for anyone, that's why I didn't say anything when you let Raynare go, I also had faith that they would change…– in her words there was an immense purity. Issei didn't know Asia all that well, despite having told him her story, he didn't really know what she had gone through, so her words couldn't avoid to feel a little empty, belonging to someone who hadn't seem to have seen the true cruelty of the world. But that didn't matter to him, someone else telling him that was all he needed.

–Thank you, Asia– the weight in his words was still there, but the determination had grown in him again. –Now if you excuse me, I have to go, Rias is waiting for me– he said and then used the magic circle.

— — • — —

This was starting to get ridiculous. Issei could feel the hard floor of the arena on his back while in front of him was Riser, ready to give him the coup de grace. As he had told Asia, Issei burst into Rias' engagement ceremony, as he entered that great hall many guards surrounded him, but he easily knocked them all out with a speed that impressed more than one for a mere low-class demon. Issei was already ready to go to beat Riser to a pulp when Rias' brother, Sirzechs Lucifer, one of the 4 rulers of the underworld, made an appearance along with his queen. He proposed a duel to settle this dispute: Riser VS Issei, Phenex VS Dragon. Neither objected and so they were transported to a coliseum in a pocket dimension.

Issei surprised everyone by demonstrating his newly acquired Balance Breaker, the reward for giving his left arm to the dragon within him. However, the Balance Breaker would only last 10 seconds, time in which he seriously wounded Riser but failed to defeat him.

And so we ended up in this situation.

–Say good-bye, you little shit!– Riser's confidence was due to the fact that his wounds had disappeared, a product of his Phenex regeneration, an ability in his family that gives him a pseudo immortality.

–ISSEEEEEEEI!– Rias shouted in desperation as she saw Riser hit Issei on the ground, raising a cloud of dust that prevented the vision of the two opponents for the rest of the audience.

Silence reigned for a few seconds, all that could be heard was the faint echo of Rias' scream. Most of the spectators, nobles from the high society of the demons, already sensed the outcome of the fight. Those who did not, clung to an unfounded hope that Issei was still standing. They themselves knew it was an impossible wish. An absolutely illogical hope, born of a fantasy that would never be fulfilled. After all, Issei was already on the ground defeated. And yet, once the smoke cleared, there they saw him:

Cough* cough*

Riser had completely disappeared, in his place was Issei, standing, as if his wounds didn't hurt. His cough didn't seem to be due to his wounds either, from the gestures of his hand, brushing the dust away from his face, it seemed that his cough was due to the curtain of dust that was slowly clearing.

–Issei? – Rias asked, as relieved as she was confused.

–Where is Oni-sama?– the second question came from Riser's younger sister, Ravel. To which Issei, still coughing as she continued to brush the dust from her face, pointed away from him, more precisely, in a part of the bleachers away from the audience. When the spectators followed Issei's finger, they saw a mutilated body, with several holes in his body from which parts of his organs were coming out. That individual was obviously Riser, but they didn't come to that conclusion because they recognized him, to tell the truth, his face was unrecognizable due to the hole in the middle of his face, completely deforming it. The only way they could recognize him was by logic and the remains of the clothes he was wearing.

If it were anyone else, Riser would already be a corpse, but as a member of the Phenex family, his regeneration would take care of making him as good as new, although that didn't mean it would be any less painful. And even with those, damage of that degree would take a while to regenerate, so....

–This fight is over– as if provoked by Sirzches' words, the stadium began to collapse, bringing an end to that little pocket dimension. While Riser was being carried by Ravel out of the coliseum, Issei fell into Koneko's arms, only to be thrown into Rias' arms.

–Issei... my Issei – Rias' words denoted, not only relief, but also a deep affection for her hero as she shed a few small strands of tears around her cheeks.

— — • — —

The starry night of the underworld was truly romantic. That was what Sirzechs thought as he watched Rias and Issei ride away on the back of a griffin from the small castle where the ceremony that Issei had just interrupted was taking place. Both he and his queen, Grayfia, were pleased to see how Rias had escaped this entanglement in which the patriarchs of both families had lied to her and Riser. Fortunately, this event had been witnessed by both of them, and now the regret of both in carrying out such a thing was noticeable.

But that wasn't what Sirzechs wanted to discuss.

–Grayfia, you saw that, didn't you?– his tone was stern, authoritative, worthy of a Maou from the underworld.

–Yes, although it was only for a second...– Grayfia took the matter at hand as a serious matter, and it wasn't for less, after all, it had happened so fast that only she and her master had come to see it.

–I could see it clearly: Riser undoubtedly hit Issei with everything he had, but at that very instant Issei squeezed Riser's wrist as if it were a branch and then.... ...Riser was shot out...

–Judging from Riser's wounds, Issei hit him several times, however...– Sirzechs' gaze sharpened as they saw Issei in the distance with perfect clarity despite being miles away. –I didn't see any of his blows....

