
Chapter 8-02

"So, you don’t talk much?" Nate asked.

"I guess not," I replied, attempting and failing in concentrating on my assignment.

"Why did you laugh at Layton?" I asked Nate.

Since he’d struck up a conversation first, I figured I could ask.

"I wasn’t laughing at him. I was laughing to myself, at something he did," he replied, giving me a smug look.

I stared at Nate, not amused by his comment.

"Let’s just say we differ in ideas," he tried explaining.

"Whose ideas are right?" I questioned.

His comment wasn’t making any sense to me, but I had to admit I was intrigued.

"I think ours are, but I might be biased," he admitted, grinning.

Micah chuckled at him and continued doing his work.

"When you say ‘ours’, who are you talking about?"

"Hmm… I guess I’m talking about Micah, Zev, me, and a few other friends," he explained, looking at me expectantly.