
Chapter 76-04

When I walked into gym, the coach was playing basketball with the team. I figured we would have a free period, but at least I’d get a grade for changing. Layton and the guys were in their usual spot at one side of the gym. Zev was in the opposite side, all the way at the top.

He waved as soon as he saw me and I made my way up the bleachers.

"Looks like another free period," I told Zev as I took a seat next to him.

"Don’t we always have free period in this class?" Zev asked, chuckling.

"At least I’m going to pass. You and that lot over there," I said pointing at Layton, Tyler, Nick, and Jared, "are going to fail at the rate you’re going."

"Why would that be?"

"Uh, how about because I haven’t seen any of you change since I transferred to this school," I replied, raising my eyebrows, knowing I was right.

"What’s your point?" Zev asked me, pretending to be confused.