–When Hyoudou counterattacked, I felt a dangerous... aura– Grayfia, who was known for being completely straight and cool with her maid work, restrained herself from saying something less professional. –It was only an instant, but it made my skin crawl.

–Yes... and it wasn't just that, his eyes... his iris was completely black, I couldn't tell it apart from her pupil. It was as if... it consumed all the light it touched– Sirzechs paused, trying unsuccessfully to analyze the situation that had arisen, to which he could only laugh. –Heh heh... Hyoudou Issei, you are more interesting than I expected.

As Sirzechs and Grayfia's conversation continued, Issei and Rias flied on the griffin. To which Rias looked at Issei, more specifically, at his arm.

–You idiot…. you lost your arm to me– despite his victory, Rias broken voice reflected her pain at the price Issei had to pay: his arm.

–The sacrifice was worth it… Besides, that we ended up in this situation was my fault– Issei didn't seem to give the least importance to the loss of his arm, rather he saw it as a punishment for his mistake during the Rating Game.

–But no one knows if this will be the last one, maybe another offer will come and I'll…

–Then I'll give my other arm, my eye, and whatever it takes to save you– Issei didn't seem to care at all about what he was implying.

–Issei...– Rias had his eyes lost in Issei's face, who only looked straight ahead with absolute certainty.

–Because I promised you that I would take you to the chasm, and that's what I will do.... Rias– at that moment Rias kissed Issei in a beautiful and tender first kiss, which Issei reciprocated.

— — • — —

In the following days things were calm, Rias had decided that she would live in Issei's house which surprised not only him but also her parents who were more than happy to have Rias at home, especially because they already knew from the first moment who she really was.

After that, everything returned to the relative tranquility of a demon's life. The group continued with their tasks, defeating renegade demons and fulfilling contracts. And of course, training, to become stronger for the future battles that were to come.

But this time it was different. Before Issei did this simply because it was his obligation as a demon, but now it was different. Now he was doing it to help his beloved fulfill her dream. A dream that in the past had been broken by her own death, but now, perhaps by fate or mere luck, she had another chance to achieve it and Issei would be there beside her, to see her succeed and reach the top.

Not because I promised you, but because I love you, and this time I promise to protect you, even if it costs me my life.... Mio, even if you no longer remember that name.

–Congratulations on your victory– his father's words didn't surprise Issei very much.

–I should have known you'd be watching me....

–How did it feel to use your power again? – Issei looked down at his hands, reflective.

–I could barely control myself, it was only a few moments, but I could feel my consciousness becoming more clouded. I just wanted to hit him once and end the fight, but by the time I realized it, I had already torn him to shreds.

–The more you use it, the more your mind and body will get used to you using more and more power... but you already know that... so why don't you train?

–You know what happened the last time someone with this power lost control... or have you already forgotten?

–5 worlds consumed... yes... I remember...

End Chapter 3: Commitments

Known Public Knowledge: Magic

Magical energy and magic itself are two different things. Magical energy, or Prime Energy, is the energy that a soul possesses. It can manifest in different forms such as mana, ki, chakra, demonic power, sacral power, etc. These energies are ways in which the body, and various objects, interpret the Prime Energy and project it through different types of training or the race one is born into. For example, the power of destruction. That energy is unique to the Bael family and manifests through an extremely destructive force.

The most similar thing that exists to the relationship of Prime Energy and its different variations are the martial arts: all martial arts are practiced and trained in different ways, focusing on certain bases and leaving others aside, but at the end of the day, they all train your muscles, making you stronger. Magical energy and the different types of energy are the same, where powers like ki or sacral energy are martial arts, Prime Energy is muscle.

When a new soul is born, it arises from the concentrated essences of one or more individuals. The more Prime Energy the parents possess, the greater the concentration of the essences, and the greater the concentration, the greater the Prime Energy of the new individual. In spite of this, there are particular cases in which a soul can be born with less Prime Energy than it is entitled to.

However, in spite of being born with a determined amount of Prime Energy, this amount can increase or decrease. The way it works is as follows:

If someone possesses a Prime Energy of 100. This means that he will only be able to use those 100 units of Prime Energy before he has to rest and wait for his soul to generate those 100 units again. However, the more Prime Energy is spent and the more the soul gets used to generate more and more energy, the more this 100 limit will slowly increase. In the same way, if the Prime Energy isn't used for a long time, the soul will slowly lose its capacity to generate energy.

As you may notice, Prime Energy isn't governed by the law of conservation of energy, and the truth is that in the same way that Prime Energy can be created, it can also be destroyed. Prime Energy requires constant contact with a soul in order to exist, if this contact is broken, (as for example in a magical attack) the energy will slowly be destroyed because it cannot exist without the contact with a soul. Even if it is used by transforming it into electrical or heat energy, its nature won't change and it will follow the same course towards its destruction.

Magic itself is a branch of science that studies the manipulation of the elements that make up the world and its phenomena through magical functions, similar to mathematical functions, making use of the Prime Energies as fuel for these magical processes and using the user's own understanding of the phenomena he is provoking as an amplifier.

This process of creating paranormal phenomena involving magical formulas, the user's energy and his own knowledge of the world is called spellcasting.

Just as mathematical functions are formed by arithmetic, magical functions are formed by primordial languages. Primordial languages aren't like the traditional languages with which living beings communicate; these special languages base their foundations on logic and reasoning, similar to mathematics, and their purposes are to define and understand reality, rather than to communicate with other individuals. Due to their rigid and direct nature, these languages have the property of being able to be imbued in Prime Energy and that this produces, through its meaning, paranormal phenomena. Thus, in reality, what we call magical formulas could be interpreted as sentences of these primordial languages.

The most predominant way in the present time to make use of the magical functions is through the magic circles, where formulas of enormous complexity can be embodied, even to the point of being able to combine several primordial languages. However, there are also other ways of dictating and executing formulas with their pros and cons. Alternatives such as incantations aloud, scrolls, runes, etc..

A clear example of this are the runes, which have the particularity of being a raw primordial language. This means that runes are a primordial language with the particularity that, instead of using "sentences" to create spells, it has "words" entirely dedicated to entire spells. They are therefore very effective for executing simple spells quickly, but when it comes to executing medium to highly complex magic, several runes must be accumulated, which ends up making it very energy-consuming and slow to invoke.

Magic circles, on the other hand, are very effective for executing spells of medium to high complexity. This is due to their ability to accommodate different types of languages (including runes), as well as more complex formulas, and to be able to execute them with greater efficiency and speed. However, due to their complexity, circles are also much more difficult to learn to use, execute and memorize.

This variation of creating magic formulas is a product of the variety of primordial languages that exist around the world, product of the different cultures and their different ways of approaching magic, forming different ways of creating magic formulas, which, like their primordial languages, have different pros and cons, resulting in strengths and weaknesses, so that there really is no definitive form of magic, but there are several options that users have to learn to use to their advantage.

But as we mentioned before, magic functions are only a part of magic. When it comes to executing a spell, it also requires a base to work on and the Prime Energy and the user's understanding of the phenomena he or she is causing.

To begin with, every magical function requires a base on which to work. Example: if a magic user wishes to generate steam, he would need to use some other base matter, be it a liquid, such as water, or air itself, and by means of the spell, convert that base matter into steam. But don't limit yourself to natural phenomena, with a little more energy, a spell as simple as that could also convert metals, rocks, or even lava, into steam, although in that case the formula would have to be modified since the process wouldn't necessarily be the same. Because of this last detail, it is very important to know what bases can be used in a spell, since using an inappropriate base can cause unpredictable results that, in the worst case, could cause fatal accidents.

But a spell by itself cannot work, it requires fuel to be able to perform the processes for which it was formulated, for that, it must be imbued with Prime Energy, regardless of the type it is. The amount of energy required varies on two factors, the complexity and magnitude of the spell. Suppose we want to turn a bottle of water into steam, being an incredibly simple reaction, the magical function itself to create the phenomenon is, likewise, very basic, therefore, the amount of Prime Energy it requires is negligible. However, if we wanted to turn an entire ocean into steam, the amount of Prime Energy would be vastly greater as the spell would be performed on a much larger scale.

On the other hand, if we wanted to turn lead into gold, the complexity of the magical function would be much greater, since it is a phenomenon that is no longer even natural. Because of that complexity, the amount of Prime Energy required is much greater, and if on top of that we apply the energy increment for much larger scales, the amount of energy required becomes ridiculous.

A factor that also comes into play is the user's own understanding of the phenomena it causes. Just as in quantum physics, the observer of quantum phenomena eventually alters their product, in magic, the user's thoughts also influence the effectiveness of his spells. If the user knows in depth the process the spell is performing, the amount of energy required to perform the spell is greatly reduced, on the other hand, if the user is completely unaware of the workings or purpose of the spell they are performing, it will consume much more energy.

Finally, one particular circumstance that greatly affects the amount of energy required is the nature of the base being worked with. If the base of a spell is organic the amount of energy it would require would be much greater than a spell with an inorganic base. This is one of the main reasons why magic users capable of healing are so rare, and why, instead, that task is delegated to specific devices or substances with special properties.

At the last part, after the end of the chapter, there is a small lore dump describing some of the changes to the universe of DxD regerding this fic. From this point foward, there will be this small world building text at the end of some chapters. They aren't necessary to understand the story, but if you really like deep lore stuff and worldbuilding, then prehaps you'll find them interesting.

IgnachoIXcreators' thoughts